The Most Amazing Show is a South African comedy variety television series created by Louw Venter and Rob van Vuuren and based on their stage play of the same name.
The show stars Corne and Twakkie, two totally flippen cool guys. They hail from caravan parks all over the country, most notably the Duvenhage Caravan Park, where Corne was born.
They sport all the best fashion the 80's had to offer, including moustaches, mullets, and a speedo.
T*M*A*S takes place in the caravan of Corne and Twakkie, where Corne dishes out advice as The Love Captain, and guests are interviewed in the hot tub. Guest musical performances round out the show.
Previous guests include Arno Carstens ('The devil on two legs' according to Twakkie) and FreshlyGround.
The Most Amazing Show was created, written and directed by Louw Venter and Rob van Vuuren. The show was produced by Joanne Levitan and Fiona Summers for Pandamonium Productions. Music is by Nathan Redpath.