Spotlight On: Hectic Nine-9 (#TBT reload!)

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 29 Jul 2009
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The Hectic Nine-9 presenters on Wednesday, 29 July 2009. 

And today, Thursday, 1 October 2020, the show becomes a teenager as it reaches 13 years on air.

Today's episode will be celebrating the occasion with a virtual party attended by 13 Hn9ners.

To get into the spirit of things, I thought it would be nostalgic to reload this set visit I did in 2009, where I met the presenters of the time. 

See if you can name them from the pic above and check your memory below...

The show used to air between 16h00 and 16h30 back then, but it's now on from 16h30 to 17h00:

Every afternoon a sassy crowd hit the Longkloof Studios in downtown Cape Town to film SABC2's teen show Hectic Nine-9.

It's on between 16h00 and 16h30 daily and each episode's hosted by two of seven presenters, who specialise in the theme for the day e.g movies, fashion, sport and so on.

The latest addition to the cast: Idols5's Mathew Moolman, who covers music and entertainment type things.

I first met the cast when SABC2's q-base28 launched in May and decided to hotfoot back. The result: I spent an afternoon hanging out to sniff what they get up to ...

Balls and Bats

Their guests for the day were cricketer Dale Steyn and his GF Jeanne Kietzmann (more goss coming up! You can imagine I was tickled to meet another WAG. My list is currently at: 3.)

In Da Spotlight

Here's who's who of the presenters and what makes them beat ...

Ayanda Makuzeni


Age: 22 (23 on 14 August)
Fave actor:
Jim Carey
Fave sportspeep: Ronaldinho
Fave muso: 'Lil Wayne
Hero: Oprah
Fave clothes: Skinny jeans (must be colourful!) & T-shirts
Best friend: My mother
Last person you SMS'd: Noluthando Meje - my best friend
Fave flik: Step Brothers
Fave TV show: Keeping Up With The Kardashians & and Candy Girls
Most Hectic thing you've ever done: Wow, there are so plenty hey but I'd say shooting the Chikin' Likin' ad because we had to dance, sing and act all at the same time. We shot five commercials and had to travel all over Johannesburg at the same time.


Grant Flynn

Age: 25
Fave actor: Judy Dench
Fave sportspeep: Ryk Neethling
Fave muso: Snow Patrol, Leona Lewis, Goldfish, Kings Of Leon
Hero: Oprah, Richard Branson, Paul Griffiths
Fave clothes: My sexy undies (blue & white)
Best friend: My best friend
Last person you SMS'd: Michael Wallace
Fave flik: The Notebook
Fave TV show: The Mentalist
Most Hectic thing you've ever done: Skydiving - it was the most exhilirating experience of my entire life. I've never been so scared but the adrenalin rush of skydiving is absolutely amazing, free-falling through the sky, it's amazing. I did it in January, I got it as a birthday present.


Laurian Nortje

Age: 21
Fave actor: Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie
Fave sportspeep: Didier Drogba
Fave muso: Beyonce
Hero: Christ
Fave clothes: Tights (different colours)
Best friend: My BFF Zee
Last person you SMS'd: My BFF Zee
Fave flik: Gladiator (4eva Russell Crowe)
Fave TV show: Grey's Anatomy and Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Most Hectic thing you've ever done: I abseiled off the bridge in Betty's Bay, I did that in Grade 6 and that was hectic. When you go down the bridge, when you get close to the water you have to unleash your harness and fall into the water which is very deep. Also I got whiplash as I let go so I had to swim with pain so it was pretty challenging. I made it out alive.

Also, doing Hectic Nine's hectic.


Loyiso Mdebuka

Age: 23
Fave actor: Kevin Spacey
Fave sportspeep: Lionel Messi
Fave muso: Kanye West, Eminem
Hero: My Father
Fave clothes: My Converse All Stars
Best friend: My brother
Last person you SMS'd: My mentor, Lloyd Msomi
Fave flik: Remember The Titans (With Denzel)
Fave TV show: Prison Break
Most Hectic thing you've ever done: It was when I was in Grade 6, we went on a camp to the Breede River - we went on rafts and as we were going down with our whole team, our raft capsized - for a kilometre stretch I had to swim through the river looking for something to hold onto.


Mathew Moolman

Age: 19
Fave actor: Will Smith
Fave sportspeep: Michael Jordan
Fave muso: Michael Jackson
Hero: My dad
Fave clothes: Shoes!
Last person you SMS'd: News reporter - for the Tatler, a Cape Town paper that did a story on Matthew's new single release.
Fave flik: Crash
Fave TV show: CSI
Most Hectic thing you've ever done:
I don't put myself in hectic situations - I can't think of a moment where I was close to death, I've broken a couple of bones. Being on Idols was hectic - my most hectic was seeing the final results. I think it was a little bit disappoiting because it's gonna be hard for people to trust Idols again so I'm not sure what's gonna happen in the next season.

Schelaine Bennett

Age: 24
Fave actor: Meryl Streep
Fave sportspeep: I don't watch sport but Theirry Henry is super HOT!
Fave muso: Lenny Kravitz, Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye and India Arie
Hero: I think Jo-Ann Strauss is inspiring but I really look up to my parents and godmother.
Fave clothes: COWBOY BOOTS!
Last person you SMS'd: A tie between my BF and my mom.
Fave flik: Romeo & Juliet - Baz Lurman's version
Fave TV show: Grey's Anatomy
Most Hectic thing you've ever done:
Okay-dokey, bunjee-jumping at Gouritz, it was lots of fun.. Five of us got in a car and drove up - the deal was that we'd all do it. I'd do it again, I'd love to try skydiving, I just need to get that as a birthday present, nudge-nudge Grant.

Missing in action (was too busy getting clingy with a pole) ...

Leneo Lekhanya
Fast f@cts

>>It's the only daily live SABC show that's broadcast from Cape Town.

>>The day's presenters arrive on set at 14h00, run their lines, meet their guests and chat before doing make-up for 16h00.

>>The show's really made me think about my schooldays and how I would have grooved on it. I was alone after school and 16h00 to 16h30 always sucked - it was just before my mom got home from work and things seemed to be so quiet and empty. There was nothing on TV at the time, except pre-'tween shows so it would have been cool to have had it as company.

>>One such teen is Monre Coleman - he won a competition to name qbase28 and told me that he always watches Hectic. When I called him up to talk about his win he seemed to be solo too.

>>Hectic Nine-9's a razzy street term.

>>Besides in-studio, the show also goes out-and-about on location.

Channels in this post: SABC2


29 Jul 2009 14:55

hao!..hasn' t any1 seen this article?

29 Jul 2009 19:33

i'm not the target market for this show Tashi, so i reserve my nasty comments that were gonna be target to some of the things mentioned by these

05 Aug 2009 16:01

guys are so old thought you were young the way you are talking do not say much about your age maar keep up da good work.

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