Ihawu is a South African political thriller television series created by Sechaba Morojele and produced by Provoke Entertainment which follows PhD student Sihle Dlamini who discovers a link between the deaths of five South Africans that leads her down a path of conspiracy as she finds herself up against a powerful organisation determined to destabilise the country and assassinate the president.
Her life is put in danger so she decides to feign her own death and resurface with a new identity to try to stop the heinous plot.
Will Sihle find the strength to endure all the challenges thrown against her? Will her new-found romantic relationship survive?
The ensemble cast includes Tumi Ngumla as Sihle Dlamini, Mbulelo Grootboom as Dumisane Magwaza, Leroy Gopal as Tongai Nandoro, Vatiswa Ndara as Thandeka Mazibuko Scott, Khabonina Qubeka as Refiloe, Tinah Mnumzana as Silindile Mahlangu, Arthur Molepo as Thabo Makhura, Macks Papo as Lehumo Marumo, Steven Jennings as Trevor Roberts and David Dennis as Sydney Davids.
Produced by Provoke Entertainment, the series was written by Clive Mathibe and Sechaba Morojele and directed by Morojele.