RGB Returns For Season 2

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 08 Jul 2008
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The SABC1 celebrity gossip show The Real Goboza returns next week for a new-look second season, starting on Wednesday 16 July in its usual timeslot of 21h00.

The first season - which aired from June to October last year - was eagerly followed by readers of TVSA, as one of the presenters - Lelo Boyana - first made her name on this website as a blogger, under the pseudonym Brown Shuga

After the first season both hosts - Trevor Noah and Dineo Ranaka - left the show. Although Noah was popular with viewers of the show, he elected to leave the show when producer Khwezi left to take up a post as editor of Seventeen Magazine.

Despite the fact that the second season premieres in a week from now, no replacement has yet been found for Trevor. According to sources close to the show, production house Urban Brew is still in the process of auditioning suitable candidates.

One rumour has it the new male host will be YFM DJ Chilli M, although our source was unable to confirm that. If the show's past hiring record is anything to go by (both Trevor Dineo have worked for YFM as DJs), it's a pretty good guess.

TVSA will confirm the casting as soon as we hear news about it.

We can tell you, however, that the female host replacing Dineo will be fashion tabloid journalist Kuli Roberts, who writes the Bitches Brew column for the Sunday World.

Best known for co-presenting the SABC2 reality makeover show What Not To Wear, Roberts started her journalism career at Fair Lady, before moving to Drum where she was was fashion and beauty editor, then You, Pace and now the Sunday World.

She is the older sister of Isidingo star Hlubi Mboya.

Brown Shuga will once again host the TV With Lelo insert (as Lelo Boyana), in which she previews and reviews the latest shows on the SABC channels. She will also continue to cover red carpet events.

After fierce criticism of the show format last year, episodes have been cut from an hour to half an hour for Season 2. Nice to know the producers/SABC1 are listening to positive, constructive criticism.

So for more schleb umgosi, interviews and shenanigans be sure to catch the premiere of The Real Goboza 2 on SABC1 on Wednesday 16 July, at 21h00.

It will be followed by Khumbul'ekhaya, which moves to a new timeslot of 21h30.


08 Jul 2008 00:16

Welcome back Mgosi @ large not too sure about Kuli but will give her a chance, im  done with giving Mr Tibo touch a chance though speaking of which,I heard from a VERRRY close friend at the sabc that they offered Mr  Ace Ncube a Sh@t load of money to do it, would love to know how much truth there is to that ?

08 Jul 2008 00:55

haibo i thought it was this week thursday?

08 Jul 2008 01:10

Kuli! Wow...ok.

08 Jul 2008 01:27

Also knew about that date Cande........... we must change sources choma :-)

tha - bang
08 Jul 2008 01:33

ace Ncube on RGB mmmh....anyhow i'll give Kuli a fair chance too but i hope the show does raise a bar a bit.i think making it shorter was a smart move,it will make it more punchy but not having a co presenter within two weeks of airing is just bad planning.unless thats urban brews way of creating hype and media spin for RGB.
OTW we'll see next week.sweet

tha - bang
08 Jul 2008 01:34

BTW how come there are no promos flighting on SABC 1 or have i been missing them?

08 Jul 2008 01:45

Looking forward to this one................they bes' blaze it up.........................

08 Jul 2008 01:45

there issn't any tha-bang..
RGB knows how to pull last minute stunts, so i am sure they will come up with a suitable candidate by next week

08 Jul 2008 01:47

Thabang u ain't missed isht cos there ain't isht to be

tha - bang
08 Jul 2008 01:54

i dont understand that mentality.u have a new show/new season starting and no promos to advertise to the public.whats up with that?

Brown Shuga
08 Jul 2008 01:56

Tha-bang, I think they were waiting for a date to be confirmed before flighting the promos. 

<<Brown Shuga will once again host the TV With Lelo insert>> I think this might change too. 

Chilli M is DEFINITELY not a possibility. 

<<<I heard from a VERRRY close friend at the sabc that they offered Mr Ace Ncube a Sh@t load of money to do it>>> Buck, if it comes from you then it might as well be the truth....I'm SO checking with Andile and he better say yes...imagine working with him, oh gaaad, I'd go to work even if there's no work to be done!

Brown Shuga
08 Jul 2008 02:00

<<<i dont understand that mentality.u have a new show/new season starting and no promos to advertise to the public.whats up with that?>>>
Is this such a big deal? Anyway, you will see them NOW that a date has been CONFIRMED choma.

08 Jul 2008 02:08

Morning guys..........

tha - bang
08 Jul 2008 02:09

I think they were waiting for a date to be confirmed before flighting the promos. 
our dear beloved sabc has a new show coming out,in july but they still havent confirmed the scheduling.doesnt that sound fimiliar mmmmh kinda like those inefficient government department were theres no proper planning. or foresight.

08 Jul 2008 02:24

Is Ace and Andile the same person?

08 Jul 2008 02:45

Kuli will host the show? WDF? is she not old for these thangs, gosh!! hayi suka we need a fresh talent for a change yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, the sassy Dineo was doing a brrrrrrrrrrrrrriliant job ko Real Goboza. Please, please please ***on my knees* not Kuli *not sure of her surname* bathong!! she is better off in Selimathunzi coz i don't watch that crap anyway......

08 Jul 2008 02:54

Haybo people I am sure SABC one can do better than Nomakula Mboya (nee Roberts, coz she is divorced). I dont hate the sister but she is a bit matured for this kinda thing, maybe we should give one of her children a chance rather.

08 Jul 2008 03:09

I'd go to work even if there's no work to be done!
LOL @ Shuga

08 Jul 2008 03:22

That is so true Andi01 i'm a bit tired of seeing that face now. Maybe that kid former Miss SA Teen 200.. Zizo Mbeda a go coz i think she is young and vibrant to do the job.

08 Jul 2008 03:23

LoL @ Andi

08 Jul 2008 03:26

Too true Andi...tiiiired of aboMagogo abozositshela inanana e tv promoting they own

08 Jul 2008 03:32

Kodwa niyageza andy & afro LOL. But really guys she is not Nomakula she is Sisi Nomakula? Kanene how old is she? ...............I dont hate her but we have many young talented people who can do a wonderful job. Makadedele abanye hayibo not kabi but how long are we going 2 watch the same face again & again & again?

08 Jul 2008 03:40

I mean really now, we need more fresh blood than this

Best known for co-presenting the SABC2 reality makeover show What Not To Wear, Roberts started her journalism career at Fair Lady, before moving to Drum where she was was fashion and beauty editor, then You, Pace and now the Sunday World. 

clearly she has been everywhere, where is Phuti Khomo?? cant they take her? i heard Shuga Daddy wasnt paying for the SLK anymore and it had to be repossesed.
She needs this job

08 Jul 2008 03:48

where is Phuti Khomo?? cant they take her? i heard Shuga Daddy wasnt paying for the SLK anymore and it had to be repossesed.
She needs this job
LOL @ Cande

But people can we really be suprised bcoz on the first season, I saw aunt-Penny Lebyane doing some presenting, we all know she aint no spring chicken herself.

I hear Namhla Ndlovu from 2osomething lost her job, why not give her a try. And take Dini Nondumo to do the co-presenting. Wayaphi namkhaya???

08 Jul 2008 03:51

Cande !!Phuti HAS NOT lost her car........Theo Nyhaba aka Shwashwi representative wrote the article and really wonder if he went to see the car where its been repossesed to.

08 Jul 2008 04:03

I read somewhere maan TDC, and that she confirmed to be driving a family nissan car presently..and wena what proof do you have?
Asazi, that is why i said i heard

08 Jul 2008 04:06

Guys ndimva kahle kahle uTDC uthini ngo Shwashwi let mi google this name....i hope i will find something

08 Jul 2008 04:16

Ive always wondered what her full name was yazi now I know...Nomakula Mboya.
I think Phuthi will be ok for the show.Andi01 im not sure about Dini and HELL to the NO,not u Penny...plz.

08 Jul 2008 04:19

I think if Sis Nomakula is the female presenter, Trevor might as well be replaced by Sello Maake ka Ncube...

08 Jul 2008 04:24

ya guys i also heard about this Phuthi story, mara she clarified everything with Bridgette, TDC is telling the truth, sometimes I wonder where Shwashi gets these unfounded stories lol!!! mara they always keep me entertained on my boring Sundays

08 Jul 2008 04:27

LoL @ Carino.

08 Jul 2008 04:30

LOL @ Carino, and the Gobhoza will be hearing is how many children do they "really" have each, how many times have they've been married, and if they are only 40 years old, how come they still remember each and every detail about 1973's Mirriam Makeba's performance in Angola. werent they liek 5 years old then.

08 Jul 2008 04:31

Kwa kwa kwa...@ Sello Maake as Mgosi presenter.
Mara i dont understand why SABC has to use the same people for different Shows. The last time i checked auntie Nomakula was still part of Selimathunzi and who knows which other shows on SABC. Nee man...Who eva is doing the hiring is on a serious 'loose-it' tip. I dont care how good her presentation skills are...Wuz she the only female to pitch up at the auditions (if there was any)? 


Cant wait 4 the 2nd season of RGB tho..

08 Jul 2008 04:32

hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ Carino, Sello Maake ka Ncube hahaaaaaaaa, you are kidding right! eish i fell off my chair!! yah eish. I honestly think we are tired of ol' wrinkled faces, ya Phuthi can pull it off...........

08 Jul 2008 04:37

Phuti proved on Ripped last year that she can pull it off.

08 Jul 2008 06:44

I vote Wright Ngubeni, i'm loving him at the moment.
I must be the only person who didnt know that Sarah Ngubeni is his big sister

08 Jul 2008 06:55

andi <I hear Namhla Ndlovu from 2osomething lost her job, why not give her a try.> aowa hle... that'd be too wrong! It'd be nice though if it's hosted by the newsmakers themselves...Khanyi Mbau...Kelly Khumalo evn...or  Chomee ge a ka ithuta sekgowa

08 Jul 2008 06:55

@ Ngwana 
vote Wright Ngubeni, i'm loving him at the moment, i second that infact he owes me a kiss on the lips for this vote, then mapolisa can come arrest me after for child abuse.

08 Jul 2008 06:56

LOL @ imacculate

08 Jul 2008 07:19

Kuli Roberts is old but I think she will do a great job......

08 Jul 2008 07:27

It'd be nice though if it's hosted by the newsmakers themselves...Khanyi Mbau...Kelly Khumalo evn...or Chomee ge a ka ithuta sekgowa

immaculate??? a wa tsenwa?????

08 Jul 2008 07:54

Kanti isn't sis Kuli old to be a presenter at SABC1? I though SABC1 does not employ over 30s?

Brown Shuga
08 Jul 2008 08:14

Nithanda kabi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fluffy Head
08 Jul 2008 08:18

Kanti isn't sis Kuli old to be a presenter at SABC1? I though SABC1 does not employ over 30s?
She is old...but I think the point now with teh show is to come up with people who are not scared to ask the difficult questions from  anyone. She's got loads of attitude to ask anyone anything. She tends to kiss butt a lot from soem schlebs but she's more of a tabloid/goss tv person. She'll carry it off well much bettter than a 20year old still trying to make it (thus seeking to kiss arse their way up the entertainment ladder)...

It'd be nice though if it's hosted by the newsmakers themselves...Khanyi Mbau...Kelly Khumalo evn...or Chomee ge a ka ithuta sekgowa 
Then what will the show be about - that's the whole point of the show to talk about chomme and khanyi so if they are the presenters who's gonna be interviewed???

08 Jul 2008 08:39

motho wame...

08 Jul 2008 10:18

think if Sis Nomakula is the female presenter, Trevor might as well be replaced by Sello Maake ka Ncube...

the imagery is killing me

Lady D
08 Jul 2008 15:27

I agree with Fluffy Head,Kuli might be a bit old but she's got guts.Dineo was flippin good but she was sometimes afraid to challenge issues or ask bold questions:remeber the innerview she did with Khanyi and the one with Autor????Kuli will pull this off perfectly well.I just don't see her working with my girl BS!

Carino gal,you should hook up with David Kau,you have something in common,le ka ba disela mmapa!

08 Jul 2008 19:04

Yal are hullicinating,phuti khomo is a blond with no brains!!im just fine with ugog'chichi kuli than who yal are suggesting.BDW Dineo wasnt so great herself,nna im just glad mzansi unsho formerly known as ya marepeats viewers will have something decent to watch,but still i just cant stomach sabc programs right now...

08 Jul 2008 23:11

Mmmmmh...I'll be watching it this time :-)

09 Jul 2008 14:13

I thought it was starting today!! I was all curled up in my pj's and my heater but to my suprise i-khumbule khaya, so disappointed, have been looking forward to it the whole day

09 Jul 2008 16:23

Shame Lunj

15 Jul 2008 06:32

also looking foward to this one i dig that show man please bangamkhuphi uNoah otherwise i wont watch it!!!!

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