Day 19: 25 September 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 25 Sep 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 19.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.


25 Sep 2009 08:41

be back later...

Tash 1
25 Sep 2009 08:44

I luvd it, seeing Magriza aka 'Rene LIAR'cry lyk tht, Tjo.

25 Sep 2009 08:54

Tash - please update - no reactions. lol

25 Sep 2009 09:00

Morning addicts.

What is the story with Jen?
and what was the fuss with the booze?

25 Sep 2009 09:19

HoH Task

Lil sies called Kevin into the diary room to get the task for next week's HoH.


It is all about balance.  With your right hand, hold your right ankle and your left hand straightened out.

Or with your left hand, hold your left ankle and your right hand straightened out.

ff you fall, then you are out of the game.  The last man standing will be the HoH.  It is very cold outside so the idiotz must not forget to wear their jerseys.

The idiotz are already speculating that Jeremy will win the task.

25 Sep 2009 09:24

Yesterday i had visitors...was so P!!!!!!!!!sed off!!!!!!!!! And izolo things really seemed interesting!!

I think Jen is pregnant!!!!!!!!! The housemates are officially ALL HORNY!!!!!!!!!!!full stop.....everyoune is throwing themselves on everyone who is anyone!!!!!!!!!Even our precious Liz.....the way she lay on Phil with her legs wide open sis man!!!!!!!! and Jen the way she was dancing last night????????????haai nee she is definately a tease,,,,,,i am sure she just wants to feel wanted to confirm to herself that she is HOT!!!!!!!!!

BBA rocks this time guys!!!!very interesting peeps!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 09:29

Jen, TS, Retired Hooker, Yakahaha, one of the twins, Phil, Granadilla, Kevin, Paloma, already down

25 Sep 2009 09:32

that will be great!!!!!!!!Jeremy!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 09:33

Sorry, Granadilla is still standing.

5 minutes later

Jermey down

Elizabeth, Leentjie, Itai, Nkena, Liz, Emma, Malawi, Kristal, smellington still standing

25 Sep 2009 09:33

I see that BBA is still going strong

25 Sep 2009 09:35

9 minutes later
I think Leentjie is taking it - still balanced

Smelligton, liz down

The girls are holding on. Kris, Granadilla, Nkenna 

Itai is also standing

25 Sep 2009 09:36

10 minutes

3 gils and 2 guys standing

25 Sep 2009 09:37

Granadilla down

2 guys and 2 gals

25 Sep 2009 09:39

Leentjie showing signs of fatique.

Itai keeping it strong.  Bottom line, the smokers alliance must kiss HoH task for next week.

I want Leentjie or the gals to win.  Itai - not sure where he belongs in the house

25 Sep 2009 09:41

15 mintues - Nkenna down

Please pardon me addicts - it is actually elizabeth and not Kris

2 guys 1 gal standing - you go Elizabeth

25 Sep 2009 09:42

Ag Phil and Jeremy NX!!!!!!!! I hope a gril wins it and not Smellington

25 Sep 2009 09:44

Sho - Itai, not even moving .  Still holding the very same position he started with

25 Sep 2009 09:44

Fk, lol, i feel like I"m watching. 

What would happen if the person who wins HOH was up for elimination and was evicted. For eg, say Phil had won today, and is voted out on Sunday?

25 Sep 2009 09:45

Cleve - smellington is down only Leentjie, Itai and Elizabeth stsanding.

Addicts - lets cross our fingers that Eliz does not fall sick in the middle of this

25 Sep 2009 09:46

Been in meetings since 9...........what happened last nite? There were no updates

25 Sep 2009 09:47

Rene - the 2nd last standing would have to take it

20 minutes intot the game - Leentjie is sersiously strucggling now.  And the bluemass is showing

25 Sep 2009 09:49

They started palying cards and danseeeng mjj and I went to bed.

25 Sep 2009 09:51

where does elizabeth belong in the house, she's managed to lie low due to her illness ....

25 Sep 2009 09:51

FK - suppose that makes sense, thanks

I don't know who I'm rooting for though, maybe Itai coz he's a likeable guy, lol

25 Sep 2009 09:51

25 minutes later Leentjie down.

Elizabeth vs Itai

25 Sep 2009 09:52

Rene - he does not know where he stands - I want Elizabeth to win - so then can bring Yakahaha to me live.

This girl - Eliz is likable if not sick. Big ups to her

25 Sep 2009 09:53

who is the winner?

25 Sep 2009 09:55

no winner yet - 30 minutes 

Eliz vs Itai - 

I think Itai will take it

25 Sep 2009 09:56

yeahhhh yeaaahhh h- Itai down


Will she cope - LIL sies, please pile up her medication

25 Sep 2009 09:56

tl tl tl, the suspense....

25 Sep 2009 09:56

Thanks FK.....Phil has been tasked by Yakaka to break th Lesbian couple...hence he's paying attention to mommy...mara dad didn't look impress last nite...Phil even asked them if the were Lesbos...Mom replied by saying she was a double adapter

25 Sep 2009 09:59

Hahah, wow, Well don Elizabeth!

25 Sep 2009 09:59

Who is mom now MJJ? Are you referring to Liz?

It would have been interesting if Itai won. It would have forced him to pick a side

25 Sep 2009 09:59

There won't any need for that - 1 lesbo leaving this sunday.

The smokers alliance wanted so badly to win the hoh task - so it means, 2 or more of their guys will be up for nomination.

25 Sep 2009 10:00

No ITAI must win,.......he has brains!!!!!!!not Elizabeth.....she cares only for herself and she will definately make the wrong decisions like replacing one of the nominees with Jeremy or Emma....just because...a a (*shaking head)....Itai must definately win!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 10:04

Eish!!too late!!!!

25 Sep 2009 10:05

Guys I hope she won't be sleeping till the next HOH challenge.....Bathong this girl is sick, I wonder what side will she choose

25 Sep 2009 10:07

Ja and yesterday she was thinks morning sickness!

25 Sep 2009 10:10

maybe we'll see more of Eliz personality coming out  now that she is HoH, she nominated kaone last time saying he is irritating and too hyper..... he better watch out...

25 Sep 2009 10:10

maybe we'll see more of Eliz personality coming out  now that she is HoH, she nominated kaone last time saying he is irritating and too hyper..... he better watch out...

25 Sep 2009 10:13

Jen just came out of the Diary room - lil sies asked her is she really want to leave the house and she said yes.

Lil sies then asked her to gather all the housemates in the lounge to tell them of her decision

25 Sep 2009 10:15

Lol @ TKSM's reasons......

25 Sep 2009 10:16

all house mates are in the lounge

guys, I asked to sit her to tell you that yesterday I got bad news from home and I asked to leave the house.

I have to leave, it is really bad, I have to go home and I will leave on Sunday.  sobbing

Thanks for the guys I met, I did not come here for the money, so I am leaving.  Thanks to all and to those that really don't like me, for some reason.  Thank you very much

25 Sep 2009 10:20

Guys - yes she said nasty things about SA - but this, is so sad - the idiotz are crying and exchanging hugs saying goodbye.

Quinn - looks like he is regreting for not making a move on her.  The look on his face.  shem

Earlier on Mom asked her if she is really doing it and she said yes.

So are you leaving today?

Please babe, don't do this, not now.  And liz kept backed off

25 Sep 2009 10:21

Yes mjj.....the idziots are doing so well to entertain me so far i wouldn't want anyone to mess it up for me! :)

25 Sep 2009 10:21

The house is so tense.

Kris comfortig Jen
Emman comforting Liz

Jeremy just standing there, quinn pancing in the bedroom

25 Sep 2009 10:28

Yippeee - payday 

Addicts I have leave the house and go spend my hard earned cash.  So won't be around for DS

25 Sep 2009 10:29

Someone please help me out here.

what exactly did Jen say about South Africa? the oboma people are hating on her for what she said. What did she say?

25 Sep 2009 10:29

Thanks to all and to those that really don't like me, for some reason. Thank you very much
ROFLMAO!!! eish naye did she have to say that.....haai man...sometimes even if people never got along.....when you say goodbye...try and end on a good note...even if it means not saying anything at all!!!!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 10:30

What happened to Jen mara ye?  Shame man..............

25 Sep 2009 10:32

Why is this effing pop psychologist telling these kids NOT to cry mara he???? Paloma make me mad sumtimes, nxa!!

25 Sep 2009 10:33

GML--me also want to know please do tell...FK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Screaming my lungs out!!!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 10:33

Cleve - me suspect that she spoke badly about her dad on national tv and her dad is a powerful man in the country.

Me don't know

25 Sep 2009 10:33

Hau, kanti what could be so bad that she doesn't have to leave immediately, but can wait until sunday? It's weird. 

As for HOH, what's she sufferinng from, does she have a chronic illness of some kind?

25 Sep 2009 10:41

Rene - lil sies explained to her that they will have to make arrangements for her travelling - it is not that easy.  So I guess she might even leave before Sunday.  If they get a flight out tomorrow for her, she will leave

25 Sep 2009 10:41

P-Funk (Paloma) is really working my nerves with her crocodile tears and over-bearing and mother-hen antics... all that iyanla/oprah/dr phil pop-psychology is not appreciated and i'm sure i ain't the only person thinking this

25 Sep 2009 10:46

yesterday's diary session guys....Rene nearly said something and lil Sis stopped her....does anyone what it is????????

25 Sep 2009 10:49

@TKSM: i saw that as well and still can't figure out what's really happening in that house

25 Sep 2009 10:55

Rene - lil sies explained to her that they will have to make arrangements for her travelling - it is not that easy. So I guess she might even leave before Sunday. If they get a flight out tomorrow for her, she will leave

Oooooh, good thing i'm knocking off early, there's so much drama in that house, i'll catch some of it

25 Sep 2009 10:57

yesterday's diary session guys....Rene nearly said something and lil Sis stopped her....does anyone what it is????????

For real? Wow, missed that.

i'm still wondering what happened to the UCT namibian student who was profiled on TVSA as being one of the contestants. Was it a joke, or there's gonna be more housemates joining the house...?

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 10:58

itai is playing his game CLOSE to chest, or is keeping his cards close to his chest?
he is friendly with the girls, the smokers and the non -smokers........but is alligned to the non-smokers.
keeping low under the radar.

i hope two girls will be up for nomination next week, there is nothing more boring than a game where we all can predict the nominations, the voting results and the eviction! remember bba2.

25 Sep 2009 10:59

BBA the Revolution I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 11:01

Did u guys hear when Jen was in the D/room? Lil Sis  asked if she'd like to speak to her dad once more and she said yes. So it sounds as if it all revolves around HIS HIGHNESS, yho! I hope they make up/reconcile

25 Sep 2009 11:05

Ok, let me google jen's dad!

25 Sep 2009 11:08

where is TVSA NEWSDESK when we need them......this is here when we need inside info scoop from reliable sources......JEN Story????...please reveal all!!!!!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 11:10

Renegade what's her full name and surname.  I cant wait for your findings...have to google it myself!!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 11:16

i'm still wondering what happened to the UCT namibian student who was profiled on TVSA as being one of the contestants. Was it a joke, or there's gonna be more housemates joining the house...?

Nami I am wondering the same thing, What happened to the dude kanti? Maybe he got dropped because he was sworn to secrecy and yena he talked to the media about his selection.

25 Sep 2009 11:16

How's the Goodling going chaps???? My Chest is pumping overtime!!!

25 Sep 2009 11:18

I tried google...and this is what came up Dr Egas Mussanhane, President Confederation of Business details unfortunately.

25 Sep 2009 11:21

Halo addicts, thank you guys for the updates. U guys are rock stars!! Things are really getting got hey, it sounds like it wont all be so boring and dull afterall. Muchos gracias.

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 11:22

No ITAI must win,.......he has brains!!!!!!!not Elizabeth.....she cares only for herself and she will definately make the wrong decisions like replacing one of the nominees with Jeremy or Emma....just because...a a (*shaking head)....Itai must definately win!!!!!!!

TKSM...................i agree with your assessment.
i doubt even the housemates know what game he is playing.............hope it does not get him nominated though. Coz me thinks i see a brother who actually sits out to think out his game plan from time to time.

i feel its rather shallow to alligne yourself to aa group based on smoking habits or gendre for that matter.

elizabeth is HOH, if she does not get totally manipulated by Paloma and liz, or twisted by Phil and Yacob(her late father's lookalike as she said), then my respect for her will go uo a hundredfold come Sunday next week.

25 Sep 2009 11:23

Renegade what's her full name and surname. I cant wait for your findings...have to google it myself!!!!!!!!

Its Jeniffer Mussanhane. all I'm finding is the speculation about her dad being rich and having left them to fend for themselves. So since he's a big shot, he's offended...but none of this is fact, let me keep searching.

25 Sep 2009 11:26

mgani I am going home today for the Wedding it means ngizokubona Monday....did you ask him????????? Love you.......we can pretend mina nawe we are Liz and Jen ;)

25 Sep 2009 11:26

Check the link.

25 Sep 2009 11:31

mgani I am going home today for the Wedding it means ngizokubona Monday....did you ask him????????? Love you.......we can pretend mina nawe we are Liz and Jen ;)

Love you too my who'sband.............Good Luck with the preparations. Sien jou Monday.............

25 Sep 2009 11:31

"Mussanhane’s bravery earned him recognition from the United States. He is being honored as a hero working to end modern-day slavery in this year’s Trafficking in Persons Report. Since 2001, the U.S. State Department has published the report annually. It is the most comprehensive report on government efforts around the world to stop trafficking. "

So Jen's dad is a world acclaimed hero, who does not care for his children, lol. I still dont' think it's enought for her to leave the house though...

25 Sep 2009 11:31


Phela Elizabeth comes from a very disadvantage background and definately needs the money....with her it's a case of desperation and she will do anything and everything to get the cash!!!!!!!!!!!  I see trouble and lots of it!!!!!!!!!!!but i guess all we can do is wait and see!

25 Sep 2009 11:32

Is she related to that person Rene?

25 Sep 2009 11:37

Did you ask him??????????phendula umbuzo ndoda!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 11:39

GML, that is her father.

25 Sep 2009 11:42

Did you ask him??????????phendula umbuzo ndoda!!!!! 

Duh what do you think??? Mara I am running out of time yazi

25 Sep 2009 11:45

So she defamed her heroic father...still don't think that is enough clout to have her booted from the show.

25 Sep 2009 11:45

So Liz knows the reasons for Jen's pending depature? Is Liz crying? Did she say anything to Jen?

25 Sep 2009 11:47

Kwakwakwa...ja ne mgani wami........hai ee!!!! shaking my head!!!!!!!!!! I am going to ask him myself!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 11:54

Who's watching??

25 Sep 2009 11:57

i'm watching but nothing is being said....getting angry!!!

25 Sep 2009 12:08

Can everyone go and read yesterday's live blog PLEASE......Jen is preggies that's it.....can we now get updates for today not what happened yesterday.....

25 Sep 2009 12:18

@all Thanks for the update, have a nice weekend ya month end!!  Im knocking off.

25 Sep 2009 12:19

Hayi wena mjj maan. Akamithanga lo mntana. Her "hero" father must have heard or was told of the caht with the girls and how he neglected his own. Now we can't have the US find that out about an award winning humanitarian, can we?? Now they were bowling their eyes out this morning, Mom and dad. Fatty wanted to make sure that she gets inbetween, also telling dad to stop crying. Can U comprehend?? As soon as mommy left for the kitchen she said sumting about her to daddy. I just like her less and less everi day. She can be twofaced and is a bl....dy control freak, nxa!! Oh she also shed a few croc tears in the process.

25 Sep 2009 12:30

I saw that as well teez! Did any1 hear what moms n pops were whispering b4 pfunk arrived?? There was some mention of pregnancy??! At 1 point (u khant blve) liz said she knws it kinda selfish of her but she didnt wan jen telling any1 else...moments later that busy body arrived *sigh*...mjj, there's nt much happening, k1 is making some dangerous looking vetkoek!

25 Sep 2009 12:34

Dangerous, kwa kwa kwaaaaaaa!

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 12:40

two questions..............please.

1. f this father abused her thru neglect, and now is responsible for her losing a chance to win $200 that not abuse?
where is the speak out against abuse?
where is the freedom of expression? 
and where is paloma?

2. at this rate, are we going to have a bba 5?
showing what? they scraped shower hour and nudity for nigeria
listening to what? are they gonna scrape ??????coz moza cries out.

25 Sep 2009 12:40

@teeza Queen 'i had proper toys but thought I could fly and jumped of the balcony when I was 13' Liz ate it n njoyed it. So it khant b that bad??

25 Sep 2009 12:44

@ruby red lets wait 4 the TVSA investigations b4 we react! She keeps sayin sumthin bad happened and yet she stays 4 anotha day?

25 Sep 2009 12:47

Lol @ Liz enjoying weapons of mass destruction made by is Preggies - I'm sticking 2 my Thanks Piz - I guess I have to watch the highlights show 2nite..... So mom is now friends with Yakaka and Phil? What was she doing in Phil's bed anyway? Tjo Gogo is gonna klap some1 b4 sunday if Mom is buddy buddy with Phil..... Mom will b evicted next week.......I'm sure now that Elizabeth won HOH, Paloma is gonna het close to her

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 12:47

someone posted this elsewhere...........................gets you thinking, doesn't it?

Jen should NOT be kicked out in this fashion. She never meant to leave the house when she voiced her opinion and on both counts she was right – but because SA and Moz reacted negatively to the gutty truth, now Biggie is staging some stupid trick to kick her out and it’s a shame some viewers don’t have the stomach for truth:

SA is riddled with crime – arguing that’s the same for any other country is pointless; why not just accept the truth. Why defend the truth just because a Non-South African said it ?

Her father may be a hero to other Moz girls he rescued but not to Jen or to her mother (which is quite common for heros anyway) – and these are deep issues that only Jen knows of – and she is allowed to be emotional or bitter about it. Are we expecting her to sugarcoat her feelings because of the cameras?

Were there any rules laid by BB not to discuss family or politics? – then Biggie has no right to kick out a housemate who did not violate her contract. It is up to Africa to decide if she should go or stay when she eventually comes up for eviction – not SA – not Moz – not Biggie who has broken the biggest rule (seclusion dammit!) by putting Jen in touch with her father – Bullies!

25 Sep 2009 12:53

@ruby red jen made those comments after she told paloma yesterday that she's gona leave. Besides it's a VOLUNTARY eviction!

25 Sep 2009 12:56

Well I think whatever it is it's enough to make her quit.

Whoever wrote this needs to do a reality check.

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 12:57

well back to BBA...............guys what are the implications of Eliza winning HOH?

for the girls?
for the smokers?
for the non-smokers?

and isnt it funny how yakahahaha lost it. he is the one who satrted recruiting for his alliance, came out a lsoer with\out enogugh numbers and now is the most vulnerable group.

25 Sep 2009 13:00

Elizabeth comes across as stupid to me, so I will reserve my comments till I see if she can use it to her advantage or not

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 13:08

oh, my grammar and spelling is bad. you think they will come and say Jen is withdrawing coz we under pressure from whoever to evict her since she made inappropriate revelations/statements or whatever?
if it was bad news, a death, an illness, or something equally serious in the family, you think they would say it and not put a gag on it as they are doing.

back to BBA,,,,, anyone for an update of the diary sessions?

25 Sep 2009 13:17

I don't think she's pregnant, if she was,it'd be more reason for her to want to win the money, not leave. I say her in the diary room,big brother have her an option to leave now, or leave on sunday. She chose to leave on sunday, and took an offer for time in the chill room. She also asked big brother if she got hold of her father, which she hasn't been able to.

25 Sep 2009 13:28

Hayibo ruby, leave the conspiracies 4 gen tu. Besides why wud they show us jen saying those things if that were the reason?...and clearly it's nt that bad I mean, the way she was gaaning aan was as if she has 2 leave immediately.

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 13:45

i agree i said, i am waiting for her Elizabeth to do something useful, wise and surprising with her HOH powers.

25 Sep 2009 14:02

The smoking brigade is on an all-out assault to charm the pants off the girls, he he. 1st Liz, now onto Granadilla. Poor souls

25 Sep 2009 14:17

Smellington is pissed off cause they are removing the only girl he wanted in the house.  He is confident that he was going to get her.  This guys things he is it.  Clearly he is not aware of his smelly body

25 Sep 2009 14:18

things = thinks

25 Sep 2009 14:25

FK you can say that again, smellington pisses me off. Why would Jen even look at him. he's crazy yazi

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 14:30

and i hope the girls read them like a cheap daily.

but then  ashow where everything becomes predictable would be boring...............bba2. You kno who's gonna nominate who,whose'gonna be evicted etc.

25 Sep 2009 14:30

People, Granadilla is speaking in paragraphs!!

25 Sep 2009 14:32

Who is gerry telling her life story 2? I am nt watching, can nly hear...

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 14:34

i thot emma told him to shower and cut his nails too.

doesnt it mean something if someone tells you to showwer?

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 14:38

these people should be careful of life stories...................but then what else can they discuss? sex is barred, politics is barred etc.

25 Sep 2009 15:12

Point of correction Daddy spoke bad abbout after the bad news she its not south african evicting please leave that rumour alone....we are already called rapists on international tv...secondly, if her father was not happy with her, she could have been out of the house by now......Daddy is presggies

25 Sep 2009 15:22

heard rumours that smellington is a son of a cabinet minister, if true then he should have class & know how to groom or maybe he is just doing it for tv, after all he is a ceo & a god among men...

Ruby Red
25 Sep 2009 15:53

mjj.................does the bba rules prohibit pregnancy, and if so, would they not test the girls prior to the show?
remember they are already in seclusion before they go into the house.
then who would be the father?

Lady D
25 Sep 2009 16:16

i cant wait to get home,BB is quite interesting,!!!Rene yesterday in her DS,said:now tha Africa is mad at Jen..then Biggie stopped her and asked never to speak about that!

25 Sep 2009 16:28

RR - this girl is pregnant -

25 Sep 2009 16:34

@Ruby Red: She is not pregnant!!!  It has to do with her dad!  She even asked BB to get hold of her dad so that she can speak to him.

It has nothing to do with the things she said about SA, like Pizniz said, she said that thing after the announcement of her pending exit.

I find it amazing how peeps can write so freely without the correct information. Like this article, written by MemeJ's colleague, she said that Rene nominated Leonelle and Kristal!!!! Rene nominated Leonelle and Jen.

Rene gave a long reason why she nominated Jen. She said that she find Jen's relationship with Liz too exclusive, she is excluding everyone else and focuses on Liz alone.

@MemeJ: Told you that you should get me that wine!

25 Sep 2009 16:34

ANOTHER 1 - So she told the guys b4 Liz?

25 Sep 2009 16:34

Eish Rubs, mjj is STICKING to her discredited story about daddy being preggaz. It means mommy is the father!! Not very far fetched. Think of the guy in the US who gave birth to his partner's kid. The partner was a she and she had been a he!!!! Poor Smelly, Jen, Liz and Kris had just finished showering @ the palace and he tried to chat them up in the passage. Jen walked right past, turned to look @ Liz and pointed to the mouth. And he thinks he would have kissed her at some point? Kwa kwa kwaaa.

25 Sep 2009 16:38

RR - this girl is pregnant -

LMAO!!  You can read into that conversation whatever you want to,... if you really want to believe that she is pregnant, that is what you would hear!  If you want to believe that it has to do with her past, that is what you would hear!   
I prefer to believe the latter!

25 Sep 2009 16:40

Bitchy - u back? or still busy with actual work? According 2 the BB website, she told the non-smokers b4 Liz........and i think Paloma forced her.............she seemed to have also slept @ the Palace - where was mommy sleeping?

25 Sep 2009 16:44

Nee maan WSG, mjj has had some cheap wine and take away. Tha't why she's sticking to her stori, me thinks. Now why is daddy dearst NOT answering BB's calls?? I wonder if he has NOT come personally. Maybe he's in the Chill Room as we write, who knows!! Maybe he saw his baby's tear and done the right thing by his ONLY daughter, nxa!!

25 Sep 2009 16:47

Teeza - shim is Preggies..........and NO i haven't opened my bottle yet - it's too early................Lil Sis needs to switch somewhere now.......the site of the twins and Smillington is irritating me................where are the others? Sleeping? Saw TS trying to bring like to that boring Granadila

25 Sep 2009 16:50

Eish!  I am not suppose to be on the internet.  Damn proposal for a consultancy that is taking ages.  But Christmas is around the corner, and I need to work. BBA is not going tonprovide the money to buy presents!

I worked until late last night, and they were all in the bedroom, ... the Mom and Dad beds so close together, it might as well be a double bed. 

The twins entertained them upstairs, was quite hilalrious, though I just caught bits and pieces.  I can now see why the twins could be popular, they can be very entertaining.

One of the things one of the twins said about Itai, is that Itai is so nice, it is scary. 

If you would slap Itai, he would respond:  It is ok, you have you own issues to deal with.

If you would ask him for his plate of food while he is eating, he would give you the plate of food and say:  You can take it, I am sure you have your reasons.

The way he said it, was hilarious.  Even Mom and Dad were laughing.

25 Sep 2009 16:52

Teeza, I think we are not referring to the same mjj!  He is not poor, he is very rich!  I can't even bring cheap wine and mjj together.

@mjj:  what happened?  When did you change into a she? 

25 Sep 2009 16:55

lol.................Bitchy finish the proposal asap - we need to you concentrate......... I hope FK will not finish all her salary today

25 Sep 2009 16:59

Oh lordy, my bad!! All this time I'm cock sure he's a SHE!! Cock?? Bad choice of word for this response, he he he. Sorry Majay. Make me all the more keen to respond to you more than this woman 4rom sum Small Town. *Ducking one more time*  Where's Piz to shield me??  Funny you shud mention the twins. They have a sneaky way of creeping into the audience's heart without even trying. This game is confusing, I tell ya

25 Sep 2009 17:07

she called me a SHE? Teeza i'm going to murder u wena............ lol @ being very rich..........i'm poor..........Piz had to pay for drinks and food when we met 2 weeks ago................blame it on the

25 Sep 2009 17:07

I also find twins entertaining except when tok bout sex positions! Mjj why do u think she's pregnant? She said sumthin happened back home!

25 Sep 2009 17:09

Addicts thanks for the updates!

FK:  Thanks!!  You are a babe! (Could not resist,  is the Babe, Baby thing still on?)

But you guys are not serious... Elizabeth the ill HOH?  That is not right, that is very bad. How is that going to work?  Will she be healthy enough, bodilly and mentally, to do the swop?

She is also not very bright, she had a conversation last night with Phil, I think, she is a bit stupid.

25 Sep 2009 17:10

Lemme go find where Teez said she, kwakwakwakwa

25 Sep 2009 17:10

Piz, they say peeps who TALK too much about it HARDLY get any and when they score, they usually ARE flops, mmmhhhh:-)

25 Sep 2009 17:14

The God looks miserable. Has it dawned on him that he is a mere mortal afterall???

25 Sep 2009 17:27

i'm actually listening not watching BB............i can hear the twins and Yakakakak

25 Sep 2009 17:27

Was there DSs today?

25 Sep 2009 17:35

No not yet. Maybe evening for a change, dunno.

25 Sep 2009 17:43

No DS on Friday!! GEEZ, Addicts, why are you sounding like newbies?

25 Sep 2009 17:54

eish Ja it's friday -

25 Sep 2009 17:55

hi addicts, am back.  Couldn't stay that long outside, the weather is very unfriendly to us who got paid. mnx

mjj - she is not pregnant.  Its about all the stuff she said about daddy dearest on National TV - that is a huge scandal for daddy in SA, Moz and America.  Basically, she dragged his name in the mud.

lil sies never asked her to leave, she told Paloma that she has to leave to go fix the mess she created.  It is has something to do with what she said, I quote "I wish I never told the truth, I thought I was doing the right thing"

Anyway, either way, she is leaving.

Have a wonderful weekend

25 Sep 2009 18:08

It was more in hope after the dramatic happenings of yester, in case we culd pick up sum tidbits:-) Oh well....

25 Sep 2009 18:26

FK - what the hell do you mean when u say "have a wonderful weekend"???? don;t tell me u not watching tonight or 2moro for that matter?

25 Sep 2009 18:30

Am watching the daily updates on our special channel,...

So, it seems as if a lot of moaning went on Wednesday evening.  Kristal, a twin, Mzamo and Yakakaka talked about Emma moaning loudly,...

25 Sep 2009 18:31

@mjj:  I am ignoring that well wishes.  She did not say that!

25 Sep 2009 18:34

maybe it was directed to the Generation bloggers...not us.....................

25 Sep 2009 18:38

i need to go out for an hour.............can Lil Sis give them some alcohol and play music

25 Sep 2009 18:52

Also ignoring FK, unless a good reason for desertion is given:-)

25 Sep 2009 18:55

Daily update show showed Mom Les telling the idiotz about her pending exit, said that she got really bad news from home, it is family and she has to leave cause she will have to go back to them after three months,..

Does not sound like any type of pregnancy to me,...

25 Sep 2009 19:03

Fine fine fine - u win, she's not preggies........... Is Sego still fasting from BB? lol

25 Sep 2009 19:14

LOL  @ mjj:  Just watched the daily update yourself!  I just wanted to see Dad Les' reaction but the camera persons SUCK!!!!!!!!

It seems Jemma is now officially in relationship, apparently it is not only for the cameras, they are planning to continue outside.  Yah, right, where and when did we hear it before?

Have they done the dirty thing already?  What was the moaning about?  Are they no longer reality TV onscreen virgins???

25 Sep 2009 19:18

lol @ yo questions...........don't think they did anything those sis Queen lost his Jeremy to Emma?

25 Sep 2009 19:22

Yep the Queen lost his Sweet Voice!

Now, when is Sego coming back?  I have decided that she is on a work related business in a another country....  How can she be so quiet?

25 Sep 2009 19:41

wasn't she talking about visiting the in-laws? Lemme text her (it's not late right? don;t want the hubby to have issues with her)

25 Sep 2009 19:46

No, it is not late!  So, Pizniz is out and about?

25 Sep 2009 19:48

Lol@y'all!my gaad!Jen's dad is such a bully.he must 4get bout the nobel peace prize this year.MOZ media doesnt even have the balls to report on this scandal,i searched and couldnt find fokkol nxa asshole!

25 Sep 2009 19:51

Tox is in Moz - and she says Moz people don;t care about BB and most of them don;t even have DSTV...........she said she asked around (the locals) and no 1 seemed to know what she was talking about............ Piz is studying for the exams

25 Sep 2009 19:54

@mjj:  It is because of the language!  One in every 9 or ten people speak English there! 

25 Sep 2009 21:15

Ok WSG, explain this leentjie of ur to me? Zisha ngani kanti? Shim/Him???

25 Sep 2009 21:29

this is not right, how can they bore us with leentjie and granadilla....ooh never!!!

25 Sep 2009 21:30

What happened?  Did not watch?

And translate please?  And Leentjie is full woman with male parts,.. what Shim/Him?

25 Sep 2009 21:36

shim and Granadila made me switch channels

25 Sep 2009 21:37

I think he is trying to tell granadilla that shim likes her...

25 Sep 2009 21:41

She just want to mimick the Power Lesbian Relationship, that is all!

Shame, she does not even know that she might be having lesbian feelings now

25 Sep 2009 21:45

kwa kwa kwa kwa @ WSG

25 Sep 2009 21:53

shoo amen the daily is about to start, goodnite peeps :)

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