Women's Murder Club is an American television drama series based on the best-selling series of books by James Patterson, which revolves around the lives of four women in San Francisco - a homicide detective, an assistant district attorney, a medical examiner and a newspaper reporter - who come together to use their expertise and talents in their respective fields to solve murder cases.
The series originally aired in the USA on ABC from 12 October, 2007 to 13 May, 2008. There are 13 hour-long episodes in one season. The show was cancelled by ABC on 12 May, 2008.
Women's Murder Club airs in South Africa on M-Net from 11 September to 4 December, 2008, on Thursdays at 19h30.
It premiered on DStv's M-Net Series channel on Sunday 14 September 2008, at 20h00.
M-Net Series Repeats
Mondays: 02h00, 08h00, 14h00
Women's Murder Club is a one-hour drama series about four successful working women in San Francisco: Homicide Inspector Lindsay Boxer, Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, Assistant D.A. Jill Bernhardt and crime reporter Cindy Thomas, who use their expertise, their close friendship and their instincts to solve murder cases.
Each a success in her own field, they work together to uncover clues to the city's most grisly homicides.
Though they lead distinctly different lives, they are bound together by a strong bond of friendship which leads the women to realise that pooling their resources during investigations leads to undiscovered clues and answers in both work and in their personal lives.