Be the Creature is an American nature documentary series produced, written and hosted by zoologists Martin and Chris Kratt which features the Kratt brothers travelling around the world into remote wilderness areas to live with animals on their turf.
The series premiered in the USA on National Geographic Channel on 1 October, 2003. There are 35 hour-long episodes in three seasons.
Be the Creature premiered in South Africa on SABC3 on Saturday 20 May 2006, at 15h00. It moved to Sundays at 18h00 from the second season on.
Season 3 premieres on SABC3 on Sunday 12 October 2008, at 18h00. There are nine episodes in the third season.
Be The Creature is a nature documentary series that's produced, written and hosted by zoologists Martin and Chris Kratt.
Each season of the show features the Kratt brothers travelling around the world into remote wilderness areas to live with animals on their turf.
Through their adventures they seek to go beyond simply observing the animals by trying to understand what it's like to literally Be the Creature as they walk in their tracks, swim in their waters and run with their offspring.
Each hour-long episode delves deeply into the perspective of both predator and prey.