Season 1
The Art of More is an American drama series created by Chuck Rose which explores the underbelly and surprisingly cutthroat world of premium auction houses filled with hustlers, smugglers, power mongers and collectors of the beautiful and the bizarre.
The series follows former soldier Graham Connor (Christian Cooke) who shakes off his blue collar, Brooklyn roots and gains access to an elite society through his connections with a smuggling ring he encountered during his tour in Iraq.
Dennis Quaid, also an executive producer, stars as charismatic real estate shark Samuel Brukner, a Machiavellian master of money and power who is one part charm and one part intimidation. He is the life of the party but when it comes to his money, he can be both ruthless and corrupt.
Cary Elwes is Arthur Davenport, a shrewd and eccentric world-class collector of art and illegal antiquities who mentors Connor (Cooke).
Kate Bosworth portrays Roxanna Whitman, daughter of the CEO of one of the two warring auction houses. Although she was born into this exclusive world and thrives in it, she is riddled with insecurities that drive her to be a formidable executive in her own right.
The Art of More, the first scripted drama of online network Crackle, stars Dennis Quaid (Vegas), Christian Cooke (Magic City), Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) and Kate Bosworth (Still Alice).
The writers and executive producers are Gardner Stern (NYPD Blue, Law & Order) and Chuck Rose. Dennis Quaid, Laurence Mark (Jerry Maguire, Dreamgirls), Gary Fleder (Runaway Jury, The Shield) and Tamara Chestna also serve as executive producers.