Shark Chasers is an American documentary television series created by Burrud Productions which follows two extreme divers who traverse the world in the hope of encountering a wide variety of sharks.
The series originally premiered in the USA on the Travel Channel on 17 July, 2002.
Shark chasers premiered in South Africa on DStv's Zone Reality channel on Sunday 2 March 2008, at 18h00.
Mondays: 05h10
Shark Chasers follows extreme scuba divers JD Roberto and Ascanio Pignatelli on their mission to come face to face with the sea’s deadliest creatures.
Zone Reality fanatics are advised to fasten their weight belts and get ready to submerge with two adrenaline junkies who get intimate with ferocious shark in exotic locations including French Polynesia, Costa Rica, South Africa and the Bahamas.