What a Waste! is a British documentary and actuality series produced by BBC World News which examines how the world is going to cope as the demand for power and energy continues to grow exponentially.
The series premiered worldwide on BBC World on Friday 25 July 2008, at 21h30 (South Africa time). There are five 30-minute episodes in the series.
Saturdays: 06h30
Mondays: 14h30
Tuesdays: 17h30
Wednesdays: 03h30
What a Waste! is a series looking at how the world is going to cope as the demand for power and energy grows and grows.
What is the greenest car? How can we build energy efficient homes and offices? And how can we effectively harness the power of the sun and wind?
To answer all those questions What a Waste! goes to China, to the USA, to South America and to Europe in search of the best energy saving strategies and to pick the brains of the world's experts.
The five-part series looks at public transport in Bogota, green cars in America, solar panel production in China and the city of Freiburg in Germany - one of the most eco-conscious cities in the world.
Episode 1: Cars
One of the greatest factors contributing to the ensuing world energy crisis is our dependence on oil to fuel automobiles. This episode examines alternative fuel sources.
Episode 2: Buildings
Buildings are among the biggest wasters of energy on the planet. This episode looks at the alternatives – and visits what are being billed as some of the greenest buildings in the world.
Episode 3: Public Transport
One of the biggest challenges facing planners and politicians is public transport, especially when so many systems are close to breaking point. This episode examines the solutions to traffic congestion and the pollution that goes with it.
Episode 4: Renewable Energy
How power will be provided in the future? Solar power and wind power are the two most promising options.
Episode 5: The Future
With more people living in cities, this programme will investigate how living habits can change while still allowing people to live in a comfortable, convenient, urban environment.