There’s so much we can be grateful for and so much in our lives that is going well but we always seem to focus on the negative.
So for a change and on a lighter note I’d like to share with you some things that put a smile on my face and that remind me that the world is not such a bad place after all. There’s so much to appreciate and give thanks for.
I’ve listed some things that make me happy and fill me with love and I hope that some of you might be able to relate to more than one of these.
Nothing beats:
1. The look of appreciation and gratitude on a child’s face when you give them a sweet, money or a compliment.
2. The sound of the rain against the window pane whilst you're lying snugly in bed.
3. The smell of a home cooked meal on your return from a hectic day at work.
4. The voice of the one you love- on the phone, next to you, behind you & best of all on top of you…
5. The comforting feeling of your man’s/woman’s arms around you
6. A gentle kiss on your forehead.
7. The smell of a new book & the promise it holds.
8. The admiration & pride in your parent’s eyes when one of your dreams becomes a reality.
9. Unexpectedly finding money in your bag/clothes or anywhere for that matter.
10. Receiving a sincere compliment
11. Hearing from an old friend you’d lost touch with & hearing that they too have been trying to get a hold of you for ages.
12. Receiving a letter from SARS informing you that you’ll be getting some money back.
13. Walking past a group of guys and they all have something nice to say as opposed to obscenities.
14. Finding a pair of jeans/shoes that fits just right
15. Being rewarded for a job well done & knowing that you really deserve it.
Feel free to let me know what puts a smile on your face & gives you reason to “stick around” & see the light at the end of the tunnel and the silver lining in that oh so grey cloud.
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