Season 2
The Exes is an American television sitcom created by Mark Reisman which follows three divorced men who are sharing an apartment across the hall from their female divorce attorney, who also happens to be their landlord, as they begin to realise that the issues they have with each other are the same ones that they had with their ex-wives.
The "never been married" Holly (Kristen Johnston) introduces her newest single client Stuart (David Alan Basche) to his new roommates - ladies' man Phil (Donald Faison) and the sardonic homebody, Haskell (Wayne Knight).
Things get off to a shaky start for Phil and Haskell when they begin to have reservations about living with clingy Stuart, but Holly is right across the hall to help them steer clear of any catastrophes.
After all, it helps her to avoid her own relationship and commitment issues!
To top it all off, Holly's hard-partying assistant Eden (Kelly Stables), doesn't let her professionalism get in the way of prying into her boss's personal life.
Through the episodes, the guys begin to realise that the issues they have with each other are the same ones that they had with their ex-wives.
The series was created by Mark Reisman with the pilot directed by Andy Cadiff. The series is executive produced by Reisman, Franco Bario, Frank M. Garritano and Ben Raymond, alongside production companies Mark Reisman Productions and Acme Productions.