Broadcast Details
Show: The Oprah Winfrey Show
Date: Monday, 10 July - Friday 14 July 2006
Time: 16h00
11h00 (Repeated the following day)
Channel: SABC 3
Vanessa Williams, Aged 12 |
Tuesday 18 July
The 3-Year-Old Obsessed With Her Looks
She's only 3-years old and obsessed with her looks. Then, just 4…and terrified of getting fat. Could you be poisoning your daughter's mind and not know it?
Why are some children obsessed with their looks? A warning for all mothers
Phylicia Rashad and Vanessa Williams reveal their own childhood insecurities.
Wednesday 19 July: Female Teachers, Young Boys, Secret Sex at SchoolHow would you feel if your son was having sex with his teacher? The headlines won't go away.
Thursday 20 July:
Does My Butt Look Big?
Look taller and leaner just by what you wear. Shrink your butt with the perfect pair of black pants, the best khakis for your body, and more.
Books: Dress Your Best: The Complete Guide To Finding The Style That's Right For Your Body by Clinton Kelly and Stacy London.
Friday 22 July:
A Father Faces the Teen Who Killed His Family
One man's wife and daughter were killed. Now, he faces the teen who's responsible. Also, a terrifying trend is sweeping the nation. Learn about a "game" that's killing kids before it's too late.