Fave TV Show: The Amazing Race. I find it quite interesting how couples turn on each other towards the final of the show.
What quality that’s characteristic of your star sign is definitely you? Honesty – hate lies, I always try to live my life with integrity, I believe in family, family values and the rituals of family. Artistic – love to draw.
Fave TV theme tune: The Apprentice, great sound also very appropriate for the show and reminds me of my childhood.
Dream holiday destination: Definitely Kazanlak – Bulgaria, been there early 1990’s during their rose festival which they have in summer. Beautiful part of the country, beautiful people and at that time you see roses galore. Everything smells of roses - you get rose wine, special little wooden containers with rose perfume, rose festivals, they also had a Miss Rose competition. It was absolutely glorious to be there at that time. Wouldn't mind going back.
Fave actor/ actress: Definitely Daniel Day Lewis. I like his ability to totally BE the character he plays. He totally transcends himself.
If you were an animal, which would you be? Maybe a cat, at the moment I feel I am in need of a holiday, yes, it would be good to be a cat right now … lying around doing absolutely nothing would be very satifying right now.
Do you believe in ghosts? No.
What’s on your bedside table right this moment? Lavender scented candle. I love candelight and enjoy the ambiance of candelight in my bedroom, the scent of lavender gives me that feeling of utter peace and relaxation.
Your most valuable possession: Myself - if I don't take care of myself I won't be able to take care of my loved ones.
The highlight of your day: Supper time with my family, we get to talk about the day and share some quiet time.