Season 2
'Til Death is an American sitcom created, written and executive produced by husband-and-wife team Josh Goldsmith and Cathy Yuspa which focuses on Eddie and Joy Stark, a couple married for 23 years who live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, next door to a newlywed couple.
The series aired in the USA on Fox from 7 September, 2006 to 20 June, 2010. There are 81 half-hour episodes in four seasons.
'Til Death originally aired in South Africa on SABC3 from 26 February, 2007 to 22 October, 2012. It later aired on DStv's Comedy Central channel. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 2 originally aired on SABC3 from 12 November, 2007 to 18 February, 2008, on Mondays at 20h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Season 2 premiered on Comedy Central on Wednesday 26 March 2014, at 18h50. New episodes broadcast daily, on weekdays. There are 15 episodes in the second season.
'Til Death is a sitcom featuring Everybody Loves Raymond star Brad Garrett and Wild Card lead Joely Fisher as Ed and Joy Stark, who are on day 8,743 of their marriage and have the battle scars to prove it.
Their new next-door neighbours are young newlyweds Steph and Jeff Woodcock - idealistic, passionate, adorable and married for all of 12 days.
Through the two couples the show explores new marriage versus old marriage and looks at how to keep romance alive - or at least stay together so you have someone to drive you to the hospital for your operations.
Eddie is a cynical realist who considers himself an expert on most topics. A high school history teacher, he's learned the lessons of history well and applies the basic principles to his marriage: all fights are about power, land and resources - and women love to kill fun.
A veteran of the marriage wars, Eddie freely gives his advice to the younger, idealistic Jeff, who's the new Vice Principal at Eddie's school.
Of course, Eddie's little secret is that he loves Joy more than anything and however brash and sardonic Joy herself appears, she loves Eddie right back.
Season 1 (22 episodes)
Channel: SABC3 | Premiere: 26 Feb 2007 | Finale: 23 Jul 2007 | Mon, 20h00
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 24 Feb 2014 | Finale: 25 Mar 2014 | Weekdays, 18h50
Season 2 (15 episodes)
Channel: SABC3 | Premiere: 12 Nov 2007 | Finale: 18 Feb 2008 | Mon, 20h00
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 26 Mar 2014 | Finale: 15 Apr 2014 | Weekdays, 18h50
Season 3 (22 episodes)
Channel: SABC3 | Premiere: 4 Apr 2011 | Finale: 29 Aug 2011 | Mon, 21h00
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 16 Apr 2014 | Finale: 15 May 2014 | Weekdays, 18h50
Season 4 (22 episodes)
Channel: SABC3 | Premiere: 28 May 2012 | Finale: 22 Oct 2012 | Mon, 21h00