Season 3
This is Wonderland is a Canadian dramedy television series created by George F. Walker, Dani Romain and Bernard Zukerman about Alice De Raey, a young criminal lawyer fresh out of Osgoode Hall Law School who is thrown into a chaotic, dark justice system.
The series aired in Canada on CBC from 12 January, 2004 to 15 March, 2006. There are 39 hour-long episodes in three seasons.
This is Wonderland premiered in South Africa on DStv's M-Net Series channel on Tuesday 7 July 2009, at 19h00. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 3 premiered on M-Net Series on Tuesday 20 April 2010, at 19h00. New episodes air weekly. There are 13 episodes in the third and final season.
Wednesdays: 01h00, 07h00, 13h00
The show revolves around Alice De Raey (Cara Pifko), a young criminal lawyer thrown into a justice system bursting at the seams.
She encounters an endless procession of characters-ranging from the truly desperate to the wonderfully bizarre.
Alice, with a good-natured openness that cloaks a tenacious, committed spirit, finds herself on a journey that constantly tests her patience and compassion.
Set in Toronto's Old City Hall, cast regulars Michael Riley, Michael Murphy, Michael Healey, Siu Ta, Eric Peterson and Kathryn Winslow.
(All seasons aired exclusively on M-Net Series, on Tuesdays at 19h00. Each season consists of 13 episodes.)
Season 1
Premiere: 7 July 2009 | Finale: 29 September 2009
Season 2
Premiere: 19 January 2010 | Finale: 13 April 2010
Season 3
Premiere: 20 April 2010 | Finale: 13 July 2010