Season 3
Fan Base is a South African music variety show produced by Dzuguda Productions and hosted by Zuluboy in which musical guests have interaction with the studio audience on a variety of fun-filled tasks, mostly based on planned improvisation, offering an intimate connection between the musician and the audience.
Presented by Zuluboy, Fan Base is a playful, light-hearted and fun-filled music variety show for early Friday evening programming. It is a fresh contribution that diversifies the music offering by creating an intimate connection between the musician and the audience.
The slot on Friday early evening is perfect for a show that will foreground the excitement of the coming weekend, focus on being light-hearted and fun, and above all allow the audience to get closer to the musician, whose music they will be dancing to or grooving to later on that night or in the weekend.
The show aims to be current with the trends and stars of the day. Fan Base offers the viewer front-row access to their favourite musicians, by incorporating personal and intimate elements.
Each show segment includes continuous engagement between the musician and the audience on a variety of fun-filled tasks, mostly based on planned improvisation.
Broadcast Notes
Season 3 premiered on SABC1 on Friday 29 November 2013, at 18h00. New episodes broadcast weekly, with frequent interruptions, including the 2014 FIFA World Cup.