Wildfire is an American teen drama television series created by Michael Piller and Christopher Teague which revolves around the world of horse racing and a young girl who, after serving time in a juvenile detention facility, works as a groom and later a jockey at Raintree Farm.
The series originally premiered in the USA on ABC Family on 20 June 2005. The fourth (and final) season premiered on 21 January 2008. There are 52 episodes in four seasons.
Wildfire airs in South Africa on DStv's go channel. Season 4 premieres on Wednesday 6 February 2008, at 18h30. There are 13 episodes in the season.
Repeats are on Thursdays at 14h00 and Sundays at 19h30.
Wildfire follows troubled Kris Furillo who, after serving time at a teen detention centre, is given the opportunity to start a new life.
Her talent with horses is recognised by a volunteer and local trainer Pablo, who arranges a job for her at the Ritter's family run ranch, Raintree.
Thrown into a completely new environment, Kris must learn to deal with the challenges of fitting in, while trying not to disappoint the one family willing to give her a chance.
The Ritters are facing challenges of their own even as they reach out to help Kris. Patriarch Henry Ritter and his daughter Jean are in a critical stage of their battle to save the ranch from financial ruin.
Kris and Wildfire must help them get back on the map in the world of horse racing.