Speed Grapher is a Japanese anime series created by GONZO Digimation which takes place 10 years after the fictitious Bubble War and follows the exploits of Tatsumi Saiga, a former war photographer who is sent to investigate a fetish club for the uber-wealthy in post-war Japan.
The series originally aired from 7 April to 29 September, 2005. There are 24 half-hour episodes in the series.
Speed Grapher originally aired in South Africa on DStv's Animax channel in November 2007, premiering on Saturday 3 November and running new episodes every night (including weekends) at 23h20.
A rebroadcast of the series premiered on Animax on Friday 26 September 2008, at 22h55. New episodes air Mondays to Fridays at the same time.
Weekdays: 02h50
Ten years after the Bubble War, the dichotomy between the rich and the poor in the world becomes more prominent and Japan is no exception.
The rich seek to satisfy their desires and derive pleasure for themselves, and Tokyo has materialized into such a city as a result.
Saiga, once a war photographer, works for Hibara Ginza in the capitalist state of Tokyo. He infiltrates into the Roppongi Club, a secretive base located in the red district area of the city, to collect information about them.
However, he was caught in the process and brought forward to a girl called Kagura who was in the midst of a ritual. His contact with Kagura awakens his special ability: the power to make things explode once photographed.
In order to unravel the mystery behind the Roppongi Club and Kagura, Saiga begins his solitary battle.