During an interview with
Jay Leno on
The Tonight Show last Thursday, actor Colin Farrell was accosted by an "insane" woman from the audience, who had to be escorted out by security.
According to gossip show Access Hollywood the woman was identified as Dessarae Bradford, who recently unsuccessfully sued Farrell in small claims court, claiming he was stalking her.
You read that right. Colin Farrell - international celebrity - is stalking Dessarae Bradford, unknown nutjob from Nowhereville.
Bradford alleged in her lawsuit that Farrell stalked her with obscene phonecalls and text messages. She appeared on a show called Lie Detector in order to prove her claim ... and failed her lie detector test.
Now she's composed her own song called 'Colin Farrell Is My B*tch', which contains the following deep lyrics:
"I f***ed Colin Farrell in his *ss."
Coincidentally she wrote a book a while ago, entitled "I F***ed Alec Baldwin In His *ss." Charming.

In the Tonight Show taping Bradford reportedly leapt out of the audience and headed for Farrell, yelling that she was going to see him in court.
Farrell stood up calmly as security whisked her away, shouting after her: "You're insane!"
The actor has since filed a restraining order against Bradford, citing the studio invasion as proof that she's getting more dangerous.
"I am concerned that her harassing behaviour has escalated and may pose an immediate threat to my well-being and the well-being of my family," he wrote in an affadavit.
The incident will be edited out of the final cut of the show.
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Bradford's MySpace profile, although beware - her Colin Farrell song loads up automatically and starts playing. Your boss might not appreciate that.