Impilo: The Scam is a South African television drama series which follows the shady dealings of an unscrupulous man who uses his greedy, opportunist ways to manipulate his naïve and desperate son into scamming a community through a pyramid scheme called Impilo.
Set in Alexandra township, Khulubuse Mtshali (Desmond Dube) uses his son Mngobi (Sipho Mdingi) to scam the community of their hard earned cash.
This coming-of-age crime drama sees Mnqobi caught up in the underbelly of financial crime engineered by his greedy and opportunistic father, which leads to an attempt on his life through mob justice.
In the season premiere: Khulubuse makes a dramatic return to his family, which creates the sort of impact that happens when a father turns his back.
The result: his son Mnqobi strikes a deal with the devil.
Also starring are Sthandiwe Kgoroge as Nokulunga Nkosi, Nay Maps as Pacino, Candice Modiselle as Naledi, Siya Sepotokele as Mac'able, Mpho Molepo as Israel and TK Sebothoma as Tebza.
Impilo: The Scam is an M-Net Original Mzansi Magic Production produced by A Tribe Called Story and facilitated by Clive Morris Productions.
The executive producers are Aluta Qupa (who is also a producer), Mbalizethu Zulu and Thembalethu Mfebe. The series producer is Frank Perold.
The head writers on the series are Mbalizethu Zulu and Paul Grootboom and directors include Thembalethu Mfebe and John Barker. Music is composed by Zethu Mashika.