Height/Weight: 5'9" / 115 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Brown hair / Brown eyes
Hometown: Glenview, IL
Occupation: Student
Education: Currently in her third year of college, majoring in marketing and business
Self-Description: Loyal, crazy, a great personality and humble
Background: Katie has been with her boyfriend for five months, but hardly sees him since she is away at college. She has no siblings, but 2 cats.
Favorite Things: TV shows: "The Bachelor," "Friends"; Movies: "Gladiator," "The Godfather"; Music: hip-hop, pop; Foods: stir-fry, ravioli
Other Activities: Belongs to The Chicago Aids Foundation, PETA and the Kenosha Humane Society
Life Motto: Don't ever let people get in the way of your dreams.