Old School is an Australian comedy-drama television crime series created by Paul Oliver and Steve Wright which tells the story of Ted McCabe, a retired cop and Lennie Cahill, a retired crim, who get together to solve crimes, unravel scams and make some much-needed cash, while avoiding the wrath of the police and the underworld.
Acting legends Bryan Brown (Beautiful Kate, Breaker Morant, Two Hands, Gorillas in The Mist) and Sam Neill (The Piano, Jurassic Park, Little Fish, The Tudors) star in the eight-hour drama series, produced by Matchbox Pictures for ABC TV.
Also starring are Sarah Peirse as Ted's feisty and sports-mad wife, Hanna Mangan Lawrence as Lennie's granddaughter Shannon, Mark Coles-Smith as Jason, the mechanic son of one of Lennie's prison mates, and Damian Walshe–Howling as a charming opportunist who inserts himself into Shannon's affections.
The series was created by Paul Oliver and Steve Wright, and directed by Gregor Jordan (Two Hands, Buffalo Soldiers), Peter Templeman and Paul Oliver, and written by Belinda Chayko, Paul Oliver, Matt Cameron, Chris Hawkshaw, Gregor Jordan, Michaeley O'Brien and Nick Parsons, with script producers Tim Pye and Sarah Smith.
Producer is Helen Panckhurst, and Executive Producers are Tony Ayres and Penny Chapman.