1. Is SABC 2 really going to dump Muvhango as reported by the Sowetan? I don’t think so, unless there is a bophelo ke Semphekgo in the making.

2. When is SABC 1 going to end Selimathunzi? BTW there is no need to maybe they should replace RGB with Seli once and for all.

3. Will Cassandra be on RGB tonight? Is she freelancing or a call in reporter?
4. Why is E-News so damn good in what they do? Guys can you share the secret? Oh its not politically controlled.
5. When will Seputla Sebogodi,Jamie Bartlet and Vho Mushasha get their awards for being such good actors?
6. Is Thomas from Metro FM aware that his show is now outdated? Come on now…….Eight teti int a spark or the it anymore alongside Regina.
7. Is Mzekezeke back for real now? Talk about De Javu Izinyoka is also releasing an album.
8. Now that SABC Africa may not be on DSTV anymore will they make it public? Would love to have it as an African movie channel.

9. Will Larvhee win the 10 Million Rand n Mnet’s Power of 10? Good luck girl am glad am already your friend INCASE you win.LOL Will pray for you.
10. When will model/blogger/presenter/sexy beast Asanda aka Xhosa Chick return my calls because I want to know more about her show on SABC 3?
11. What time will Lelo Boyana be on TV today? I wanna watch ma gal but don’t wanna torture myself with Kuli and Siya?And for how long?
12. Are we about to have a DJ Sbu reality show soon? While on that it will be awesome to have a Sonia Sedibe one too. Same goes for HHP and Arthur Mafokate.
13. Its August already, is Jacob Zuma really going to become the president of the republic?
14. Still on him is David Bullard going to be his spokeman since they apparently smoked the peace pipe?

15. Will we ever have
Big Brother South Africa and will I ever make it to the housemates list? Let alone BBA bathong am dying to take part.
16. Am I the onlyone who thinks Luthuli Dlamini would be great for Generations? Damn that guy can act.
17. Its August already when is SABC 2 going to let us know of the celeb names for Strictly Come Dancing?
18. Why is Jam Alley still on air?
19. Where did Ace go to in Generations before he could even shagg the now hot property of Gen being Khethiwe?
20. Is Zukiswa going to leave Generations by commiting suicide or probably going nuts and get lost?
21. ____________________________
You fill in.....
Wait for mine down there.