Day 4: 10 September 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 10 Sep 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 4.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.


10 Sep 2009 06:59

Addicts, I am 'working from home'  for a couple of days but I have reports that must be done by Monday.  So I am going to try and to give you the diary sessions.

I hope Piz and GML will help me with the rest.

Just need to run a couple of errands first, bank, liquor store (hey, I would need for the Leentjie, Rasta and TS diary sessions!).

Oh the midnite addicts mentioned on the other thread that the idiotz are conspiring to kick out the TS.  Please let save the TS?

10 Sep 2009 08:00

I hope I can help today. If my bosses brats dont come then i will be able to help otherwise they want to watch cartoons......

I have difficulty hearing the diary sessions- especially Rasta. But I will try my best.

I have a feeling Yacob will be leaving this weekend. Phela he has absolutely no life. Hannigton smelly will also leave the house. they must go

10 Sep 2009 08:10

Mina guys i am more concern about about the Yacob getting obese. All he does is eat n sleep...I could klap him. 

I didnt see a lot of my man (Teddy) he still grumpy? Poor thing!

10 Sep 2009 08:12

Mina guys i am more concern about  Yacob getting obese. All he does is eat n sleep...I could klap him.

I didnt see a lot of my man (Teddy) he still grumpy? Poor thing!

10 Sep 2009 08:15

Please remind me never to watch them eat ever again!!! it was so gross and they dont sit down 
Did you see TS eating ewwwe gross !!!

10 Sep 2009 08:21

I really enjoyed the Rap thingie Kevin did last  night. i think he got himself a fan.....

10 Sep 2009 08:25

I did not see much of Hannington last night except a flag of a Kanga on him.  Why has he toned down?  K1 impressed me with his dance moves, good one K1.  Quinn's fans please tell me why he should be in the house?

10 Sep 2009 08:30

i'm officially a big brother addict i just never thought this would happen.

I'm so inlove with the Zimbabwean Guy Itai, it's not even funny, I hope he stays longer in the house, there's something endearing about him

10 Sep 2009 08:34

@Mathaz: Quinn should stay because he is the only normal person there. He is not trying too hard nor is he keeping a low profile. He makes sense when eh speaks and makes it easier to understand what is happening. Some housemates cannot even speak properly enough to make sense

10 Sep 2009 10:05

Morning Addicts

I really enjoyed last nite's krektivity.  TS is the bomb.  Yacob, who has now been christined Muhammad needs to go together with Hannie.

10 Sep 2009 10:21

@ WSG nee man - this TS is something else - this place smells like Barakwan - do you know barakwan? Lol

No, FK. What is it?

WSG - last nite I was watching bba4 recap on 114 and Skelemba's cut was being attended to by the idiotz.  So the guys had dettol / savlon and some ointment and I think the place started smelling like a hospital.  Now here in mzansi we have a hospital called Baragwanath.

So TS went like this place smells like Barakwan - do you know barakwan?

10 Sep 2009 11:50

Ja it was great being an addict last night at least now I'm getting to know who is who..............

Savanah Dry
10 Sep 2009 11:55

where is WSG with an update ?

10 Sep 2009 12:06

Jeremy,Wayoe and Quinn are in the bedroom,Jeremy and Wayoe are doing pushups and Wayoe is really struggling. Now Jeremy has asked Wayoe to sit on his back so that he can do pushups with him on his back (shocking)! They are now leaving the bedroom after Jeremy's done with his pushups except for Wayoe who is still trying some more pushups

10 Sep 2009 12:09

tx Vesa. Why is Quinn there?

10 Sep 2009 12:13

It's task day and the Housemates are wiling away their time until Biggie summons them.

The Housemates spent yesterday building their Ndunda sculptures. Nduda is a positive representation of a person, featuring their unique characteristics.

Big Brother provided them with 12 basic Nduda-kits as well as a communal box of decorating materials and tools.

The Ndudas are supposed to reflect the way in which they see their fellow Housemate and should be visually appealing.

Today the task continues where Housemates have to present a speech in which they tell Big Brother why they deserve to stay in the house.

I got this off the Website

10 Sep 2009 12:15

Back to the rest of the guyz, they are having some discussion which I can't follow. Edward says women and the youth should be given the chance to rule and they would do a good job. Men have ego issues that's why the don't want women to rule. He reckons if women ruled, there would be no corruption and no nothing. Itai says that he has a different view, because you would find a woman a child or another woman for a man to (not sure if he said rape). Edward added that women never started war.

10 Sep 2009 12:15

lol! thanks, WSG and Vesa! 

10 Sep 2009 12:21

they are talking about ways to improve the continent.

10 Sep 2009 12:22

Now Jeremy has asked Wayoe to sit on his back so that he can do pushups with him on his back (shocking)! 

Hhe? So Wayoe was straddling Jeremy's back?? heheeeheheheheh these guys!!!

10 Sep 2009 12:28

HHayi guys stop it about Jeremy tu....... he ain't gay

10 Sep 2009 12:31

Yep,Toxic.The radio is on and some rap music is playing. Onyl Kevin jumped and started dancing and singing along. He's doing these m'rapper gestures. Their conversations are drowned by the music. Another son whi appears to be popular amongs them came on, and Hannetjie has joined Kevin. They seem to be fascinated by the passing planes coz they keep on looking at them.

10 Sep 2009 12:36

cleve, nc nc ncnc... Don't be in denial, love... that man's voice is a sign... We just need him to read for the closet door..

10 Sep 2009 12:38

Sorry about the typos, I meant' another song which appears'. They are all talking at the same time and the music is not so loud anymo. @GML....Quinn was in the room chatting to his big buddy Jeremy while he was busy with his pushups. Some southafrican hip hop song is on and Wayoe is dancing in the bathroom with his t-shirt off. He' s looking at himself dance on the mirror. As the son ends, he says "that was a good song".

10 Sep 2009 12:46

Aah Vesa thanks. As soon as the meeting in the boardroom ends I will help you with the updates

10 Sep 2009 12:56

Vesa - is Phil knitting as well or my eyes r deceiving me? Lemme go buy lunch I'll be back.............

10 Sep 2009 12:57

Phil is now doing k1s sewing. They are discussing Mandela . They are also talking about malcom x.

10 Sep 2009 13:03

Yes mjj he is sewing. Quinn is too quiet. Wayoe is talking to himself while looking at himself on the mirror. He says biggi doesnt want him to keep his dread locks and he is dancing alone in the bedrum like moreen used to do.

10 Sep 2009 13:04

Yes mjj he is sewing. Quinn is too quiet. Wayoe is talking to himself while looking at himself on the mirror. He says biggi doesnt want him to keep his dread locks and he is dancing alone in the bedrum like moreen used to do.

10 Sep 2009 13:06

Sorry addicts just got back and switced on!

Hannetjie is in the diary room.  Will type his diary session now!

10 Sep 2009 13:09

Quinn is always quiet, what is Hannington up to?

10 Sep 2009 13:11

Hann is in diary room. He says its still going well. And he is still in his alliance but they are not comprising yet. They have a new member edward. He says he does not have a role in the group yet. He thinks women would bring a lot of joy in his life cause he can talk to them. Sheila is not helping since she cant talk back she just listens. He is now out and taking sheila outside with him and tellin the guys they left her alone in the house.

10 Sep 2009 13:14

Hey WSG, you can take over now.

10 Sep 2009 13:14

<Wayoe is talking to himself while looking at himself on the mirror. He says biggi doesnt want him to keep his dread locks and he is dancing alone in the bedrum like moreen used to do. >Onna, neeeee! Code's scarf maureen? nee nee!!!? Please get that Rasta man out, peeps!

I do not want to see people dancing and talking to themselves with mirrors!!! Laaad! Save ua all!

10 Sep 2009 13:16

Diary Session: Hannington aka Hannetjie

Life is nice and beautiful in the house. Just bit cold in the house. He is nervous about his speech; is trying to memorize it but it is not working.

He feels that tasks are going good, thinks that they will the 50%.

Group is still a family. Despite the alliances, there are no divisions.

The alliances, his alliance is going good. Will win the game.

Is not planning to turn on his alliance, but it will come to a time where every man will has to fend for himself.

New member is Edward.

Hannetjie does not have a specific role but soon everyone will have to play a role.

The only men situation is terrible. Women will bring happiness in the house. Women will bring a lot of change.

Sheila is beautiful. Sheila is not talking back, she just listens to their problems.

They need sigarettes.

10 Sep 2009 13:19

Wayoe is talking to himself while looking at himself on the mirror. He says biggi doesnt want him to keep his dread locks and he is dancing alone in the bedrum like moreen used to do. 

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!!!!!!! Because Biggie won't give him hair lotion? LMAO!!!!

He is now out and taking sheila outside with him and tellin the guys they left her alone in the house. 

Phil is spendin less time with Sheila than blackjesus considerin he gave her the name. Is it cause the doll smells that he hardly touches it? Phela HNGTon at one point had the head under his armpits LOL

10 Sep 2009 13:23

TS was in the diary room.

he said he is teaching the other guys how to sew nadn play drums that's what he does for fun. He also says he dances for fun

He says he thought Biggie would give them pen and paper where they would prepare their presentations. He is also thinking about what he is going to wear for the presentation.

I had to leave because there is another meeting

10 Sep 2009 13:26

lol! Tox is becoming an addict! one day at a time...

10 Sep 2009 13:27

Diary Session: Kaone aka TS

Life is good in the house, it is OK, fine and OK.

He made acquaintance with Hannetjie. Will not call it bond. Think Hannetjie was intimidated by him before cause he did not have a problem with Hannetjie.

People are not tending to speeches. He is trying to run everything through his mind, and trying to remember the key points.

Trying to figure out what he is going to wear.

He has been doing fun things, like dancing, music, tried to teach the other to sew.

Jacket is almost finished. Phil is working on it right now. (So, Phil is sewing now?)
He and Phil are also doing the acquaintance thing. Common ground is now sewing.

He does not have a problem with not having women around. Whether they are there not, is making not an emotional difference. It is not bothering him a lot. (See, Cnga? My theory is not outrageous).

He wanted to know why BB did not bring women in the house. BB told him that it is not an appropriate question.

Cause he had been wondering if it is because of the revolution part. BB suggested that he discuss it with the rest of the group. But he is hoping that BB would bring women in.

10 Sep 2009 13:30

The only men situation is terrible. Women will bring happiness in the house. Women will bring a lot of change.   That's why i want him to stay, wonder how he would interact with ladies...Did he take a bath today?

10 Sep 2009 13:32

I just lurve this shim - last nite, he was classic.  He he he, the boy has so many tales to tell - from coke to dagga.

10 Sep 2009 13:33

Thanks GML, Onna and WSG

10 Sep 2009 13:36

Sego, let's start that FB group pleeeeze!!!!!! The pictures alone would be a major attraction!!!

10 Sep 2009 13:39

Diary Session: Leonel aka Leentjie

She is doing fine and has been having fun. She is enjoying every single activity in the house, chatting with the friend, and playing with the friends. Also enjoys exercise in the morning.

Has not made new friends. But they are all friends in the house.

Divisions are changing. Feels that Edward is hanging more with Itai and Black Jesus is hanging with more with his group. Not a big thing. Thinks that Hannetjie is playing a strategy and is more cautious. Edward just wants to know more what his (Leentjie) group is doing.

No-one is irritating her.

Still working on his speech, still trying to re-arrange his ideas. She is ‘cooking’ in her mind. (Really she said cooking; I am not making it up).

Not a big deal that there are only men in the house. No difference to her.

There will be more fun in the house if there would be more women according to the other housemates but it would make no difference to her personally.

She feels very confident about the task. Not concern about the wager. It would make no difference to her. Because she only want to be part of the game.

It is fun to see how people had been limited because of the money pot. ( I think she meant that people changed their behavior.)

Then she wanted to know if they can get pen and paper to write down their speeches. BB said no.

KK 2008
10 Sep 2009 13:46

hahahahaha....u guys, who it Hannetjie? hehehehe!!!!

10 Sep 2009 13:47

kwa kwa kwa kwa @ WSG referring to shim as Mara Leona is very funny must say............shim and TS should not be evicted this weekend

10 Sep 2009 13:50

KK - It's hannington AKA Jesus

10 Sep 2009 13:51

@KK. Read WSG: reply and you will see the real names and nicknames.

Did you notice the ass on leentjie? when shim and TS were dancing? I was like yoh, his ass is bigger than mine

10 Sep 2009 13:55

They have a podium set up where they will be doing their presentations?

10 Sep 2009 13:57

Edward #2 doesn't know the housemates's name.WTF?

10 Sep 2009 13:59

lol @ GML - leave Leentjie alone..................kwa kwa kwa kwa

10 Sep 2009 14:00

Diary Session: Kevin

Life is cool. Waiting for the speeches.

Preparation is perfect for him. Others do not seem to have problems with the preparations, they are ready to flow.

He does not think the wager is too good but thinks it is a good first lesson.

Does not see any alliances really, most people are getting to know each other. ‘more people are getting attracted to themselves.’ (WTF, what attractions??) It is not really an alliance for conspiracy; people have put conspiracies in the back of their minds.

Right now he is not really loyal to the alliance he made in the beginning because his views changed.

He made new friends; made friends with Kaone, He nominated Kaone. But now he thinks it was too soon and he did not know him in the beginning. He found that they have a lot in common.

He does have a game plan. Not sure if the plan would work. His plan is to try to separate the guys from Uganda. If the one leave the other one would be destabilized. (I did not understand the rest but part of the plan is also to get Africa to like him.)

It is difficult with only men in the house. The conversation is drifting only in one direction, women would offer different topics.

For him personally, ladies would be a beautiful distraction. Would offer strong competition because it would bring relationships, controversy, and more people competing for attention.

He then asked BB if there would be women eventually. BB then told him he has his housemates.

BB gave him a task to take to the group.

10 Sep 2009 14:07

So Edward

Says that if there were girls around they would want to show off a bit more, maybe walk around with their shirts off and maybe do more around the house. like cleaning the floors etc.

He says he is not happy because Biggie did not give them any cigarettes after they cleaned so well. He thinks the punishment is too harsh

The switch has taken place

10 Sep 2009 14:07

Edward #2 doesn't know the housemates's name.WTF?


10 Sep 2009 14:09

I'm back, the one thing about today's diary sessions is that it will separate the straight men from the gay ones! Straight men are saying they want men in the house and so far only Leentjie said he doent mind not having women in the house! When they were talking about Robben Island and Mandela, Yacob asked Edward whether Mandela had conjugal visits! That guy is obsessed with sex

10 Sep 2009 14:13

Toxic - The moron calls them by their country names..........even cnglemother knows half the guys.....................sigh

10 Sep 2009 14:15

I suspect Yacob is a virgin ..........who talks about sex that much? either he's a virgin or he's more attracted to Leentjie every second word is always about sex

10 Sep 2009 14:16

The switch has taken place

@GML, are they still wearin the same checked pants? The twins that is?

10 Sep 2009 14:17

Oh I forgot that TS also mentioned that the absence of women in the house doesn't bother him.

10 Sep 2009 14:20

Q - really deceived us.....................even Kevin has a better personality than Q........this boy must be out on sunday if he's gonna behave like this

10 Sep 2009 14:21

@Toxic....yes, they are still wearing the same pants

10 Sep 2009 14:22

Jeremy is "complaining" about the sex/women talks -

10 Sep 2009 14:22

Diary Session: Erastus (Edward 2nd)

Enjoying the house.

Was invited by the Ethopian guy (Yakahahaha) and the two guys from Uganda (I think, not sure) to join their alliance, apparently they seem him as a cool guy.

The philosophers ( Kenya, Mr Zimbabwe and Mr Botswana ) also asked him to join them but he does not want to only talk about philosophy, he would rather hang with his group because they are fun and backstab the philosophers. He does not want to sit around and talk about philosophy and life.

He is doing his speech on Mr Zimbabwe who is a very interesting guy, and you can have any conversation with him. Mr Zimb is a very good listener and won’t argue with you. Erastus enjoyed speaking to him. He would like to have him in an alliance but he is sort of soft and he already joined the philosophers.

The house without women is very boring. If BB can at least play music with women laughing in the background. A lot of changes would take place if there were women around. The men would try to impress the women and took part in the chores.
Women make the world go around. He thinks BB is punishing them. He would be very happy if there were more women around.

He is very unhappy because BB did not give them cigarettes.

They are in nicotine withdrawal.

He switched with Edward. So the boring brother is back in the house.

10 Sep 2009 14:23


Yes, The same T-shirt and pants. The other twin was told where to go sit and what they did ie took photos adn what they were talking about etc

I notice they always make it a point to wear a hat which makes it difficult for the house mates to notice the facial differences.

10 Sep 2009 14:23

@Toxic....yes, they are still wearing the same pants

I hoppe they didn't forget the shoes this time

10 Sep 2009 14:24

10 Sep 2009 14:25 true! He is too quiet and has minimal interactions with the rest of the crew

10 Sep 2009 14:28

5 dreads is going to the diary room!

Savanah Dry
10 Sep 2009 14:33

If yakahahaha is talking about sex all the time maybe we should keep him for longer when the girls come we might get us some action before the month ends Lol!!!

10 Sep 2009 14:36

If BB can at least play music with women laughing in the background.


Q - really deceived us.....................even Kevin has a better personality than Q........this boy must be out on sunday if he's gonna behave like this

*sigh* this one is a huge disappointment!

10 Sep 2009 14:42

Diary Session: Jeremy

Is doing good, headache is gone

The day has been good, only preparing for the task. Preparation is going good.

Is going to wear the outfit he has on, still working on a slogan.

No changes, though people are coming out more and trying to have more fun. He had fun dancing, chatting to others.

Is slowly forming more bonds, and trying to reach out to them. He thinks can trust Quinn, Itai, Leentjie, Kevin and Ras. They have bonded and they formed a relationship. He can call them friends.

He has not witnessed other alliances because everyone is up for eviction, alliances had been pushed back and nobody is talking about it.

Don’t think the wager is going too bad, think today’s task will be the determining factor. The first day was shaky but today is going good.

The no women situation is new for him. He relates better to women. He does not know much about soccer does not drink or smoke. He found men that he can relate to but women would be good.

Women would be great but too much testosterone in the house. Women would make a great difference in the house.

Himself would come out more and be able to form more relationships.

He wanted to know if BB would send women. BB told him he has his housemates.

10 Sep 2009 14:47

Biggie is cruel. You have your housemates.

10 Sep 2009 14:49

WSG, do you notice that as much as Jeremy wants women in the house it's for totally different reasons as all the other guys that want women in the house?

10 Sep 2009 14:52

Vesa hold your horses tu..................

10 Sep 2009 14:58

I just caught the last bit of Rasta's video session.

BB asked him if there is anything he would like to talk about. he said yes but then kept quiet.Like he was contemplating whether he should talk about it or not.

that's strange.

10 Sep 2009 15:00

I agree Vesa. He wants women so that he can be able to loosen up a bit. That's different from other guys. He should loosen up more with guys than with girls. GAY

10 Sep 2009 15:06

Diary Session: Wayoe aka Ras aka 5Dreads aka 10Dreads

He is doing fine, really fine. (Something about back in the day back at home,… I don’t know, I really tried).

Has a small problem with the speech because he can’t write. Something about getting inspiration from the mind, and then put it on paper. Something about lines coming first and order, really not strong for better delivery. (?) To present something strong, you must put on paper. He also mentioned something about journalist. (???)

The group is bonding but they are conscious that definitely per rules that there will nominations and evictions and one brother must go. They are moving along but they are conscious that one person must go.

He can feel that there are alliances but he has not figured it out, who is where. He does not have an alliance, he flow with people. (Eish, then it goes all blurred to me.) He talked about people that I don’t know, Mr A and Mr B. Point is, he is flowing.

Tai is his MUHN, and Kaone is his MUHN. He won’t call it an alliance but it is a natural chemistry. Then something about African brother and not bringing another brother down.

During morning exercise you would find one or two people cheating. That is because people would get tired,.. and then he mentioned Mr A and Mr B and what what again.

The situation in the house without women, is according to him the battle of minds. It is natural when men meet together, it flows or something. What I got from all of that is that women would change the natural chemistry. He even gave the women names, I heard the name Angela.

For him it would be natural if there would be women. He would be cool, he mentioned sexy thing. Then it got colorful, he mentioned blue. And it would flow naturally, (Hella, this is hell difficult.)

He wanted to know why BB took his Ghana flag. BB told him that BB would come back to him about the flag.

10 Sep 2009 15:09

@Vesa: Ah, that colored boytjie,... he looks like he is from Elsies.  And you know mos what they are saying about colored CT boys.  That is all I am saying.  Because I have been told that I am labeling them all gay.
But he is suspect. All I know is that BBA is not a good closet.  It is made of glass.

10 Sep 2009 15:22

Askies cleve.....but it is rite there in front of us! Ras kept on saying blue and I thought he meant a blurr??? I loled when Ras said 'big brother can I aks something'

10 Sep 2009 15:29

Diary Session: Yacob aka Yakahahahah

The day is now bad, it is going slow.

Preparing for the speech because you have to do it in your head. But think it would go good because he does well under pressure.

Thinks the tasks went well, it could have been better. But everybody put in a good effort. Everybody is nervous about the speeches.

Early morning have been terrible thus far, has strains on his neck, feel strains that he never felt before in his life. Did not know that he would have to work out every day. It has been very difficult but thinks he would get use to it. He feels that the workout would help them in the challenges, thinks that the challenges would be very difficult because they are all male.

House chores are great. Everybody is helping out, everybody is cleaning. Not sure if it would change down the lane. He himself would rather assist in the kitchen; help out with the cooking and washing dishes.

Everybody is getting along with each other even though there is clearly a division in the house.

He is getting along with his old friends, but Eddie is now closer to him and Phil. Regards Eddie as a funny guy. Is a friend with everyone, does not feel that he is enemies with anyone, and does not feel like he is irritating anyone. People do group together depending on their interests, but he enjoys spending time with everybody.

Alliance changed since the first day. That alliance was made out of pure fear. Have since created a better alliance. People in the alliance, Hannington, Phil, Eddie and himself. Will bring in a fifth person, but hopefully it would be Teddy. But Teddy has not yet gives them a 100% but they need Teddy to make sure that the votes will stick and eventually they will vote Teddy out.

No specific roles in the alliance. No leader. However, approached Phil and then they approached Hannington.

The conversations in the house without women seem more vulgar. Females would bring another dimension to the house, conversations would be different, and people would act differently.

Then asked about the cigarettes.

10 Sep 2009 15:31

lol! isnn't 5 dreads, Teddy?

10 Sep 2009 15:39

@mjj I agree with you - Q is such a dissappointment.  Let us keep him for another week and if he does not improve, he will have to leave.

WSG - I thought 5dreads was Teddy - he literally has few dreads than normal dreaded people.

Biggie is cruel - You have your housemates (as in 2 girls and 1 about to break the silence) so in total 3 girls.

Those who don't want girls in the house, are scared of competition.  Right now, they are getting all the attention.

10 Sep 2009 15:48

Diary Session: Itai aka WSB’s Tall Glass of Dark Hot Chocolate

Is doing well, better than yesterday. Is getting comfortable with the house.

Excercises in the morning is good, kinda hard. Especially today’s was hard. People are trying their best to participate. Some are struggling in the morning. Personally, some of the exercises are difficult. Yakaahahaha finds some of the exercises difficult.

Chores are going well. Some cook, some clean. People are helping each other out.

He has never been around an all male environment during his adult life. So, this is different for him.

Alliances are happening naturally. Some people are more comfortable with certain people. It is possible that new alliances would be formed but right now people are just positioning themselves.

He aligned with new people. Originally was the situation that people acted out of fear and panicked, and they did not know each other well. New people that he aligned with are Ras, Kevin, Kaone and Eddie. The more you talked with people, the more you know about them.

Has not been planning his next nominations yet. It is difficult to see beyond the weekend. Thinks that the next nomination would be a hot one. It is going to be very interesting. He foresee that people would give some strong reasons for nominations.

He would have done better if he has some catch phrases for his speech. He has an outfit and a podium. He hope that it would go well.

I LOVE THIS GUY! He is humble, smart and down to earth.

10 Sep 2009 15:51


Jeremy needs a name!

10 Sep 2009 15:55

SMS Strip: kaone, would please u pust some clothes or flesh on?

10 Sep 2009 16:00

Those who don't want girls in the house, are scared of competition. Right now, they are getting all the attention.


10 Sep 2009 16:02

Yes we need a name for "sisi short" Jeremy............... Sorry WSG - don't like Itai - he's like another Munya for me, always wants to sound intelligent - s he the one studying Government and Peace? i don;t get this nonsense about "never been in a situation where u lived with guys alone" @ varsity did they share doms with girls? Didn't the do scouts @ a young age? Or went hiking or camping? All of them r hiding something except Ms Lewis (Leona Lewis)

10 Sep 2009 16:08

Yep,I also thought 5 dreads was Teddy because you can actually count them!

10 Sep 2009 16:10

Diary Session: Quinn aka Queen

Everything is good, just cooking.

He is doing a lot of the chores, sweeping a lot, cleaning a lot, mopped a lot. Hates living in an untidy house. Some people easing off their duties, but it do not go unnoticed. Itai is not doing a lot. Teddy would rather watch. Is not hating to them, just noticed them.

Exercise this morning is good, keeping them in shape. The smokers are not doing well. Eddy did not well this morning.

Not looking forward to speeches. It is difficult without pens. Group spirit is high.

Everybody is getting along. Still friends with the old friends. Do not hate anyone.

He wanted to know if any ladies would come in. Even BB’s voice is sounding good to him. He needs a lady.

He then asked for cigarettes for the smokers, they are dying. BB told him to tell the smokers that BB noted it four times already.

10 Sep 2009 16:12

@mjj:  I am smitten!  So, I am not hearing, reading anything bad about my Dark Chocolate!

Wait till the ladies come in, and we'll talk again.  Maybe I will develop a girl crush.

Until someone can make up a name for Jeremy, I will call Elsie as in Elsies.

10 Sep 2009 16:16

What is happening with Leonel, any update on him?

10 Sep 2009 16:26

Diary Session: Phil

The day has been Ok. It has been fine, everything he expected, same old thought, and same old alliance.

Alliance is good. Alliance changed. Some people have been side lined. Kevin has been sidelined, there is some sort of division and Kevin went over to the other side.

Something happened the other night. Some talk went down, and brought a division. While the rest were upstairs, something went down downstairs. And they were informed by another housemate. They are not sure if they formed an alliance downstairs and until they have clarity, Kevin is being sidelined.

One new member to the Alliance, Edward. Because he fits into the alliance, everyone in the alliance is doing the same thing. They are just all a certain way. The alliance does not have a leader.

They are not playing with the minds of the other housemates, but might do it in the future. Just wait to see how the weekend would play out.

Campaign speech is scary. He is just planning to go up and see how it would come out.

Task on first day not good, yesterday’s task went well.

He asked for pens and papers to write down the speeches because it would even be better for the viewers because the speeches would come out better. BB said no.

10 Sep 2009 16:28

I think we should call Jeremy Jemima. lol

Until we know how he acts with the ladies.

It's cold hleng bathong

10 Sep 2009 16:39

u guys should see the pap Hennington is cooking. yoh it looks too wet for my liking, and he is using a frying pan to cook it

10 Sep 2009 16:58

that pap is looking lethal - someone gone die... Big Brother have netcare 911 on call!

10 Sep 2009 17:00

kwakwakwakwa @ lethal pap!

Hi TheLightHouse!

@GML, can we call him Jemma?  Just easier...  

Me wonders how long that frying pan would last!

10 Sep 2009 17:39

r they done eating?

10 Sep 2009 17:57

Ka1 is wearing a bra

10 Sep 2009 17:58

@mjj:  Yeah, I did not want that ish,..  I am still traumatized by yestereday's feeding fest.  Could not do that to myself again.

10 Sep 2009 18:00

LMAO, have not seen TS yet.  But is it Leentjie that is dressed up as if she is going to a colored wedding?

10 Sep 2009 18:02

These idiotz should check if they still have tea, because I am suspecting that Ras smoked something.

10 Sep 2009 18:14

lets see who wakes up in the morning or of there are any late night toilet sessions to gage the success of that odd looking pap...

10 Sep 2009 18:16

5Dreads looks depressed.  What is up?

10 Sep 2009 18:21

@ WhiteSockGirl: Big Brother didn't give him paper to write his speech

10 Sep 2009 18:38

lmao at the updates and reactions... still at work. What is happening now? who cooked the pap? 

I love the Miss Leona Lewis name... More like Miss Lily Lewis going to a colored wedding...

Ras kinda scares me... hai! *shaking head*

10 Sep 2009 18:56

Just tuned in and Quinn is wearing ibheshu(zulu skin attire) and ihawu-shield. This i want to see. They have five min til presentation. And right now he is dancin like a white guy.

10 Sep 2009 19:00

Yakahahaha is pleading with Africa to keep him in the show.  He wants to know more about Africa,...

Please please Africa lets vote this plastic American out.  He is pathethic,... 

10 Sep 2009 19:03

Please addicts, translate Rasta's question for me,,,,,

10 Sep 2009 19:05

Yakahahaha is pleading with africa to keep him in the house cause he is for the first time representing ethiopia. They ask him questions and he just said he is not threatend by any of them but him self or some like that. He even called himself yak.

10 Sep 2009 19:10

I sp wish we were voting to evict!!!! Yakahahaha neeeds to go! yesses!

10 Sep 2009 19:11

Eish guys five dreads is busy shouting noise and a lot of things i cant hear. Watch for yourselves. The british aksent is really bad. He should wear hats more, he looks a bit better with one on.

10 Sep 2009 19:15

LMAO,... the wine worked quickly!  I forgot that we have to vote to keep them in.  My votes of course only go to TS.  I keep that crazy RUFAB person in.

I kinda starting to like Phil

10 Sep 2009 19:17

KWAKWAKWAKWAKWAKWAKWA!!!!  TS is wrapped up in an animal.  Is he naked beneath the animal?

10 Sep 2009 19:26

WSG: and Itai? what about him? save him too... I am saving Quinn and Smelly!

10 Sep 2009 19:28

Oh yes,  I must save my Chocolate!  But I understood that last nite they conspired against ST,... the other group, the drinkers and smokers.

10 Sep 2009 19:38

WSG please update no longer watching hubbi is watchin Jacob Zuma on mtv.

10 Sep 2009 19:40

KWAKWAKWAKWAKWKWAKWAKWA!!!!!!!! TS is just something else!!!!  He has a bra on because he representing women,...  and springbok vel to represetn the springbokke!!! 

Someone please update Sego, I can't!  I am laughing to hard!!!!

10 Sep 2009 19:45

Leonel on stage

10 Sep 2009 19:49

I saw the bra earlier. He he is that his explanation, this boy.

10 Sep 2009 19:51

JZ over thanks for update. Im now watching.

10 Sep 2009 19:52

The Scottish person from my country, just asked Leentjie since Angola and Moz are the same countries, would he visit Angola soon.

Please, BB should allow me to visit that person out. 

10 Sep 2009 19:55

Huh? he said what?

10 Sep 2009 19:57

Yes, he did. 

Meme J
10 Sep 2009 19:58

WSG! Who is TS?

10 Sep 2009 19:58

Sgelembana is on

10 Sep 2009 20:00

What is Queen saying?? what is his point!! If he wins the money it will be a bonus and he is just here to learn about africa from everyone..

10 Sep 2009 20:00


10 Sep 2009 20:01

Queen doesnt even know how many official languages there are in SA. He just said 9 or is it 12?

10 Sep 2009 20:04

I thought Quinn was gonna show us zulu dance. The namibscott is on.

10 Sep 2009 20:06

Its actually eleven cande

10 Sep 2009 20:15

@MemeJ: Kaone, Botswana

Meme J
10 Sep 2009 20:27

Tx sock-it!! LOL ... Jeez this speechifying was DULL. Have to say at least the 'I'm a God among smells' dude was upfront about wanting the money.

10 Sep 2009 20:33

Yeah, I only enjoyed TS!  But I am feeling a little more and I am disliking certain idiotz a bit more..

Meme J
10 Sep 2009 20:37

I am not feeling the Biggie voice. At all.

10 Sep 2009 20:42

I am just imagining her as a drag queen!  Too many changes,... I need something familiar.  They could at least brought back the old voices.

10 Sep 2009 20:42

i know its eleven but he said 9 or 12 i didnt hear him well

10 Sep 2009 21:41

eish still reading updates...shame cngle can't post anymore, blog too big....

10 Sep 2009 21:56

Eish - I hate my network provider.  have been trying so hard to log on since 5:20pm.  They only fixed the problem now.  Anywhoo - did not miss much, watched however, i think it is nice watching when you have addicts to cyber chat with

Thank you guys for todays updates.

Now moving to 114 to check the idiotz what they have been up to

10 Sep 2009 21:58

thanx FK for the reminder, i am watching the updates

Lady D
10 Sep 2009 22:31

it tool me 20 min to read the update,daang,watcn 114,tnx FK!

10 Sep 2009 22:47

nyt addicts

11 Sep 2009 07:56

Oh, I totally loved TS (kaone) presentation. IHe was really representing.

I also liked Teddy's presentation.

I hated Leonel , it's as if he was so scared to do that he

I couldnt hear what Rasta was saying...

Morning addicts

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