Season 3
Deadbeat is an American TV Series supernatural comedy series created by Cody Heller and Brett Konner which follows Kevin Pacalioglu, a lazy slacker and medium for hire who attempts to solve various ghosts' unresolved issues so that they can move on to a final resting place, occasionally with the help of his best friend and drug dealer.
The half-hour comedy series stars Tyler Labine (Reaper) as Kevin Pacalioglu, a hapless but gifted medium who will go to any lengths to help New York's ghosts settle their unfinished business.
Definitely not your average New Yorker, he spends his time solving problems from the psychic realm while his own life is in shambles.
Brandon T. Jackson (Tropic Thunder) plays his savvy best friend, Roofie. Cat Deeley (So You Think You Can Dance) stars as Camomile White, a glamorous celebrity medium who is Pacalioglu's rival and nemesis, and Lucy DeVito plays Sue, Camomile's once put upon assistant.