After pulling myself towards myself after the extremely emotional Rumba week, the Tango was a little bit better, but not my best.
Ooooh how my body hurts!!!
We should be allocated full-time physiotherapists - guess my boyfriend’s hands will have to do.
So after a reverse in fortunes, where this week we were announced to be safe first amongst the contestants, it was time to get cracking on the Paso Doble. The dance is somewhat unconventional, but due to the theatrical composition of our piece, I’m hoping to shine this week and break my 30-point “cherry”.
Strangely enough the Universe hasn’t thrown too much drama into my life this week and here’s hoping that this is reflected in Thursday nights performance.
Viva la Paso Doble, Viva!!!
Too those of you who voted to keep me in the “game”, as always, much love, peace and happiness and to those that didn’t, well …
Hugs and Kisses.