Season 5
Workaholics is an American television sitcom created by Blake Anderson, Adam DeVine, Anders Holm, Kyle Newacheck, Connor Pritchard, Dominic Russo and Andy Milonakis which follows the antics of three recent college graduates, roommates and co-workers at a telemarketing company, living in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
The series premiered in the USA on Comedy Central on 6 April, 2011.
Workaholics premiered in South Africa on DStv's Comedy Central channel on Sunday 11 March 2012, at 21h20. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 5 has not yet aired in South Africa.
Workaholics follows Mail Order Comedy's Blake (Blake Anderson), Adam (Adam Devine) and Ders (Anders Holm), three friends who work together as telemarketers from 9 to 5, live together from 5 to 9 and party together 24/7.
Whether they're at their house in Rancho Cucamonga or getting ready to rage at a Renaissance Faire, the guys find trouble wherever they go.
When crushing it on the phones at TelAmeriCorp, the guys give guidance to their friend Jillian (Jillian Bell) and take earfuls from their competitive co-worker Montez (Erik Griffin), all while avoiding the watchful eye of their boss Alice (Maribeth Monroe).
When the clock strikes five - and often before that - the guys can be found at their favourite bar, children's park or enjoying the product of their friend/drug dealer Karl "the human genius" (Kyle Newacheck) and drinking beers on their roof.
Workaholics is directed by Kyle Newacheck and executive produced by Kevin Etten (Scrubs).
Series exclusive to Comedy Central
Season 1 (10 episodes)
Premiere: 11 March 2012 | Finale: 14 May 2012 | Sundays, 21h20 / Mondays, 20h05
Season 2 (10 episodes)
Premiere: 21 May 2012 | Finale: 23 July 2012 | Mondays, 20h05
Season 3 (20 episodes)
Premiere: 14 January 2013 | Finale: TBA | Mondays, 21h20