Expedition Impossible is an American adventure race reality competition television series created by Mark Burnett which follows 13 teams of three competitors each as they solve problems while racing across deserts, over mountains and through rivers across the nation of Morocco.
The first team to cross the finish line after completing the 10 stages of the competition receives $150,000.
The series aired in the USA on ABC from 23 June to 25 August, 2011. There are 10 hour-long episodes in one season.
The series originally aired in South Africa on M-Net and DStv's M-Net HD channel from 7 February to 10 April, 2012, on Tuesdays at 18h00. it later aired on DStv's Vuzu channel. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Expedition Impossible premiered on Vuzu on Sunday 27 May 2012, at 21h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Are you ready for an adventure of epic proportions? Then brace yourself for Expedition Impossible.
Thirteen three-person teams find themselves racing across vast deserts, over snow-capped mountains and through raging rivers in the beautifully exotic, fabled Kingdom of Morocco.
Each week, a new stage of the expedition will be revealed to the teams. Will they crumble under the pressure of life in the wilds, or will they find a way to work together to complete their incredible journey?
After 10 stunning legs of competition filled with drama, laughs and memorable characters, one team will cross the finish line to claim victory. Each winning team member gets $50,000 (that's $150,000 total for the team) as well a new Ford Explorer.
Expedition Impossible comes from Executive Producer Mark Burnett, whose hits include Shark Tank, Survivor and The Apprentice, just to name a few. Lisa Hennessy also serves as Executive Producer for the series.
The show promises to have lots of human drama to accompany all the high adventure.
Adventurer, zoologist, big cat trainer and all-around risk-taker Dave Salmoni hosts the show. Buckle up! This is going to be one heck of an expedition!
There are 10 hour-long episodes in one season
Season 1
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 7 Feb 2012 | Finale: 10 Apr 2012 | Tuesdays, 18h00
Channel: M-Net HD | Premiere: 7 Feb 2012 | Finale: 10 Apr 2012 | Tuesdays, 18h00
Channel: Vuzu | Premiere: 27 May 2012 | Finale: 29 Jul 2012 | Sundays, 21h00