Guys i am sorry i am so touched! please allow me to share this with you.
i have never been one to like kids, nevertheless have one for myself,but this one shem, he is just the light of my life! He makes me want to have my own. or is it growing up?
I am so smitten with my cousin's child, he is 2 and a half. He is the naughtiest, funniest and the cutest in the family. We get along sooo well, he gave is the inspiration behind my username, madamzee! this is how it started, his grandmother calls me "zee" then his mother and I call each other "madam" so he doesnt know what to call me, he always says "madam...zee, i want .........."! in the cutest voice!
he is so clever, i am not even sure whether he knows half of the things he is saying. i wonder where they hear all the staff they are saying? These days kids are so clever, "boyzee" is one "ntate ngwana" i tell you, he talks about big suff and i mean big. this is what killed me lately:
there is a girl toddler leaving next door, she has wrotten teeth from the bottle,she is a bit older than him,he likes to say the girl is his wife, so I asked him where is Andiswa(the girl) with brown teeth, he said "jo zee! o teng ene ke mo rata le meno ao" (she is around and i like her with those teeth)!" i laughed histerically as i never expected that answer, then he said " jo, o tshehang? ha o tsebe ke sebile ke tswa ho mo shebela di reng tropong!!" hahaha!!!! This other time, he found my dad smoking outside and said "papa a ko ntsubise moo" (give me a smoke) he was so serious and he meant it, so my dad gave him, he blew (instead of pulling) on the cigarette and said "eish se ya baba!" that killed me sho!
He does a lot of amazing things as well, says the cutest things. he goes to creche but the teacher says he doesn't want to sit with other toddlers so he sits with older ones, as a result, he can write his name and surname, "aeiou" read from 1-100 perfectly, his father is zulu and mother sotho, he speaks zulu with his dad and when he turns to the mother he speaks sotho. how is that possible??? jo this child! I am so impressed, thinking that his mother doesn't want to go to school, she didnt even want to take him to creche, i forced her by saying i will take care of everything, it is such a blessing that she has a child so clever!
do most mothers think their kids are clever and cute? Please share with me the cutest things kids say and do. what do u love most about ur kids or having kids? and is it true that kids this clever dont get to live long? Did you ever wonder what you did as a child?
mwa!! boyzie! this is dedicated 2 u!!!