A spoken word verse
The broke man has no place in todays society
The broke man has no place in todays society. This is an assumption which can be disputed and argued over till kingdom come but as a supposed young, black, professional woman I reiterate the broke man has no place in todays society.
While his counterparts wine and dine the opposite sex the broke man sits and contemplates his next move and scheme always thinking of a new and 'better' way to make money.
I reiterate the broke man has no place in todays society.
While his peers climb corporate ladders and make an effort to be at that place at 8 and leave at five satisfied with their progress and smiling all the way to the bank, I reiterate the broke man has no place in today's society.
While the 'Black Diamond' ideal is pushed and manages to classify society into the haves and the haves not, still the broke man struggles for he cannot take part in such a debate. A debate to foretell whether BEE is doing its job or not, because still the broke man has no place in today's society.
While the suits, mustaches and fake smiles obliterate and ponder at the world banks and economic forums sitting in endless meetings to discuss the economic policies which govern the modern world yet emancipate only the wealthy, still the broke man has no place in todays society.
With their tell all bellies bulging out of the finely tailored suits and Asian made cars speaking all for themselves, yes these men hold the power because struggle as he may, the broke man has no place in todays society.
With no access to that opportunity wielding degree, with words written in fine print upon perfectly printed paper framed in a large holder which explains the the process of having funds to further education, but yes my broke brother you will continue to have no place in todays society.
Frowns as long as the Nile, they express their disdain and impunity at the bills of right to poverty which save the broke man from himself, these bank notes of sponsorship do more harm than good because still the broke man has no place in today's society.
While threats of a reccession are uttered like a dirty word the broke man rejoices, because aaah at last they will join him... Join him in the ranks of poverty as the dreaded word recession threatens to infiltrate their healthy bank accounts.
Yet, he has miscalculated, because the finely tuned pennies which he uses to foretell their dreary future can not exist. For they have lied, the broke man will continue to be broke and live in this extreme state while the suits ponder over his life, for yes the broke man has no place in todays society.
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