Season 1
Hellsing is a Japanese animated television series based on on Kouta Hirano's manga series of the same name and produced by GONZO Digimation about a British taskforce, lead by the daughter of the vampire hunter Professor Van Helsing, which battles the supernatural with the aid of two vampires.
The anime originally aired in Japan on Fuji Television from 10 October, 2001 to 16 January, 2002. There are 13 half-hour episodes in the series.
Hellsing originally aired in South Africa on DStv's Animax channel 3-15 November 2007, airing new episodes every night (including weekends) at 22h00.
A rebroadcast of the series premiered on Animax on 22 October 2008, at 20h40. It continues on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 October at 20h40, and thereafter airs from Monday to Friday at 21h40.
Weekdays: 01h40, 05h35
For over a century, the mysterious vampire-extermination group - the Hellsing Organisation - has been secretly protecting the British Empire from undead “freaks”.
Slowly but surely, through their active duty, they find a new breed of vampires beginning to arise.
When Integra Hellsing succeeds as the head of the organisation, she also inherits the ultimate weapon against these enemies - a rogue vampire named Alucard.
Armed with an enormous “anti-freak” gun and possessing mysterious and frightening powers, Alucard is one day forced to shoot Seras Victoria, a young policewoman held hostage by a vampire.
Reborn as Alucard’s servant, Seras becomes increasingly torn between her humanity and her vampire urges.