Season 7
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is an American television sitcom created by Dan Goor and Michael Schur which follows an immature New York City Police Department detective and his relationship with his strict new, no-nonsense captain, who tells him that he must grow up and "respect the badge".
In the Season 7 premiere, "Manhunter": Jake leads a manhunt after an assassination attempt on a city councilor. Holt adjusts to his new position as a uniformed officer.
In the second episode, "Captain Kim": A new captain at the Nine-Nine attempts to ingratiate herself with Jake and the squad by inviting them over to her house for a dinner party.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is produced by Universal Television, 3 Arts Entertainment and Fremulon.
The series is created and written by Dan Goor (Parks and Recreation, Late Night with Conan O'Brien) and Michael Schur (Parks and Recreation, The Office).
The series is executive-produced by Goor, Schur and David Miner (30 Rock).