Season 1
Bet on Your Baby is an American television game show created by Craig Armstrong, Rick Ringbakk, Charles Wachter, Ben Silverman and Jimmy Fox in which each episode features five families with toddlers between the ages of two to three-and-a-half years old, who play to see how well they can guess their child's next move in order to win money toward their college fund.
All parents think they know their baby well, but are they willing to bet on it? Actress/comedienne and working mom Melissa Peterman, star of Baby Daddy and Dancing Fools, hosts the show.
On Bet on Your Baby, the parents will be playing the game and the children will just be playing. The game takes place on two stages - on one, a shiny game show studio with a cheering audience, one parent places a bet, while on the other, the parent takes the child to a play room called "The Babydome" where the child determines the outcome of the game completely unaware of the stakes that are on the line.
Each family plays a self-contained, individual challenge against the house - meaning that they're only competing against themselves, not against other families.
Later on, the five families return to play for the chance to advance to the final round - "Smash for Cash" - in which parents of one toddler will have 5 tries to hammer open piggy banks, one of which contains a $50,000 college fund.
How many toys can your spouse get your toddler to clean up in a minute? How many cookies can your wife get your child to stack while time runs out? Which snack will your two-year-old choose to eat? And would you bet money on it?
Will little Ryder be able to complete an obstacle course with Dad in just 90 seconds in the game "Copycat?" Can young Addison name at least seven grocery items before the clock runs out during "In the Bag," and does she really know the word for "corn," as Dad insists but Mom doubts? And can Thomas play "Stack 'Em" and not "eat 'em" before time is up?
Bet on Your Baby was created by 5x5 Media's Craig Armstrong, Rick Ringbakk, Charles Wachter and Electus' Ben Silverman and Jimmy Fox. The series is executive-produced by Electus (Ben Silverman, Chris Grant, Jimmy Fox) and 5x5 Media (Craig Armstrong and Rick Ringbakk).