Combat Hospital is a Canadian-British medical drama television series created by Jinder Oujla-Chalmers, Daniel Petrie, Jr. and Douglas Steinberg and set in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2006, which revolves around the life and work of doctors and nurses from the ISAF, specifically Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and other allied countries at a military hospital.
The series aired in Canada on Global from 21 June to 6 September, 2011. There are 13 hour-long episodes in one season.
Combat Hospital premiered in South Africa on DStv's M-Net Series channel on Tuesday 27 November 2012, at 21h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.
A fictional medical procedural set in 2006 at the only military hospital providing advanced surgical care in all of Southern Afghanistan.
The series charts the frantic lives of the hospital's resident doctors and nurses from Canada, America, the U.K. and other coalition countries.
This highly-charged series follows the characters as they navigate their way through the relentless life-and-death battles on the operating table, and the never-ending conflicts that arise from working in a war zone military hospital.
A Role 3 Medical Unit is the highest level of care available in Kandahar, with facilities for emergency surgery and intensive care.
Within its walls, an international team of doctors, nurses and medics deliver the best battlefield surgical care anywhere to wounded soldiers, civilians caught in the crossfire and even the enemy.