Wicked Fit is an American reality television series produced by Renegade 83 which follows a former pageant queen and owner of Katie Boyd's Miss Fit Club, a Boston fitness centre designed to help pageant girls and other women lose weight and get in shape.
The series premiered in the USA on Style Network on 23 October, 2011.
Wicked Fit premiered in South Africa on DStv's The Style Network on Thursday 10 November 2011, at 22h10. New episodes broadcast weekly. There are 10 episodes in the first season.
The reality series Wicked Fit features former pageant queen Katie Boyd, the owner of Katie Boyd's Miss Fit Club, a Boston fitness centre designed to help pageant girls and other women lose weight and get in shape.
While her best pageant friend and former Miss Connecticut U.S.A. winner Monica Pietrzak works on developing the MFC brand, childhood friend and four-time Miss Massachusetts first runner up Monique Jones works as her personal assistant.
Building her business isn't easy, especially when her staff is jealous of each other, and in some cases, moving on to bigger and better things. Also making life interesting are her parents, who like to offer her colourful advice.
But throughout it all, she continues to help her clients lose weight, get healthy and feel better about themselves.