gone but not forgotten celebrities

Written by Kakapana from the blog is it just me? on 19 Nov 2008
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Gift Leremi, Lesley Manyathela, Lebo Mathosa, Jabu Ndaba, Mawillias, Dr Mageau, Tebza, T.K, Ashley Callie, Lindiwe (Doobsie), Lucky Dube, Hansie, Isabel Johannes (the consumer lady) Brenda, Daphney Hlomuka (Sis May in Sdumo), John Matshikiza (actor), Jabu “okumhlophe”, Vuyo Mokeana and Jabu Khanyile….. 

These are just some our cherished, loved, and sometimes hated celebrities that have passed away…shocking, when one lists them like this. I hadn’t realized how many actors, musicians, soccer players, and entertainers we have lost in the past few years.

Death is never an easy thing to deal with, no mater how young or old the person may have be, but when they pass away- we, their loved ones are always filled with sadness; inconsolable hearts and we forever treasure them in our hearts and thoughts. 

The recent death of the legendary Miriam Makeba made me think about all of our celebrities that have passed away. I couldn’t help but notice how many we have lost in the +- 5 years. 

Its always a sad moment when someone dies, but with our celebrities it seems more heartbreaking because we knew them (or so we thought- think) being in the public eye and all. I remember when I heard that the ever so charismatic Gift Leremi had been involved in an accident that claimed his young and promising life. With no warning (maybe if he had been sick and in hospital I would have been able to prepare myself for his untimely death) 

 you will forever be missed...

Tjoe I couldn’t stop crying that day, my colleagues actually thought that it was someone I knew that had died. As a stanch Pirates supporter I had always loved Gift, even when he joined Sundowns, he was still my “Vum-Vum” (he was just to die for in that music video-no pun intended..)

Vuyo’s death also came as a total surprise to me, I remember reading that he had a tumour of some sort, but I didn’t think that his condition had become so critical. My mother was so devastated; that she went out and bought all his CDs that she didn’t have. 

The entertainment industry and the whole nation were left in anguish when Lebo was involved in a fatal car accident.

Which celebrity death affected you the most and why, and what is the one thing you will remember that celebrity for… 

 who can forget Ruby Mogale...


19 Nov 2008 11:49

besides his brilliant soccer skills, i will miss Gift's sexy eyes and that dashing body...

19 Nov 2008 12:37

A week never goes by without me listening to Joyous 10 and one of my fav. tracks is by Vuyo, titled: "Bless Your Name'........I just love it so much. He was such a good performer. But ke no use moaning now, God is in control, all we can do is enjoy their music, like abo Lebo no MaBrr.

I remember watching Jerusalema some time ago and a couple of Brenda's somgs were played, I felt pride & joy, that eve tho she has been gone for some time now, her spirit and her music is still alive.

19 Nov 2008 12:51

Touching article kaka, thank you.

I would like to say to the battle axes of the industry, the original drama queens, the first ladies of the South African music industry, the ONLY divas to have lived (in my opinion) Lebo Mathosa and Brenda Fassie- "bayozama kodwa abasoze banidlule!"

I remember watching the performance of "Too late for Mama" by Lebo, and later joined by Brenda and thought "wow... its so sad to have them BOTH gone" When Lebo said she was the next Brenda Fassie, she was right. And that will always remain undisputed!

They may be gone, but will never be forgotten. Halala makhosazana halala!!!

19 Nov 2008 12:55

kakapee: i miss Gift so badly, i had a connection with him, coz i dreamt of him a day before his funeral, or was it after, but yah i will neva forget him, eish yah neh, those were the bhakabhaka days, bengingashotri estadium.

19 Nov 2008 12:56

@ Nonny khona this other one that he sings kwi Joyous 11, i think its  track 3....although i dont understand what hes saying, but boy do i love that song. 
u Charisma and Tsepiso sang that song kwi IWTSG

19 Nov 2008 12:57

I miss Gift soo much, coz every year when its my birthday i will brag and say how much i share a birthday with him..eish loso maara

19 Nov 2008 12:57

Which celebrity death affected you the most and why- Makhendlas, he made me realise how much I love SA, its people, their languages and teh talents that each of us has that identify our uniquenesss. I mean the nigga sang a whole lotta B&&&&lShit, but i loved it anyway. I loved the video though, esp the part "Blacks Only".

19 Nov 2008 12:59

Lesley Manyathela, soo much talent and soo young, eish!!

19 Nov 2008 13:00

to add to your list Kakapana..

Merriam Zenzile Makeba

19 Nov 2008 13:02

LOL Mamchunu @ KAKA sorini maan but lol

19 Nov 2008 13:03

Jabu Khanyile: i love his song " Mayo, mayo, mayo, sponkie, ponkie lam' a lover that you can resist".

19 Nov 2008 13:04

@ Nonny khona this other one that he sings kwi Joyous 11, i think its track 3....although i dont understand what hes saying, but boy do i love that song.
u Charisma and Tsepiso sang that song kwi IWTSG
I have Joyous1-12 and the song u are looking for is uJesu Kemmoloki.

19 Nov 2008 13:06

To ansa ur q's ke sana. Kum it was Lee of Isidingo iyhooooo azange ndakhalo soo. You would swear i knew her. It was worst when i was watching Isidingo. I was crying iNile river doll...

19 Nov 2008 13:07

But huys, my fav. song ka MaBrrr is "Nomakanjani" reminds me of all the odd couples that are so inlove and make wanna scream ngithi: ♫♫Noma kanjani, wedali wami, ngeke ngik'shiye sofa silahlane♫♫ coz love can lead u to strange places I tell u.

19 Nov 2008 13:09

It was worst when i was watching Isidingo. I was crying iNile river doll...
LOL, but seriously Lee's passing was one of the saddest yazi, i think what made it more sad wa sthe fact that her role on Isidingo was almost as sweet as she is or should I say as she was in real life.

19 Nov 2008 13:10

Talking about Vuyo Mokoena, what is this I hear about him being featured in Mzekezeke's Back by Popular Demand???

19 Nov 2008 13:10

Kum it was Lee of Isidingo iyhooooo azange ndakhalo so>>Me too myname, i cried so much hey..

19 Nov 2008 13:12

I heard that too Carino...

My favourite Brenda's song was and is still "Black President"

Lebo Mathosa yena it is "Ma-Afrika"

19 Nov 2008 13:14

Yhoooo, it was LEBO MATHOSA, thats when i joined TVSA

19 Nov 2008 13:14

Yhoooo, it was LEBO MATHOSA, thats when i joined TVSA

19 Nov 2008 13:26

Dr Mageu?
he died? hau? when? 

Which celebrity death affected you the most 
For me Lebo Mathosa... She died too you young, too sooon. I just loved that girl.
Still cannot believe that Ashley Callie/ Vuyo Mokoena/ Lucky Dube are gone!

19 Nov 2008 13:32

Dr Mageu?
he died? hau? when?

Haaibo Tazzy, have you been living in SA this year???

19 Nov 2008 13:58

haaibo Cande...
is it true? i missed this one:-) 
May his soul rest in peace.

19 Nov 2008 16:36

Touching article kaka, thank you. 
LOL Mamchunu @ KAKA sorini maan but lol

LOL please dont shorten my name coz it just sounds Kaka

Shuga babe
19 Nov 2008 16:46

<<LOL please dont shorten my name coz it just sounds Kaka>>


DJ Why why
19 Nov 2008 17:03

Touching article kaka, thank you.

Kwa kwa kwa kwa ....@ Mamchunu

Hawu, i did nt know about Isabell Jones, phela i lovewhat she did with that consumer thingie of theirs....iyo?

19 Nov 2008 17:24

haibo is mageu dead for real guys?

Brown Shuga
19 Nov 2008 19:14

Hawu Madenza, the news even travelled as far as Zim!

19 Nov 2008 21:51

For me it has to be Lucky Cele, the guy who sang with Avante because am a gospel person. His death was probably insignificant to most but i think he was what made me notice Avante in the first place, with his thuggish look and funny stage performance and vibrating voice, especially in the songs 'Uphold Me' and 'Yek'iJerusalem' .

 And i think the death that touched me the most was that of Makhendlas, probably because it was the first time a celebrity had died and most probably because I was a bit young back then and kwaito was the in-thing.

20 Nov 2008 09:57

yebo people Dr Megeu is no more...

@ Snonoza yazi i had forgotten about u Mr father had ama CDs abo and i remember a few years ago we went to one of their show e Absa Stadium and what a killer perfomance that was  "yek'ijerusalema umuzi okhanyayo ngingeze-ngalibala okuhle okukhonale"  *singing*

21 Nov 2008 11:36

Marubini, its been long but damn, death mara ay ngeke.

24 Nov 2008 15:34

lebo,brenda,umanji actually all of them

24 Nov 2008 15:50

Talking of mageu, i was also shocked when i heard about his death...was it ever reported in the newspapers? i heard about it weeks after his death

i really like him in the tkz song - izinja zam.....kabelo says "egeuzin a onqetele..." 

"eintlik hini, eintlik y, eintlik y ni thanda ku hlakolozana"

24 Nov 2008 15:34

lebo,brenda,umanji actually all of them

24 Nov 2008 15:50

Talking of mageu, i was also shocked when i heard about his death...was it ever reported in the newspapers? i heard about it weeks after his death

i really like him in the tkz song - izinja zam.....kabelo says "egeuzin a onqetele..." 

"eintlik hini, eintlik y, eintlik y ni thanda ku hlakolozana"

25 Nov 2008 10:29

"kunyu kunyu" 
@ kapakapa yazi our names are so similar i sometimes get confused....

25 Nov 2008 10:29

"kunyu kunyu" 
@ kapakapa yazi our names are so similar i sometimes get confused....

04 Dec 2008 09:47

just heard that e-tv is going to be repeating the first season of Backstage, with abo Ruby Mogale who played the role of Irene and Precious Simelane who played the role of Nomonde....cant belive that both these girls are no-more

04 Dec 2008 09:56

@ Kakapana, so etv is pulling a SABC1 on us, running out of good programmes and resorting to repitition. But ke I wouldn't mind watching backstage just to see Irene on my screen again, damn that gal was so lucky to get a role that depicted the person she was in real life, she was so sweet & beautiful, the good ones die first fo sho.

04 Dec 2008 09:59

Kapakapa & Kakapana..WOW are u guys twins?

04 Dec 2008 10:05

the good ones die first fo sho.

haai bo Nonny...u mean thina we bad ones (not that im the celebrity)

Talking of mageu, i was also shocked when i heard about his death...was it ever reported in the newspapers? i heard about it weeks after his death
i really like him in the tkz song - izinja zam.....kabelo says "egeuzin a onqetele..."

@Kakapa...I was listening to that CD yeTKZ no Sbu (wamaLawyer) Shweeee! Wayedelela maan uGeuzana..... "yah ne... anikaboni lutho, nisazobona"

04 Dec 2008 10:16

ja yeah and she died at the prime of her career...they would have made such beautiful babies yena no Clint Brink..

04 Dec 2008 10:24

eish my saddest moment was when I found out that Lucky Cele had passed on after a year!!! man I was so devastated, I liked him real big tyme like Snonoza says-that thggish look was doing it for me.
...and then Vuyo,  Lucky Dube, Merriam Makeba  on that latest video man,she touched me she looked so sickly, age had really caught up,-just the way she moved 7 walked!

04 Dec 2008 10:25

Ja neh, the likes of Wendy Mseleku - JC with her sweet voice touched me ukuthi I could imagine the joy of going to have the baby not knowing that is going to take your life and the thought of saying to the child that your passed on while giving birth to you, that was said.

Kolala amaqhawe kusale izibongo...

04 Dec 2008 10:30

shame, SA has really suffered big time lately, the list goes on & on!

04 Dec 2008 10:40

the good ones die first fo sho.
haai bo Nonny...u mean thina we bad ones (not that im the celebrity)

heheheh Tazzy, vele thina esisele most of us sibolile....LOL

Kapakapa & Kakapana..WOW are u guys twins?
LOL, Cande, their names are so confusing, I always have to double check who is who.

tha - bang
04 Dec 2008 10:43

i was actually thinking of gift leremei last week.death is such a terible thing

04 Dec 2008 10:44

rest in peace guyz we will alwayz remember you and all your different talent. we miwill always love y. we miss youou

04 Dec 2008 10:48

kakapana - Is that the best pic of Ruby Mogale u could find, coz it certainly doesn't do her beuty justice. It's just that I really liked lomtwana.

04 Dec 2008 10:53

LOL sorry for the confusion guys......

04 Dec 2008 12:14

@ Nonny ja, and i couldnt even find one of Precious Simelane....just goes to show

02 Jun 2009 11:29

When and how did Precious simelane die?

02 Jun 2009 11:36

I am stil asking the same question tovise1

02 Jun 2009 11:44

T & Cande, i think she died of a heart disease or something lyk that. .....i stand 2 b corrected if im wrong bt i still remember her death announcement.

She was lovable shame naye.

02 Jun 2009 11:46

ja it was 2005 cant remember the month maar

02 Jun 2009 11:51

Precious died of a misterious headache people.

02 Jun 2009 11:53

Who is precious?

02 Jun 2009 11:57

she was an actress,she can be seen kuma reruns e backstage

02 Jun 2009 12:03

Can they rest now...

02 Jun 2009 12:04

<<Who is precious?>> she also acted ko Generations Tau's Sister and then she became mad

02 Jun 2009 12:17

lmao @ maud how long have u been watching generations gal?

02 Jun 2009 12:17

When and how did Precious simelane die?>>>i read somewhere she had an accident, had internal bleedings & stuff like that & died later from was also believed that she was bewitched by the family of the little girl she hit & died on that accident...

02 Jun 2009 12:32

@dali from the first episode Sisi,  you will undestand that these people we know them by their charactor name not the real onces. to your surprise by then i think i was working for SABC.

02 Jun 2009 12:33

Presious was Zanele on Generation, apparently she had a heart condition and that is what caused her death...

02 Jun 2009 12:45

now im confused did she die from heart what what or an accident: pls name yo sources

02 Jun 2009 12:48

i read it in Drum mag many moons ago

02 Jun 2009 12:52

did she die from heart what what or an accident

Eish people can speculate and cause all sort of nc nc nc.
if i remember  correctly she died from heart condition or some mysterious headache...Shame she was soo young, may her precious soul rest in peace

02 Jun 2009 13:01

Below is what I found from The Star newspaper after googling. "short Illness".  More confusing.
April, 28, 2005
Friends, family and celebrities came to pay their last respects to television personality Precious Simelane, who passed away last week at George Mukhari Hospital in Ga-Rankuwa after a short illness.

The 27-year-old star's life was celebrated at her funeral, as many did not mourn her death but were grateful to have met, known and worked with her.

Though it was a sad day, her family still urged all who were there to sing songs of thanks and praise, as that was how Simelane lived her life - through song and praise.

Maria Mahlangu, Simelane's grandmother, said that even when she was in hospital, her "little girl" still sang. During her last few days on earth, she would force everyone who came to visit her to join her in a hymn or a gospel song.

"When I think of her I become stronger. She was strong in her trying times, and yet she always made everyone around her smile. She lived her life and honoured God.

"My granddaughter lived her life, she came and she conquered. She was and still is the cream of my heart," said Mahlangu.

The service was held at the Apostolic Mission Faith Church in Atteridgeville, which was Simelane's hometown, and proceeded to Zandfontein cemetery, where she was laid to rest.

Simelane brought both young and old people together at her funeral, and her life was indeed celebrated as friends and family cheered and laughed during the service as they remembered how kind she was.

Her cousin Bongi Sibiya described her as a friend and a sister to all who knew her.

02 Jun 2009 13:11

She is Nomonde on Backstage Maud

02 Jun 2009 13:15

Thank you FK. Can she rest now please!!!

02 Jun 2009 13:15

death it will happen to all of us, sad but true.

to all our christian bloggers please help me here is there heaven and hell, and who goes to these 2 different places? just wondering

02 Jun 2009 13:16

i am now totaly lost, i dont watch i backstage

11 Aug 2009 13:44

it has to be ''ruby' mogale, daphney hlomukaa that woman was one of the fewand i mean a very few old people who had that talent and i think the lifetime achievment for SAFTAS 2010 should go to mam '' SIS MAY MASEKO, MAMKHIZE MHLONGO MAMKHIZE AGAIN DAPHNEY HLOMUKA I LOVED HER

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