Ugliest House on the Block is an American reality makeover television series produced by NorthSouth Productions in which a neighbourhood nominates the worst looking house for a design makeover. Experts transform the exterior of the house, helped by the neighbours.
The series premiered in the USA on the WE network on 4 January, 2008. There are six hour-long episodes in the series.
Ugliest House on the Block premiered in South Africa on DStv's The Home Channel on Monday 8 September 2008, at 16h00.
Wednesdays: 20h00
Thursdays: 08h00
Fridays: 12h00
Sometimes there is one house on the block that brings down the whole neighbourhood. In this makeover series neighbours nominate that home for improvement and a recurring team of experts transform the exterior of these homes into something the whole block can be proud of.
In each episode the experts, homeowners and neighbours all work together to change the eyesore next door and along the way help increase the property value of all the houses on the block.
The offending home owners are good natured, easy going and completely in on the gag. They’re not bad people; they just don’t put high priority on pansies in the flower bed. The tone is always good natured even if occasionally pointed.
Each episode opens with the Host going door to door asking people to sign a petition. The document includes very specific requests like mow the yard, fix the roof, replace the shutters and remove all appliances from the porch.
The neighbours are so serious about it that a few “volunteers” agree to lend a hand. The Host presents the petition to the offending home owner and saying he’ll be back tomorrow with the Ugliest House team.
The neighbours and offending homeowners must then work together to make the home improvements that will smarten up the whole street and improve everyone’s view.