There are things that we all have thought were true or important when growing up until we realized that No, they are not
1. I used to think it is impossible for a working person not to have money, even for an older person not to have money, until i saw a someone i know who is older and working waiting for 00h01 in the ATM to withdraw money before all the creditors would take it.
2.I used to think that cellphone was the best means of communicating until i was flooded by 5 calls a day before the payday asking for money, Mnxm i so wished we could go back to letter writting, because then those letters will reach me way after pay day and i will respond and post them as the pay day is about to pass, then they'd also get way after it
3. I used to think that No furniture get repossesed lately until i saw a furniture car taking their furniture this weekend from a certain flat ... beautiful couch i tell you
4. lastly i used to think and picture everyone on TVSA to be size 28 -32, until some bloggers say they were quite fully-figured not i cant picture them in my mind ...LOL
come on bloggers let's have fun
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