Beach Patrol is an American reality television series originally created and developed in the mid-nineties for the Fox-TV Station Group, in which lifeguards and police work together to apprehend criminals and save lives.
The series premiered in the USA on Court TV (which later became truTV) in 2006.
Beach Patrol premiered in South Africa on TopTV's Fox FX channel on Monday 1 November 2010, at 19h00. New episodes broadcast daily, seven days a week. There are eight half-hour episodes in the first season.
This high-octane series follows US lifeguards and police as they save lives and maintain order on some of the world's most beautiful, yet treacherous beaches.
Each season focuses on a different city, including San Diego, Miami, Honolulu and Huntington Beach.
The basic outline of the show is based on real life moments of lifeguards and other beach patrol work on rescues and arrests.
Although there is not much of the footage featured in the show that involves arrests, most of the footage features rescues and finding missing personnel.