Designer Guys is a Canadian reality makeover television series produced by Westwind Pictures in which a team of designers makeover residential and professional spaces with their signature style derived from diverse backgrounds in architecture, interior and industrial design.
The series premiered in Canada on HGTV on 6 May, 2002. There are six seasons to date.
The first three seasons were hosted by Chris Hyndman and Steven Sabados. Since Season 4 it has been hosted by Matt Davis, Allen Chan and Anwar Mukhayesh.
Designer Guys airs in South Africa on DStv's The Home Channel.
Season 6 premiered on The Home Channel on Tuesday 12 August 2008, at 20h30. There are 26 half-hour episodes in the sixth season.
Wednesdays: 08h30
Thursdays: 12h30
Fridays: 16h30
Seasons 1-3 Synopsis
Style, flamboyance and designer flair, with two cool-talking, smooth-looking décor dudes. Everything they touch turns to pure excitement.
Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndman are two experienced decorators with very different design ideas. In every episode they meet a new homeowner with a new design challenge.
We follow Steven and Chris as they examine the space, interview the client, argue with each other over the plan, collect and construct the pieces and redesign, decorate and transform the area into a wonderfully practical space for living.
The boys work wonders from changing an attic to a combination home office and retreat to giving a one-bedroom apartment a full makeover, mixing fun with innovation.
It’s an entertaining and humorous process from start to finish, one in which we learn a whole host of tricks and trade secrets for use in our own homes.
Seasons 4-6 Synopsis
Toronto design firm masterminds Allen Chan, Anwar Mukhayesh, and Matt Davis add a little flair with their inspirational show.
Residential and professional spaces get worked over with their signature style derived from diverse design backgrounds.
Infusing elements of architecture, interior design, landscape and industrial design as well as art, fashion and environment, The Designer Guys bring their unique styles and dynamic approaches towards creating new and exciting spaces for homeowners.