Ladies and Gents...
I'm so sorry but since finding out that Backstage is coming to an end.....I figured that it's time that we....Remeniced on days gone by the good old days when you'd have a sit at 6:30 pm infront of your Tv Set just to watch Backstage when the story line was good when the actors were really worth watching...... when you'd make sure that... you don't miss the next episode.....
Do you remember????
Irene- Ms Theledi daughter: Marubini Mogale... That girl that looked so innocent and had that fresh face and that beautiful smile?????
Vusi- All I really remember is how he'd always refer to Ipeleng as Auntie..and how he was later possessed by you remember????
Tendai- Mr events management... In leather pants....Yes , the role that introduced most of us to Mr Dini Nodumo?????
Shaun-.. ladies don't you dare tell me that he wasn't adorable in his time??????
Kb- Well i really can't remember what her characters name was maybe KB but anyhow do you remember how odd she looked( a duckling of some sort).. with her short hair, oh how she wass so shy but I guess she is a bit like that in real live from what i have picked up.
Thabo- Being Somizi.. oh, how he and Nomonde would always fight.....???
Sorry I tried to get a picture of Precious Simelane...May Her Soul Rest In Peace..
Oh.. And what about Duke???
Anyhow do you remember????? Thre time before it tuned into what it is right now???Can anyone really tell me what going on there cause I was trying to understand who's who and what' the story line....and call me slow but .. i couldn't connect the dots.