Ultimate 10: Unsolved Crime Mysteries is an American documentary special which forms part of the Ultimate 10 series produced by Film Garden Entertainment, looks at the unsolved cases surrounding some of the world's most notorious killers.
The special aired in South Africa for the first time on DStv's Zone Reality channel on Saturday 10 May 2008, at 21h00.
Sunday 11 May: 00h50
Another special in the Ultimate 10 series, Unsolved Crime Mysteries looks at the unsolved cases surrounding some of the world's most notorious killers.
The special explores the bloody crimes of Jack the Ripper - the modern world’s first serial killer - as well as the trail of bodies left by the Zodiac Killer, the Green River Killer, the Phantom Killer and the Tylenol Murderer.
The truth behind the death of Marilyn Sheppard will be investigated as well as the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, and the murder of Jon-Benet Ramsey.
The show also unravels the mystery of the Boston Strangler - a man who killed at least a dozen women with his own hands - and poses the questions: did the police catch the right man? Is the real killer still out there?