Courting Alex is an American sitcom created by Rob Hanning that aired on CBS from January 23, 2006 – March 29, 2006, about an attractive, single attorney who has everything life has to offer...except a life.
There are 12 episodes in the series, which was cancelled in the US after only eight had aired.
Courting Alex premieres in South Africa on on Wednesday 2 January 2008, at 20h00.
Alex works alongside her father, Bill, at his law firm, and while he is very proud of her, it pains him that his daughter is not married yet.
If Bill had his way, Alex would settle down with her colleague, Stephen, a star lawyer at their firm who is obviously smitten with Alex.
Julian, Alex's charming British neighbour who makes his living as an artist, and Molly, her loyal and brutally honest assistant, are the two people she chooses to lean on for advice.
But no amount of advice could prepare her for the unexpected feelings she's having for Scott, an impulsive, renaissance man she recently met while trying to negotiate a deal involving his tavern.
If Alex can put down her cellphone for long enough, her successes in love just might catch up to an already successful career.