Season 1
Ben 10 is an American animated television series created by Man of Action and produced by Cartoon Network Studios which tells the story of Ben, a typical kid who becomes very atypical after he discovers the Omnitrix, a mysterious alien weapon with the power to transform the wearer into ten different alien species.
The series originally aired in the USA on the Cartoon Network from 27 December, 2005 to 15 April, 2008. There are 49 half-hour episodes in four seasons.
Ben 10 Originally aired in South Africa on DStv's Cartoon Network.
The series premiered on SABC1 on Wednesday 11 June 2008, at 16h30. New episodes air daily at the same time. There are 13 episodes in the first season.
Ben Tennyson is an everyday, average 10-year-old until he discovers a mysterious watch hidden in a meteorite that crashed on Earth.
He soon learns that the supernatural watch allows him to transform into 10 different alien beings while keeping his kid personality.
As he morphs into these various creatures, he discovers each alien's powers and abilities.
Ben's adventures take place over the course of a seemingly endless summer as he travels the country in an RV with his Grandpa Max and 10-year-old cousin Gwen who lend him a hand in his quest to save the world from evil.