Skwizas is a South African television sitcom created by Lillian Dube and produced by Lillian Dube Productions which follows a group of elderly friends ("skwizas") as they bustle through the idiosyncrasies of life in Skywards Retirement Village and grapple with dwindling pensions, lost careers, jealousy and the prospect of late-life romance.
They grapple with dwindling pensions, lost careers, jealousy and the prospect of late-life romance. This feisty little gaggle of Skwizas laugh at themselves as they meet life head-on and win.
When people grow older, they become lonely and they need support. They find this not necessarily from their own family but from a newly found family, often consisting of old friends.
They are now at a point in their lives where the frills are forgotten and you want to get to the core of being - with a twist of gin and tonic.
The show captures the tone, the unconscious and nearly universal aspect of living here now. Who said growing old meant growing up? Age is purely chronological... you are as old as you want to be.
The first season starred Lillian Dube, Mara Louw, Mary Twala, Rina Nienaber and Dolly Malunga. The second season saw new faces in the form of Tsholo Monedi playing Tiny and Jerry Phele as Morena. Also joining the cast in Season 2 was Thakane Sesi Matoni as Softie and Queen Motlatle as Twiggy.
The series is produced by Lillian Dube Productions.