Rockville is a South African television drama series created by Connie and Shona Ferguson and produced by Ferguson Films which revolves around two families - one in the middle-class world of Johannesburg's suburbs and the other in the working-class world of Soweto - who have an ongoing feud with each other over a series of misunderstandings brought about by their different backgrounds.
Produced by and starring Shona and Connie Ferguson, this series lifts the lid on the dark side of Mzansi – the drama, sacrifices and subterfuge that it takes to get to the top in modern-day South Africa.
The web of intrigue is spun over three very different worlds which define black South Africa today and which are populated by recognisable characters, brought to life by an ensemble cast. The lineup includes the likes of Trevor Gumbi, Mbali Mlotshwa, Bonnie Henna, Luthuli Dlamini, Minnie Dlamini and Boity Thulo.
Firstly, there's the middle-class world of Johannesburg's suburbs, where fancy cars, swimming pools and private schools are uppermost in everyone's desperately-aspirational mind.
Then there's the working-class world of Soweto, with its sense of community and shared struggle.
Finally, bringing these two worlds together on a dramatic and potentially tragic collision course, is Club Venus, a bar where the city's young, black and successful inhabitants come out to play.
At the centre of the Rockville plot is a beautiful finance student, Lindi Mabaso (Mbali Mlotshwa) who grew up in four-roomed matchbox house in Soweto, with a spaza shop and hair salon at the front and a bakery running out of the kitchen.
The family is led by the formidable Mavis Mabaso (Connie Ferguson) who has managed to give her family a decent life but is now facing the kind of crushing financial difficulties that test her deep-seated commitment to what's right and good for her family.
On the other end of the moral spectrum is JB Bogatsu (Shona Ferguson), whose life in Waterfall Estate is the very picture of success.
But not all is at it seems and JB's claims that his riches arise out of the success of Club Venus, a high-class cigar lounge in Rosebank, are soon exposed for the lie that they are.
Soon, the murky world of high-class escorts comes into play, threatening to crack open the edifice that JB has so carefully built in Johannesburg's northern suburbs.
As she learns that every dream has a dark side, Lindi must confront characters, situations and decisions that she never dreamed of making.
Rockville is produced by Ferguson Films with Bobby Heaney as series producer. The executive producers are Connie and Shona Ferguson, director is Johnny Barbuzano and the series is written by Phathutshedzo Makwarela and Gwydion Beynon.
The theme music was composed by Psyfo and the score was by Joel Assaizky.