on Television South Africa.

A Koketso TDC Original.....

Its My Space, My People and We doing What We Love...


Wondering About 21 Questions

Written by Toodecent from the blog IN THE ZONE on 20 Aug 2008
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1. Is SABC 2 really going to dump Muvhango as reported by the Sowetan? I don’t think so, unless there is a bophelo ke Semphekgo in the making. 

2. When is SABC 1 going to end Selimathunzi? BTW there is no need to maybe they should replace RGB with Seli once and for all. 


3. Will Cassandra be on RGB tonight? Is she freelancing or a call in reporter? 
4. Why is E-News so damn good in what they do? Guys can you share the secret? Oh its not politically controlled. 
5. When will Seputla Sebogodi,Jamie Bartlet and Vho Mushasha get their awards for being such good actors?
6. Is Thomas from Metro FM aware that his show is now outdated? Come on now…….Eight teti int a spark or the it anymore alongside Regina.
7. Is Mzekezeke back for real now? Talk about De Javu Izinyoka is also releasing an album.
8. Now that SABC Africa may not be on DSTV anymore will they make it public? Would love to have it as an African movie channel. 

9. Will Larvhee win the 10 Million Rand n Mnet’s Power of 10? Good luck girl am glad am already your friend INCASE you win.LOL Will pray for you.
10. When will model/blogger/presenter/sexy beast Asanda aka Xhosa Chick return my calls because I want to know more about her show on SABC 3?
11. What time will Lelo Boyana be on TV today? I wanna watch ma gal but don’t wanna torture myself with Kuli and Siya?And for how long?
12. Are we about to have a DJ Sbu reality show soon? While on that it will be awesome to have a Sonia Sedibe one too. Same goes for HHP and Arthur Mafokate.
13. Its August already, is Jacob Zuma really going to become the president of the republic?
14. Still on him is David Bullard going to be his spokeman since they apparently smoked the peace pipe? 

15. Will we ever have Big Brother South Africa and will I ever make it to the housemates list? Let alone BBA bathong am dying to take part.  
16. Am I the onlyone who thinks Luthuli Dlamini would be great for Generations? Damn that guy can act.
17. Its August already when is SABC 2 going to let us know of the celeb names for Strictly Come Dancing?
18. Why is Jam Alley still on air?
19. Where did Ace go to in Generations before he could even shagg the now hot property of Gen being Khethiwe?
20. Is Zukiswa going to leave Generations by commiting suicide or probably going nuts and get lost?
21. ____________________________ You fill in..... Wait for mine down there.


20 Aug 2008 06:42

21. Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning..........or did they?

20 Aug 2008 06:48

Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning..........or did they? LMAO,

20 Aug 2008 06:52

KWA KWA KWA KWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so funny man!!

20 Aug 2008 06:55

21. Why are you cracking me up TDC.........?

20 Aug 2008 06:57

TDC i refuse ngoCharity bathong LOL!- dont know why she jsut does not do people's nails in London to pay rent coz she's a good nail techinician.

20 Aug 2008 06:59

Answer to felfel. Thats what am thinking and had to let it out. Tired of thinking things of which some are crazy alone.

20 Aug 2008 06:59

ahahahahah good one TDC, u literally saved the blog with this fab blog!

20 Aug 2008 07:05

Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning..........or did they? Was Benedict Vilakazi also with the skwad?? Maybe she & him hukd up and came bek 2geda to get bek @ Vilakazi's ex wyf/her ex best frend,,,

20 Aug 2008 07:09

Nah Vilakazi wasnt part of the squad........damn Santana it would have been an excellent front page for a Sunday.

20 Aug 2008 07:09

Maybe she & him hukd up and came bek 2geda to get bek @ Vilakazi's ex wyf/her ex best frend,,,
@ Awelani one may never know with soccer players nezif*** zendawo oCharity.........LOL

20 Aug 2008 07:15

Where was Shoki Sebotsane's HOTNESS in Muvhango??

Fluffy Head
20 Aug 2008 07:21

21. Why is  DSTV insisting on repeating the same shows over and over again on some channels.
on E-TV: I don't know how long they've had the Girls of the Playboy Mansion, Keeping up with the Kardashians etc on rotaion for....oh I know it - about 6 months...and its the same season nogal.
New shows will come on Mnet, play on Series channel too and then later on move on to Go...>Comeon...reduce the number of channels if you don't have content to fill the time. 
Africa Magic - how many month's must Beyonce the President's daughter be on rotation before they are convinced that everyone who has DSTV has seen it.

20 Aug 2008 07:23

While on that it will be awesome to have a Sonia Sedibe one too.> uh helll no!!! (in my best black american accent) nigga please!! why should she?

Am I the onlyone who thinks Luthuli Dlamini would be great for Generations? Damn that guy can act.> He can act fo sho, yho, he better get nominated for something this year.

Why is Jam Alley still on air?> Because some people need the money that gets won there, ♫sidl' imali yeJam Alley

20 Aug 2008 07:34

LOL @ Belz...

20 Aug 2008 07:38

Flufy, On ol ur DSTV Q's, maybe they are waiting 4 some of us to have DSTV 1st, watch the shows, then can them, LOL.

20 Aug 2008 07:38

XC has a show ?
Y is work so boring 2day?
Did sum1 hint 2TDC 2write fab blog 2save the day ?
Watzish nge Generations these days with amagintsa Kabelo etc storyline &Bridette msangano?
Who can give  me R45.000?

20 Aug 2008 07:41

U guys really make my day. Shoki was NEVER a hottie in Muvhango.She must do as Ringi didn close the gap. But she is very good in the Deathof the Queen thingie

20 Aug 2008 07:44

ehhhhh. and whats up with that Xhosa guys, he looks so stupid. Was he ever a continuity presenter on SABC1, i hev seen that stupid face before. Mfundi should pension now, it has stopped raining.

20 Aug 2008 07:47

hehehehehehh.....still laughin at your number 21!

20 Aug 2008 07:51

hehehehehehh.....still laughin at your number 21!>>>  Ya go tsikinita neh? ok go monate mokae? LOL
Talking about money I also need R9680.00 by tommorow sh!t........!

20 Aug 2008 07:57

@funkyziemz - But she is HOOOTT now. Pity she's married, otherwise my next question would be her numbers.

Will someone PLEASE tell(ask)uMiss Nogilana not to leqa(rush) when reading the news? Damn, I'm Xhosa but sometimes I can't keep up!

20 Aug 2008 07:57

and whats up with that Xhosa guys, he looks so stupid - and he sooo cant act. Arghh uyandidika, putting us Xhosas into shame. I've also seen him before but ubheda kabi ke manje kuGenrubbish.

my nr 21 is: where is VMash/ Vinolia cant remember sname?

20 Aug 2008 07:59

which Xhosa guy?

20 Aug 2008 08:00

PLEASE tell(ask)uMiss Nogilana not to leqa(rush) when reading the news?  - LOL that's some funny *bleep!* there. SOmetimes i think maybe they're (controllers) rolling the words up quickly so she also has to be quick. Hay uyayibaxa nyani - uNoxolo uzitsho kamnandi kodwa yena.

20 Aug 2008 08:06

@belz- Tazz Nginda, he was in Zone 14, as Thembi's ex

20 Aug 2008 08:08

20 Aug 2008 08:09

20 Aug 2008 08:10

Thanks Luksta, but who is he in Generations?

20 Aug 2008 08:11

Farai I know you still freaked from last nights ecperience ntwana but no blank replies........BTW you arent alone this is freaky. Tshd21 almost was armed robbed last night. mxxxm F^cking Criminals.

20 Aug 2008 08:12

4. Why is E-News so damn good in what they do? Guys can you share the secret? Oh its not politically controlled.
In what way? Please explain.

8. Now that SABC Africa may not be on DSTV anymore will they make it public? Would love to have it as an African movie channel.
Will not be missed and who cares.

13. Its August already, is Jacob Zuma really going to become the president of the republic?
With Malema, Vavi and the ANC's top six he will be by hook or crook.

14. Still on him is David Bullard going to be his spokeman since they apparently smoked the peace pipe? 
No, Vavi and Malema would kill him.

15. Will we ever have Big Brother South Africa and will I ever make it to the housemates list?
Since MTN has about 68 million subs and mostly outside South Africa, I doubt if MTN will sponsor the BBSA. Vodacom has about 40 million subs and mostly within the RSA, you do the Maths.

20 Aug 2008 08:17

@ Belz - he is unnamed...LOL, I'm not sure of his name but he's one of Kabelo'z tsotsis. The one who threatened uSarah & umntana kwaSbusiso.

20 Aug 2008 08:18

Its the computer not cleaned me out man!F@#k im cursing the living *bleep!* outa them!

20 Aug 2008 08:24

Am I the only one who thinks Lucia Mthiyane will be be on Muvhango or Generations that she is off R/City??

20 Aug 2008 08:25

Am I the only one irritated by Sarah calling Ntombi," Madam" ?
She might as well call uSbusiso, "Master" kubekanye.

tha - bang
20 Aug 2008 08:32

Why is E-News so damn good in what they do? Guys can you share the secret? Oh its not politically controlled
i actually have a problem with the enews on how they always se the voice overpowers everything,check out how they never let anyone speak for themselves.its always the reporter and then cut to voice over.check out the coverage of the olympcs just to make my point.

20 Aug 2008 08:39

21. Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning..........or did they?

bhwaaaa hahahaha   kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa hihihihihi ROFLMCAOTIPAL huuuwiii tltltltlt ROFL kwa kwa kwa

20 Aug 2008 08:48

(in my best Sbusiso accent)
Extjuuse my ignorance who is Charity Sehloehloe

20 Aug 2008 08:49

Mara guys ETV News are way better than SABC, straight to the point. No fear and No favour.....always watch them rather than SABC News.

20 Aug 2008 08:53

Hi Dimago

In response to your ignorance,please re- install your operating system.

Celebrity Support Desk.

20 Aug 2008 08:54

(in my best Ntombi accent)

u Charity ube ngumntwana ka Kenneth ku Generubish.

20 Aug 2008 08:58

Am i the only one thinking those thugs on generations are unnecessary? I mean WTF???

20 Aug 2008 08:58

21. Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning..........or did they?

bhwaaaa hahahaha kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa hihihihihi ROFLMCAOTIPAL huuuwiii tltltltlt ROFL kwa kwa kwa

Eish i haven't seen anythin to top this today. i'll probs laugh all the way home thinking of it.

Thing is TDC, i keep seeing Charity wondering how to get to the stadium cause she's so broke she couldn't find money to buy a match ticket. And when she finally manages to get to the stadium, she can't get close to Carlos to ask for a lift. And when she finally does get too close, Carlos can't understand what she's saying.

20 Aug 2008 08:59

Am i the only one thinking those thugs on generations are unnecessary? I mean WTF???

no, D. u're not the only one. they turn me off watching it. WTF ngempela!

if i don't see Adam i don't watch anyway!

20 Aug 2008 08:59

True That @ TDC Etv is the best!!!!!

20 Aug 2008 09:00

Dimags: LOL!!! how are you my friend?

20 Aug 2008 09:01

Eish, TDC, y vele? Thanks Boikanyo...

20 Aug 2008 09:02

hayi , sana dont say that ngumtu wakuthi phela. ndiyamvela shame,  ubu stranded ekudeni kangaka,

20 Aug 2008 09:02

Tox: i also missed Adam yesterday " Hawu Portia, awuz'bheke nje unjani, usuyijunkie vele wena, kunini sbhema" LMAO, yho i love Adam shame.

20 Aug 2008 09:05

Hey Belzito...don't laugh man! I'm cool my friend...wena?

20 Aug 2008 09:06

6. Is Thomas from Metro FM aware that his show is now outdated? Come on now…….Eight teti int a spark or the it anymore alongside Regina. 

Yazi i was wondering about it this morning... The show is so empty... And uRegina wakhona naye is totally overated. 

16. Am I the only one who thinks Luthuli Dlamini would be great for Generations? Damn that guy can act. Generations supports local talent. They'd never cast Luthuli Dlamini. And Generations will just stagnate his career... and make him stale, futhi... He should just have a guest appearance, shagging uKarabo mhlawumbi....phela uMs Moroka uyayidinga iAnaconda, right now...

20 Aug 2008 09:06

Thing is TDC, i keep seeing Charity wondering how to get to the stadium cause she's so broke she couldn't find money to buy a match ticket. And when she finally manages to get to the stadium, she can't get close to Carlos to ask for a lift. And when she finally does get too close, Carlos can't understand what she's saying. - DLOL - stop it now Toxic

Am i the only one thinking those thugs on generations are unnecessary? - the scriptwriters of Genrubbish are very dry. Maybe they need some new blood. they are feeding us nonsense.

20 Aug 2008 09:08

tl tl tl tl tl!!!

20 Aug 2008 09:09

Is Khethiwe pregnant??

20 Aug 2008 09:10

LOL Toxic, hahahahah. shame maan uChasto. m cool Dimags.

20 Aug 2008 09:14

Belz, please accept my invite - gtalk :)

20 Aug 2008 09:18

" Hawu Portia, awuz'bheke nje unjani, usuyijunkie vele wena, kunini sbhema" 

tl tl tl!!!! we should start a adam rocks the best lines group on the other side.....i love this guy shem. to think i once thought he was borrring!

20 Aug 2008 09:18

Is Khethiwe pregnant?? 

Was she getting any or umithiswe ngamanzi lawa ageza ngawo?

20 Aug 2008 09:20

Belz, please accept my invite - gtalk :)>>>  (In Kane's voice of WWE) I want In Too.

20 Aug 2008 09:26

to be honest Khanyi Mbao does not have a talent to sing guy ............ uryt kula ndawo akuyo nexhego lakhe.. 

20 Aug 2008 09:26

Did y'all notice the date today is the... 20082008

20 Aug 2008 09:26

to be honest Khanyi Mbao does not have a talent to sing guyz............ uryt kula ndawo akuyo nexhego lakhe..

Brown Shuga
20 Aug 2008 09:29

<<<<Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning?>>>>
LMAO! Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

Brown Shuga
20 Aug 2008 09:34

@ Fluffyhead <<<how many month's must Beyonce the President's daughter be on rotation before they are convinced that everyone who has DSTV has seen it.>>>
Hayi Fluffy, khanisiyeke ngo Van Vicker wethu please....

20 Aug 2008 09:37

Did y'all notice the date today is the... 20082008>>> Someone I dont even know sent me an email with it.
<<<<Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning?>>>>
LMAO! Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
There you go my love, you have a line for tonights episode or the next one since you have already recorded.

20 Aug 2008 09:42

<<<<Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning?>>>>

and the Sehloehloe part just kills me..

Brown Shuga
20 Aug 2008 09:46


20 Aug 2008 09:49

Did y'all notice the date today is the... 20082008>>> Someone I dont even know sent me an email with it.

ignorance is truly bliss, I didn't know about the 20082008.....mximmmmm I need to change email buddies *hint hint*.......LOL

20 Aug 2008 09:59

*silent blogger*

What im a copy cat!

20 Aug 2008 10:02

LOL nonny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 Aug 2008 10:04

LOL @ Tox, I mean u would think one of my email buddies, would've emailed me about fascinating stuff like "20082008".........heheheheh

20 Aug 2008 10:06

tl tl tl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huu wee ntombi uvela phi??

20 Aug 2008 10:09

@Boikanyo OH yeah!!!!!!! Khethiwe is so pregnant and Adam is the daddy!

20 Aug 2008 10:10

@ Tox, nami angazi ngivelaphi.....eheheheh yini vele ngama rhetorical questions?

20 Aug 2008 10:12

@Boikanyo OH yeah!!!!!!! Khethiwe is so pregnant and Adam is the daddy!
@ Coniefun - Haiyyyyyyybbboooooooo kanti isn't Khethiwe a v-dot? when did Adam davaza her and here was I thinking she's only virgin left kwi Generubbish.........damn umuntu usewile, sezingeqa kanjena izindaba..........LOL

20 Aug 2008 10:13

I thought Adam never got some.......! BTW nothing hurts l;ike not getting some and get dumped after the chick get preggas but some other guy sh!t.

20 Aug 2008 10:13

What happened to the farmers of 'Boer Soek ‘n Vrou '?

20 Aug 2008 10:22

Was he ever a continuity presenter on SABC1, i hev seen that stupid face before, hayini bo that guy was Thembi's ex ku Zone 14, u Jungle, but ngoku his acting sucks and he looks ill.

20 Aug 2008 11:37

1. SABC will never can Muvhango.
2. RGB is a very good concept, but something is just missing. Gossip shows do well overseas.
3. Eish Cassandra, just irritating
4. E-news is not biased. They show everything.
5. Are they?
6. Don’t listen to him
7. Is Mzekezeke DJ Sbu?
13. Yes, Jacob Zuma is going to be your next president. JZ is going to delay the trial, and have trials within the trial, that waste so much time and will run until he becomes President, then he will change the law under his capacity as President, to say something like “A president cannot be charged...etc.
15. Where were you when we had BB South Africa? I went to the auditions with a friend of mine. They were at the Endemol studios.
16. Yes he can indeed
18. Tsk,
19. Lol again. Ace is around, he hasn’t cut the cake yet
20. Konje who is Zukiswa?
21. Cracker

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 13:01

@thabang,you  know why   Enews it so good,because they motivate their celeb,at home people they put each other down,

ENEWS tells fresh news,most S AFRCANS they are celeb after ten years you dont see them.which is not fair,is like when you are celeb ppl they are not happy when you go up,,they just want to put you down

like our news papers,they just put nasty news about celeb,what is the meaning of that,producers they dont want to pay ppl,everything with SABC I DONT GET,

TELL ME WITH JIKAMAJIKA or what ever,why cant they do atleast spelling bee or mathematics competion.

idols,you think you can dance,h s musical,famer want a wife,those things are not proudly south african,we always copy,when i we going to have our own originality .

La Dolce Vita
20 Aug 2008 13:35

Guys one question..
(1)Will they never leave the Scorpions alone?
(2)  Will Jacob Zuma change KZN 2 KwaZUMA-Natal wen he's elected 2 office?
(3) Will the JSC ask John Mandla Hlophe 2 resign as Judge Pres. of WC?

20 Aug 2008 13:56

eish TDC wa mpolaya... with your 21 questions. eish guys I miss this, and playing catch up eb'suku takes a while...

Well to answer number 9: watch on sunday and u shall see if im a millionaire or not!! hehehe - and yes u still my friend **for richer or richest*** heheheh

Hello belz... usahlanya namanje :-)

20 Aug 2008 14:00

99.9% Cassandra will be there tonight LOL!

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 14:15

ka sephaka sa kgomo,what shis eating,cakes,chocolate,macaroni n cheese,ontena ke sammone.mara lebone letsogo la cassandra?tjo i just picture a kgavarile zola hm ke mathata fela mole,

20 Aug 2008 14:19

Neh mathata, don't do this to me.  I came here to read your reply, and now I don't understand.  Please translate to english, please, please...

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 14:34

me no speaking english,decimos quie'n sabra'lo entrando .........cassandra,LMAS

Lady D
20 Aug 2008 14:51

TELL ME WITH JIKAMAJIKA or what ever,why cant they do atleast spelling bee or mathematics competion

ROTFLMBBAO @ mathata

20 Aug 2008 14:55

ROFL.... mathata,...  was that????  Espanol?

20 Aug 2008 15:00

<<Am i the only one thinking those thugs on generations are unnecessary? I mean WTF???>>  Oh gaad! what about Ajax? the gym instructor dude? adam's junkie? beatrice or whatever and her hubby? ntombi's maid? need I go on!!??? Why add on more people to the show when you can't even find anything for the ones you already have?


How does MaT get enews and jika majika in Canada?

20 Aug 2008 15:06

How does MaT get enews and jika majika in Canada?

Sego, I think she relocated, .. I don't think that was French,... my bet she is now in Spain or Portugal..

20 Aug 2008 15:28

Why does Andile have to be on the street when presenting KK? Can't she use Noeleen's studio or something?

20 Aug 2008 15:31

Ok!! Those pics at the end of a KK episode... Who and how do they expect anyone to recognise anyone on those 1960 black and white baby pics?

20 Aug 2008 15:44

MaT in Canada, biologicaly from there? ;-)

20 Aug 2008 15:47

SEGO...I think KK is making things easier for them...They don't have to book for a studio...Shooting on the street is free, anywhere, anytime...

20 Aug 2008 15:48

SEGO...I think KK is making things easier for themselves...They don't have to book for a studio...Shooting on the street is free, anywhere, anytime...

20 Aug 2008 15:55

FD: But don't you think it clutters the show, somehow?

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 16:00

@sego,most of time this blog talks about TV, so lenna i want to  send motswako nyana,i talk about what i seen by december or i google,we have africa chanel.but ke dilo tshakgale

i was shocked with majika ,gore the are best n better things they can do,gae ke gae,every month i read true love,i dont know what happened this time,im still waiting for it.

20 Aug 2008 16:06

SEGO: depends on the scene. Their way of shooting suits the focus of the show as these guys are travelling all Zola7 :-)

20 Aug 2008 16:28

MaT o connected mos!! :-)

FD, I still find it cluttery...

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 16:43

a gu yafana,i just like their afican music.

Brown Shuga
20 Aug 2008 17:17

Oh Mathata...kodwa uyachaza yazi! You rock

20 Aug 2008 20:02

Great (and hysterical) questions and suggestions TDC! All the Power to you for  for Sunday Lahvee!

Bra Bizza
21 Aug 2008 00:20

who's Luthuli Dlamini

21 Aug 2008 00:37

With people of The TVSA Breakfast Show........ Swazi95 I think its full will delete some messages;-)

21 Aug 2008 00:54

@Bra Bizza.The guy who was playing Daniel Nyathis brother in Scandal,he is now in Isidingo

21 Aug 2008 00:58

ka sephaka sa kgomo,what shis eating,cakes,chocolate,macaroni n cheese,ontena ke sammone.mara lebone letsogo la cassandra?tjo i just picture a kgavarile zola hm ke mathata fela mole,....tjo, tjo, tjo...this is funny. Wa bona di reply tsa gago mathata di a tshegisa

21 Aug 2008 01:12

Is there an RGB recap today?

21 Aug 2008 01:16

Nonny: We are waiting for yours...

21 Aug 2008 01:16

Is there an RGB recap today?>>> Havent finished it so either way i forsee this article hadling it as well.

21 Aug 2008 01:20

Nonny: We are waiting for yours...
ahahahah good one Sego, but I'll pass thank u!

Havent finished it so either way i forsee this article hadling it as well.
Please please please finish it TDC, while I still remember exactly what I wanna say and how I'm gonna "phrase" it.........LOL

21 Aug 2008 01:48

Mathata u r killin me, tl tl tl tl tl tl

21 Aug 2008 02:01

My version of RGB is On....check Homepage.

20 Aug 2008 14:55

ROFL.... mathata,...  was that????  Espanol?

20 Aug 2008 15:00

<<Am i the only one thinking those thugs on generations are unnecessary? I mean WTF???>>  Oh gaad! what about Ajax? the gym instructor dude? adam's junkie? beatrice or whatever and her hubby? ntombi's maid? need I go on!!??? Why add on more people to the show when you can't even find anything for the ones you already have?


How does MaT get enews and jika majika in Canada?

20 Aug 2008 15:06

How does MaT get enews and jika majika in Canada?

Sego, I think she relocated, .. I don't think that was French,... my bet she is now in Spain or Portugal..

20 Aug 2008 15:28

Why does Andile have to be on the street when presenting KK? Can't she use Noeleen's studio or something?

20 Aug 2008 15:31

Ok!! Those pics at the end of a KK episode... Who and how do they expect anyone to recognise anyone on those 1960 black and white baby pics?

20 Aug 2008 15:44

MaT in Canada, biologicaly from there? ;-)

20 Aug 2008 15:47

SEGO...I think KK is making things easier for them...They don't have to book for a studio...Shooting on the street is free, anywhere, anytime...

20 Aug 2008 15:48

SEGO...I think KK is making things easier for themselves...They don't have to book for a studio...Shooting on the street is free, anywhere, anytime...

20 Aug 2008 15:55

FD: But don't you think it clutters the show, somehow?

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 16:00

@sego,most of time this blog talks about TV, so lenna i want to  send motswako nyana,i talk about what i seen by december or i google,we have africa chanel.but ke dilo tshakgale

i was shocked with majika ,gore the are best n better things they can do,gae ke gae,every month i read true love,i dont know what happened this time,im still waiting for it.

20 Aug 2008 16:06

SEGO: depends on the scene. Their way of shooting suits the focus of the show as these guys are travelling all Zola7 :-)

20 Aug 2008 16:28

MaT o connected mos!! :-)

FD, I still find it cluttery...

what aka mathata
20 Aug 2008 16:43

a gu yafana,i just like their afican music.

Brown Shuga
20 Aug 2008 17:17

Oh Mathata...kodwa uyachaza yazi! You rock

20 Aug 2008 20:02

Great (and hysterical) questions and suggestions TDC! All the Power to you for  for Sunday Lahvee!

Bra Bizza
21 Aug 2008 00:20

who's Luthuli Dlamini

21 Aug 2008 00:37

With people of The TVSA Breakfast Show........ Swazi95 I think its full will delete some messages;-)

21 Aug 2008 00:54

@Bra Bizza.The guy who was playing Daniel Nyathis brother in Scandal,he is now in Isidingo

21 Aug 2008 00:58

ka sephaka sa kgomo,what shis eating,cakes,chocolate,macaroni n cheese,ontena ke sammone.mara lebone letsogo la cassandra?tjo i just picture a kgavarile zola hm ke mathata fela mole,....tjo, tjo, tjo...this is funny. Wa bona di reply tsa gago mathata di a tshegisa

21 Aug 2008 01:12

Is there an RGB recap today?

21 Aug 2008 01:16

Nonny: We are waiting for yours...

21 Aug 2008 01:16

Is there an RGB recap today?>>> Havent finished it so either way i forsee this article hadling it as well.

21 Aug 2008 01:20

Nonny: We are waiting for yours...
ahahahah good one Sego, but I'll pass thank u!

Havent finished it so either way i forsee this article hadling it as well.
Please please please finish it TDC, while I still remember exactly what I wanna say and how I'm gonna "phrase" it.........LOL

21 Aug 2008 01:48

Mathata u r killin me, tl tl tl tl tl tl

21 Aug 2008 02:01

My version of RGB is On....check Homepage.

La Dolce Vita
21 Aug 2008 06:27

@ Bra Bizza- Luthuli Dhlamini played Stan Nyathi in Scandal! then now he's on Isidingo as Sthembiso Shezi.
Its bn in the papers alot that Lesego Motsepe (Lettie) is leaving Isidingo...will she b killed off in the "cliched" way or will she leave Vusi coz Neo won't b attending that private school in JHB?

29 Aug 2008 04:35

Why couldnt Bafana Bafana give Charity Sehloehloe a lift home this morning

kwa kwa kwa, i cant believe i missed this..LMAO!!!! hihoihihih

29 Aug 2008 04:49

You did ;-)

29 Aug 2008 04:52

yeah u did, that made me laugh the whole week plus the weekend....even told my mom who found it absolutely funny!

29 Aug 2008 05:00

yeah u did, that made me laugh the whole week plus the weekend....even told my mom who found it absolutely funny!>>>>> You have no idea of how it makes me feel that I make/still make impact in people's lives.LOL

29 Aug 2008 05:04

strue bob Cande...............

29 Aug 2008 05:07

awww bofsss....wena ur sense of humour is one of a kind!!!!

29 Aug 2008 05:11

awww bofsss....wena ur sense of humour is one of a kind!!!!>>>  Sekgowa sa pala bua translater tu...or ka high school english am only 14 kana.

02 Sep 2008 03:59

Now, this was a GREAT article...

02 Sep 2008 04:13

heheheheh Carino u are really bored my friend!

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