Coming up on Tyra this week:
Monday, 3 March 2008How do other women view you? The next chapter of Tyra’s social experiment “Bodyville” pits race against race, size against size and mothers against daughters.
The women change out of their body suits and into their own clothes to talk more about the harsh judgments they were forced to make.
Find out which women were assigned professions like “stripper,” “phone sex operator,” “CEO” and “waitress.”
Please note: this episode was previously scheduled to be on on Friday, 29 February and changed without notice.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008Get the answers to all the questions women are afraid to ask in Tyra’s first ever “Vagina Dialogue.”
Lady doctors talk candidly about this taboo topic - separating the truth from tall tale. They’ll explain why douching isn’t necessary and why every woman needs a pap smear every single year.
Learn the technical names to all your lady parts and the latest information on how to prevent cervical cancer with a life saving vaccine.
Plus, join Tyra on a trip to the gynecologist with a 28-year-old nurse who has always been afraid to see a doctor on her own.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
What would you do if suddenly faced with making a quick ethical decision?
Tyra sets up hidden cameras to expose what people really do in a moral dilemma.
Watch how people try to ignore couples fighting on the street - even when it turns into a shoving match.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Everyone knows relationships are hard work, but what does it really take to keep the passion alive?
Tyra talks to seven men who are ready to reveal why they broke up with their girlfriends and a ‘Love Panel’ of relationship experts discuss each mistake.
Find out why regular fun-time between the sheets and self-confidence help keep a man and why acting moody and clingy can drive him away.
Plus, learn why all rules are meant to be broken and when it’s OK for you to give-up on a relationship.
Friday, 7 March 2008
Tyra gives seven hard working New York ladies a makeover.