Knapsekêrels is a South African, Afrikaans-language television drama series created by Paul C. Venter and set in Johannesburg which tells the story of four diverse families and their struggle for survival in the big city.
In the first episode, Naomi Fortuin asks her son: "What is a knapsekêrel?" His answer: "It's a guard who holds onto his mission for dear life."
Knapsekêrels tells the story of four families (the Bekker, Zimmerman, Davids and Fortuin families) who get to know each other by chance when a family member of each family gets involved in a race for survival.
When Skalkie gets appointed by the Zimmerman family, he doesn't realise how complicated it will get, especially since Baby Tjoklits and Chilly have other ideas about how the security situation should be handled at the various mansions.
Each character has their own hidden agenda and before they know it, all hell breaks loose.
At the critical point between right and wrong, where love turns into hate and where light and darkness meet – that is where the dangerous underworld of Knapsekêrels can be found.
Knapsekêrels was created and written by Paul C. Venter. The series was produced and directed by Human Stark for Stark Films. Music is by Adrian Kritzinger.