Day 31: 7 October 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 07 Oct 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 31.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.


07 Oct 2009 08:13

morning Addicts - 

Where are the night shift workers?  What time did the idiotz go to bed?  shem Granadilla

07 Oct 2009 08:38

Saw them playing soccer downstairs...granadilla was also downstairs....decided to sleep...who ended up winning the prize for the soccer tournament?

07 Oct 2009 09:26

The old K1 is coming's the story: K1 tells leentjie to tell people upstairs on bedroom duty to make the beds...leentjie comes back and says jeremy said he aint gonna make beds...K1 is pissed he is taking on itai and saying that he made beds when he was on duty...K1 is saying that he also cleans every single plate....this is stupid, itai decided that everyone makes their own beds and wash their own beds. K1 is angry and shouting why is he changing the rules now and not from monday...K1 better keep this up and he will be back in my good books....K1 thinks that itai is changing the rules bcoz people upstairs (jeremy kristal emma I think)uu don't wana do certain things!! Itai is saying that K1 can change the rules when he is hoh....can't wait for K1 to get drunk....luckily my alliance is not involved with this...kwakwakwa mzamo was also on K1 side.

07 Oct 2009 09:34

lol @ u and your alliance.....

07 Oct 2009 09:36

Eish this liz....Q asks who wants to go shower with me, geraldine? I know you want to! Liz: check with HOH firstm Q: he's crazy.....itai is so up next week, idziot he couldve changed the game, ja neh...

07 Oct 2009 09:36

Ka1 for the money!!

07 Oct 2009 09:41

MJJ hope you vote for the right people today?? Think about it Elizabeth has all kinds of sicknesses. Period pains, home sickness, headaches and she has a crying problem. Dont you think its time for her to go home?? by voting Kevin you saving her as well. and @ least we can have 1 naija

07 Oct 2009 09:42

Most of the idiotz are starting to open up - Q is getting arrogant, Leentjie, holding the glass closet handle (ta Segs) and Granadilla getting camera time - they better keep it like that.

07 Oct 2009 09:43

eish Q is also coming out of his shell this week.....what's up with him calling people crazy? I'm no longer surprise in anything coming out of Liz's mouth.......she and yakaka make the best DS for me................lemme vote for FSG

07 Oct 2009 09:45

I just voted, remind me after an hour peeps.

07 Oct 2009 09:45

Cande - i will vote for the right people next week.....i really can't stand both Yakaka and Smelly, don't see any entertainment from both of them............hell i even miss Paloma, she was better @ entertaining than these 2 idiotz

07 Oct 2009 09:52

This is the K1 that we were used to. Everyone is now downstairs having a meeting about whether people who clean upstairs must make beds. Jeremy doesn't want to and he and K1 almost took on each other....stupid lil sies interupted them by telling them task start in 5mins.

07 Oct 2009 09:58

And fsg is more entertainment? Plz...u must think of the big picture, if yakaka and H leave so do their votes that keep interesting people...

07 Oct 2009 10:14

Can someone please tell me....WHAT excatly did Itai do to piss people off!!!!???????

dark knight
07 Oct 2009 10:19

As much as i dislike yakaka...i don't want to see him go on Sunday. We need to have the friction of Itai not saving him....this will create a lot of drama!!

07 Oct 2009 10:32

He changed the rules about making beds (as above) and washing plates...liz and K1 specifically were not happy....itai is on some power trip... I don't know how more specific you want me to be, maybe get a pvr if you want the EXACT dialogue...

07 Oct 2009 10:38

Thanks...Paralyzer,...but i can see that you are still angry at me for that lousy comment i made........thanks for the update date.....I am with other words I understand and yes you have answered my question without using the EXACT dialogue.

07 Oct 2009 10:41

Lol TKSM what comment was this now??

07 Oct 2009 10:53

that no one gives great updates like WSG

07 Oct 2009 10:59

I forgot it was you...thanx for reminding me, now my responses can be more appropriate...

07 Oct 2009 11:03

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!  Ah!!!! paralyzer....eish lewena mara!!!!!!!!!Just get over it man!!!! kwakwakwa@ thanx for reminding me part!!

07 Oct 2009 11:04

Yacoob's boring guys he can go home, Smellington's going nowhere.

07 Oct 2009 11:11

just read somewhere - k1 says he didnt attend high school - but he attended school high

Lady D
07 Oct 2009 11:17

mzozy,which BB are you watching!if Yacob goes,Hennington goes,they are comrades in arms!

07 Oct 2009 11:19

Hello Addicts!!  What time is the DS sessions?  Will it be after one?  I can do DS sessions today, if it is before one I will tape and then update.  Have a meeting from twelve to  one!

But Piz must do Kelvin, Leentjie, Nkenna and Mzamo.  I don't understand them!

This work thing that I have going is just not on! 

07 Oct 2009 11:19

I know they're in pairs but they're voted seperately, so I wasn't thinking it means they leave in pairs, correct me if I'm wrong!!!

07 Oct 2009 11:23

haaaii suka man FK.....LOL!!!!!!!!!

Elizabeth can go............she has too many characters that I can't keep up with....Typical moody chick nje.....haai she can go!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to like Kevin but now he is not an asset to my viewing so it wouldn't hurt me to see him go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lady D
07 Oct 2009 11:45

im at the saloon and i made them tune in to BB,the inmates are playing soccer tied to their fello comrades!lol Yes Mzizo,they are evicted as partners!

07 Oct 2009 11:45

Mzozy tjo!!! Dear you are so wrong......what do you think I stopped watching.....cause the pairs are just now what i favourites are paired with the wrong peeps!!!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2009 11:56

Where is BS???

07 Oct 2009 12:03

I don't understand leentjie as well...I refuse kevin, but am on my way to an exam,lol. Last day. Jeremy's diary: itai is fine as a HOH but he lacks back bone and what to be friends wityh everyone. K1 pisses him off coz he knows which buttons to push and then he pushes and pushes until you flip, it annoys him so much. But it's fine it's just fine!!!! Hehehe, K1 for president ( I hate how these people make me go fcrom liking them to not), he managed to give jeremy some sort of personality,lol... I forgot to mention that whole "sacrifice me, if you have no choice" conversation K1 had with itai, CLASSIC REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY...itai is such a fool but at least we not gonn lose K1 and liz (now only if they can fight more with the quiet ones)..

Savanah Dry
07 Oct 2009 12:10

Hello addicts!!

good luck Piz  but doubt if u need it hey !!!

07 Oct 2009 12:12

Guys in the futere when giving updates please use the following format:


Session (Eg. Diary Session , Nomination ,  Evictions ,Task etc...)
Housemates name
Updates in details........and I mean EXACT dialog.

Your reactions whilst you were watching!


07 Oct 2009 12:17

hai hai hai TKSM - do you want the updates or the format?  

Please, Piz, I don't care how you present your updates and reactions - as long as I get it. lol

TKSM - uyasimoshela maan

07 Oct 2009 12:21


07 Oct 2009 12:21

Kevin changed as soon as the girls moved in, he was fun but not anymore....he should be evicted, just want to see how Naija will react to his leaving.

07 Oct 2009 12:22

I was not referring to Piz's updates  ; - )

07 Oct 2009 12:25

kwa kwa kwa I was not referring to Piz's updates ; - )  I hope so. 

07 Oct 2009 13:03

Updates of DS please

07 Oct 2009 13:29

haai bo.....we ma addicts kwenje jani????!!!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2009 13:33

The only person (Piz) giving us updates is on his way to an exam.

WSG said she'll be back after 1 - so any minute now we should be receiving something.

Eish - withdrawal symptoms

07 Oct 2009 13:39


Youjust lost out on an update. I just switched the TV on now and I'm not giving updates or reactions....

Wena nama formats akho can make a plan ke..... lol

07 Oct 2009 13:41

Addicts, I did not set recording, just left the TV on and thought I would just rewind.  But the woman who is cleaning my house decided that addicts were not entertaining, so she changed the channels.  Only got Jeremy, and then part of Quinn when I rewind. ,...  I don't know who I missed. Will have to see.

But I am still typing.  I will post Jeremy's now.

07 Oct 2009 13:42

Diary Session: Jeremy

Lil Sis asked what is up with all the smoking, and said it is a new fang (the lisp thing, I could not make out, so he could have said something else.) But he is not joining the other alliance.

Task is going well, he lost twice, but that is fine.

A lot of arguments in the house, the sport are helping but still a lot of arguments. The two arguments in the morning were just about ‘the same old, same old. Making bed, washing dishes. There are just no cooperation and people just love to argue in the house.’

He gets annoyed but tries not to say anything. Because it might just get him into trouble later on.

Itai is not bad as HOH, but he could be more firm sometimes. Itai can sometimes lack a backbone. He wants to agree with everybody and be everybody’s friend.

Because of the task, he likes Geraldine more. She is a good comrade, she is cooperating, she listens, she may not be the most athletic but she really tries.

Kaone can really really annoy him sometimes. He just talk (made some yapping movements with his hands to illustrate Kaone’s constant yapping) all the time, trying to push his buttons. He hates it.

Kaone was involved in the morning argument but even when it is not serious, Kaone would look for that button that is going to flip you, and he will push and push. That is what he does. Kaone really annoys him and he hopes that Africa is watching.

Truth be told, if he was not in the house, he would not have kept his mouth shut and other things would have happened. But it is fine.

Lil Sis then wanted to know if that is why he is smoking. He said no, it has not to do with Kaone, Big Brother is watching, Big Brother knows what is going on in the house.

Lil Sis pressed on and he replied that he just like going into his own personal space and reflects. That is all.

07 Oct 2009 13:43

What format?  Hah!  I'm doing no format.  You take it as it is, or leave it!!!!  I have asked for wine many moons ago and am still waiting.

07 Oct 2009 13:48

WSG - just ignore TKSM's demands.  

Thank you so much.  Its had being an addict - at first I was in denial but know, I need help.  My Fix

07 Oct 2009 13:49

KWAKWAKWA  Ja neh you guys really crack me up!!!!!!!!! know your updates ROCK!!!! And it was for that reason i got into trouble!!!! but then again Thanks once more for the ds.

07 Oct 2009 13:52

Diary Session: Quinn

(Just caught part of it)

Everyone in the group is enjoying the task. In general some take the game too serious. Jeremy hates losing, so sometimes he just gets too serious because he wants to win.
He does not worry too much about the HOH, does not talk to him unless it is necessary, and try to stay out of his way as much as possible. They, he and his alliance, do talk about who HOH swapped, that is the only time that he talks about Itai.

The task did not really make him like anyone specific more. Still got the same feeling about everybody. Though, he now saw another side of Jeremy, his wanting to always be the winner, but Jeremy is still his boy, he is still cool with Jeremy.

When there are arguments, he just keeps quiet and looks from a distance. Unless he is in it, but he is never in. He just sits back and enjoys the show.

He then wanted to know from Lil Sis about the wished on the tree, what is going on what that. Lil Sis told him that she does not share that kind of information.

07 Oct 2009 13:53 don't know how many times I hit the refresh button just to get ateast even a repeat of Jeremy's ds thanks to the woman who is cleaning WSG's house!!!!!!

07 Oct 2009 13:55

I can't stop laughing at the yapping hand movements you are describing ...didn't watch coz this colleaques of mine here are always yapping like Kaone...

07 Oct 2009 13:56

Truth be told, if he was not in the house, he would not have kept his mouth shut and other things would have happened. But it is fine.   Oh my Kaone will soon be slapped by Jeremy.

07 Oct 2009 14:05

Diary Session: Liz

There was a bit of a squabble in the morning, but she thinks they are cool now. The squabble was about chores, she thinks. Some did not want to make beds, while the others, when it was their turn to do the room, made the beds. Now this group said that they did not want to make beds. Apparently their beds have never been made, or something likes that, or they do not want to make somebody else’s bed. So, everyone must make their own beds. And in the kitchen, people don’t clean after themselves, and all of that.

In arguments like that, she says what she has to say, and listens to what she wants to listen to.

The task is fun, considering that she knows nothing about soccer. She enjoys it, thinks that all of them are enjoying it. It is much much better than last week’s task.

Kaone motivates, he helps her a lot, lifts her spirits even when she kicks the ball to the left when she had to kick it to the right, he would say it is good, you did well or something like that. He oozes positive energy.

She is not discovering a new talent in soccer; she could never just run after a ball for 90 minutes.

She does not like any specific person more because of the task. She still likes the same person, not really hating anyone.

Cleaning up after people is the most difficult for her in the house. It is disgusting, it is irritating, and leads to a lot of arguments about it. And that also irritates her.

07 Oct 2009 14:14

She is not discovering a new talent in soccer; she could never just run after a ball for 90 minutes. 

ROFLMAO!!! Trust Liz to say that!!!!!!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2009 14:25

Diary Session: Mzamo

She is jovial, lighthearted, happy spirited. Woke up like that and the task is entertaining.

She is getting better at her signature trick, practicing with Leonelle.

It is going between her and her comrade, Leonelle. She gave him cigarettes to keep cause where she kept them, they got jacked. But now he is rationing her. She guessed she agreed to it, though she most probably did not understand him when they made the agreement. So, she if she did not understand him before, then it is her fault.

When he keeps the cigarettes away from him, she puts on a puppy face and eventually gets it. But they agreed yesterday, that she would get two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two in the evening.

Everyone in the group is getting along right now just because everyone felt like they are in the front line, cause no one is sure about Itai’s decision. Everybody is scrutinizing what Itai says, the decisions he is making. And some people are making decisions for him as HOH.

She thinks Itai is doing ok as HOH but he should not be so diplomatic.

07 Oct 2009 14:39

Diary Session: Itai

He enjoyed the three-legged football. That was the better part of the day. The housekeeping part did not go well. There were few misunderstandings.

Jeremy was cleaning upstairs and he did not feel that he should make the beds for everybody and he, Itai, kinda of agreed with Jeremy. But there has been the system that those who were cleaning may make the beds.

He then decided that people should make their own beds and he took it downstairs. Kaone, Liz and some others were against that decision. So, they were trying to come to an understanding. The resolution is that they, who are cleaning the room, if they want, they can make the beds. And if the bed is not made, then the owner of the bed must make it anyway. That is the consensus so far, but tomorrow will tell. He will wait and see what happens tomorrow.

He is doing OK being HOH, luckily the task is a lot of fun because people are more anxious about the switch in comparison with previous weeks. From the information he got from the house, people are a bit worried about the switch. They don’t know what to think, everybody suspects that they might be up. So being HOH is OK, because he was immune this week. And he got to save someone who he feels, by principle, he should be loyal to.

Never been in a situation with people being so tense but he does understand why people are tense. But Sunday will come and people can resolve that. They would be able to work out how they feel about certain decisions, and they would be able to react to it whichever way they please.

Of course the tension does not feel good, but it is part of everything and he live with it.

People are still reacting to him normally, it seems normal so far. He can’t make anything of it because there are not as many discussions as before. At the moment it is just about suspicions and worries. But during conversations with them, it seems normal. He does not know they feel in their private space or with someone else.

He would not mind being HOH again especially now with the all the decision he had to make, he would need to be HOH again. But even if he is not, he would just to wait and see what happens.

07 Oct 2009 14:48

He would not mind being HOH again especially now with the all the decision he had to make, he would need to be HOH again

Itai desperately wants the HOH title.  He's been saying this since Monday.

07 Oct 2009 14:48

sho! make me feel like i am watching!!!!!!!great stuff man thanks!!!!

07 Oct 2009 15:19

Diary Session: Geraldine

She is cool, energy is back. Everyone is not so moody. The mood is good because of the task, it is fun. Their minds are focusing on something else.

She discovered that she can kick very well, she can’t dribble, does not have tricks, but she can kick.

Her comrade is good, she was not sure if he could play soccer, but he is good. Her leg is a bit sore, because she kept on falling. But it is good.

It was good being in the finals, but yesterday Jeremy cheated and she was glad when the other team won. But today she was actually happy to be in the finals.

Jeremy cheated yesterday, (I think she was trying to say that his eyes were not properly covered by the blindfold), he would get the ball and just score. It was too obvious that he cheated.

The group handled Jeremy cheating situation well.

Everyone is trying to get along. But there is still tension because of what happened in the morning about the cleaning. And everyone is just scared and tensed about Sunday. The comrade situation is just annoying.

The cleaning, chores situation, making beds, would not have been such a big issue before. But now everyone is just looking for something to fight about.

The HOH is trying but he is not as tough as Elizabeth. But he is trying.

She tries not to get involve, but she wants to scream, but she just breathes, and not argues. (I could not get this part, the accent... but I think that is what she said)

She just enjoys the punishment, Lil Sis may think they are punishing her, but she enjoys it, staying awake and admires the house.

07 Oct 2009 15:35

Diary Session: Kaone

He hopes that the people in the house won’t be able to hear what he said. He was really freaked this morning when Itai came for battery change and some instruction. They could hear the whole conversation in the house. So, he does not feel comfortable with the session.

Lil Sis told Kaone that if the door handle is up, then people cannot hear outside. So it meant that whoever was in the diary room did not close the door properly. Kaone responded that it was not about the door, the sound came through the speakers in the house. Lil Sis responded that it never happened before and it will never happen again. And it has to do with the lock on the door, if the door handle is not up, then the room is not soundproof.

The group is getting along well, it is just that people are conscious that the game is about to wrap up. They are started to do their own math, but they are getting along cautiously.

The chores had been going well until today. The only confusions they had been with the schedule. But now, there are some people who do not want to some parts of the chores. And it is not good. He feels that they should all participate in making the house look good, whatever the chore is. For instance if he had to do the bathroom, and if another person feel that their bathroom has to look nice, then he should do it, and he expects that somebody else would do the same. Everybody should participate.

Today the issue was about making bed. Yesterday his bed was not made, he made his own bed. In the kitchen, people would leave their stuff whatever wherever, and he would voluntarily clean it. If he feels that the sink, where they brush their teeth, is dirty, he would clean it. Because it is for the sake of his own hygiene.

He would not usually confront the person who is suppose to do it because they would feel directly offended by him in such instances.

Yacob has been doing the chore, but he has not been monitoring his performance or whatever he was told to do. But yesterday Elizabeth complained about him not really doing a clean job to the effect that they had to redo it. They were worried about their own hygiene. So, it is implying that the toothbrush is not doing it properly, or he is not doing it properly.

The task is very good, it is very entertaining, and it brings everybody together. It also helps them to get to know each other better. He and his partners are also cool, they get to know and understand each other. He thinks that may not have gotten the opportunity for the two of them to create a bond, if it was not for the task.

07 Oct 2009 15:55

sho! make me feel like i am watching!!!!!!!great stuff man thanks!!!!

That's why I've left the diary room capturing to her!!!! Thanks WSG

07 Oct 2009 16:02

Diary Session: Eddie

Today’s task was more fun that yesterday’s task.

He and his comrade played well today, talked to each other, and gave each other directions. But they have not spoken much about being partners. He does not think they are going to talk about it. She is going to do her thing and he is going to do his thing.

The guys in his alliance are still freaking out, but he is more laidback because he does not hear this whole yapping yapping. Hannington is trying to play it cool because he is up for nomination.

He is not going to change his game; he is just going to be who is. He is just going to be himself, if he is voted out, then so be it, not going to do something funky. Let Africa vote.

He will still decided about staying in his alliance or play the game on his own, if he sees it is getting out of hand. Yacob is the person who is trying to hold it together, so he just has to wait and see.

Everybody seems to enjoy his presence, he is a cool cat. He is just trying to make sure that there is still laughter in the group, making jokes and fun comments. He is trying to bring positive energy.

07 Oct 2009 16:09

Diary Session: Yacob

His cocktail chore is going; he is trying to be persistent in not forgetting to do it, not to skip it. He is kinda of in a routing to get a hang of it. Sometimes people would urinate all over the toilet, so it gets difficult sometimes. Just a lot of urine, but he requested a glove and hopefully it will be in the next shopping list. And then it would be better.

The task is going well, today’s was just a little more difficult because they fell a lot and the latches that they used to tie them together were just uncomfortable. But it is fun, about the most fun task they have done since Thriller.

It is going well with him and his comrade; it has always been going well with Hannington. He is pretty easy to figure out; he is just not that complicated, or mysterious, he would let you know straight up. If he is upset, you can tell, if he is joking, you can tell. That is what he likes about Hannington; he just tells it like it is.

Itai is very stressed this week; you can see it on his face. And from the stuff that he has been telling them, it seems as if he is very worried. He doesn’t know what kinda of a decision he made, but he keeps telling them that it is pretty much over for him; that he signed his own death in the game. He still has confidence in Itai that he has done the right thing, whatever that it is.

He is still confident that he and his alliance can survive in the game if they can get HOH this week and if he and Hannington would survive on Sunday.

He just wants Sunday to come around, very anxious and just wants that whole process out of the way. He feels that would still be in the house, and if he is not, he just wants to see what is in the outside world. He wants to see how people perceived him, how he impacted anybody if at all. He is just anxious, wants to get it out of the way. The whole wait is kinda of nerve wrecking.

07 Oct 2009 16:15

but she enjoys it, staying awake and admires the house.  we are getting somewhere with Hov's mute

07 Oct 2009 16:18

Lil Sis told Kaone that if the door handle is up, then people cannot hear outside. So it meant that whoever was in the diary room did not close the door properly. Kaone responded that it was not about the door, the sound came through the speakers in the house. Lil Sis responded that it never happened before and it will never happen again. And it has to do with the lock on the door, if the door handle is not up, then the room is not soundproof. 

Another confirmation - lil Sies is THICK

07 Oct 2009 16:21

Yakahaha - He is just anxious, wants to get it out of the way. The whole wait is kinda of nerve wrecking

We have noticed - and I actually like it

07 Oct 2009 16:23

Thanks WSG -

07 Oct 2009 16:26

You addicts are stars!!!!!!! Haven't seen the idiotz in days but I kinda have thanks to all of you!!! You rock...

07 Oct 2009 16:46

Diary Session: Emma

The group played, but some people are taking it more serious than others, some just enjoy it, some get really into the game and ended up arguing. But at the end of the game it does not really affect anyone.

Jeremy is taking it very seriously. He does not like to lose. Leonelle also takes it very seriously.

She is getting along well with her comrade. She had fun playing the three-legged soccer with him. He is funny, so it ok. Outside of the task, they talk when they have to but they are not that close. 

Then she asked for her shades and Lil Sis said that she would get back to her.  

(Ah!!! this is not right, these housemates had been asking for their things for weeks now, Emma asked her shades, Kristal asked for her sneakers, ... I think Jeremy asked for his monthly contacts and solution, .. some asked for other things that were taken out of their luggage,.. and this woman just said she will come back to them.  This is not right. The organization of it all sucks big time.)

07 Oct 2009 17:16

Then she asked for her shades and Lil Sis said that she would get back to her.

(Ah!!! this is not right, these housemates had been asking for their things for weeks now, Emma asked her shades, Kristal asked for her sneakers, ... I think Jeremy asked for his monthly contacts and solution, .. some asked for other things that were taken out of their luggage,.. and this woman just said she will come back to them. This is not right. The organization of it all sucks big time.)

I am surprised she gave that response. Was expecting something like - "you can use your sa sha's for that"

07 Oct 2009 17:24

@FK:  But it is their stuff, Lil Sis and her other relatives took it from their luggage.  Like Jeremy explained to her several times, that he brough his monthly contacts with him, but they took it out of his luggage.  Same with Kristal, she said that her sneakers are not branded, and she has been using Elizabeth's sneakers for gim in the morning. 

It has been a month and she is still giving the same reply: will get back to you.

07 Oct 2009 17:34

@WSG - do you have Leentjie's DS?  Apparentely shim is still hung up on that money spending conversation shim had with Liz and Emma kwa kwa kwa.

07 Oct 2009 17:41

Sorry!!  No!  What did my Leentjie had to say?  Also missed the ds of Miss Racist Caramel One.

07 Oct 2009 17:49

Anyone of you addicts saw the convo between Yakakaka, Itai, Hannetjie and Eddie?  I only caught the last couple of lines, and the music was very loud.  But it was about leaving, and how much notice you have to give.  And then they mentioned about 'her grandfather was the President of Mozambique.'

I am going to rewind it now. THANK YOU PVR!!!  Best overspent I have committed.

07 Oct 2009 17:56


In his Diary Session with Big Brother earlier, Leonel told Big Brother that he really couldn’t connect with Liz and Emma. When Biggie asked him why this is so, he replied that it was because he couldn’t identify with them as they had such different backgrounds. A few days ago, Liz and Emma were discussing their expectations of men, and how they spend their money.

from the mnet blog

07 Oct 2009 18:13

Itai told Hannington he would get shot by Liz’s boyfriend the day he walks out.

Ok, rewinded:

They (Hannington, Itai, Yakakaka and Eddie) were discussing how long notice you must give if in case of voluntarily exit.

Itai said that the contract states that you can leave within 24 hours for anything, medical emergencies, death anything.

Yakaka then wanted to know why Jen did not leave within 24 hours. Hannington replied that he thinks Lil Sis told her you can leave now or on Sunday.

Yakaka then said that he thinks that her family, maybe her father wanted her out. He then said that her grandfather was the President of Mozambique. The others were surprised to hear that.

Then they discussed her behavior in the house, and Yakaka was refereeing to her ‘ass shaking’, ‘little skimpy skirts’, what else was going on in the house, and then they mentioned Erastus and what he was doing.

Yakaka then said that maybe it was too much for the family, they probably read the contract and was thinking ‘how can we get her out as soon as possible’; that maybe they got lawyers and think that medical emergency would get her out, then it won’t look bad on her.

Then they mentioned that she did not cry her eyes out the whole day that she was partying that same day. And she partied till she left because she knew what was up.

There was no way that one would party like that knowing that they had a family emergency.

07 Oct 2009 18:15

I am surprised that Lil Sis did not censor that conversation.

07 Oct 2009 19:25

@WSG - I did say that this THICK SIES is a moron.  But how did Yakaka know that she was the granddaughter of the president?  And when was it mentioned that she is leaving for medical reasons?

I see that they are busy eating, the non smokers left the table and Yakaka was whispering something - anyone had the skinner?

07 Oct 2009 19:26

anyone HEARD the skinner?

07 Oct 2009 19:36

neee man - can someone please tell this Nkenna to chew properly.  No wonder Kevin was blaming her for behaving like a typical nigerian.  he says she has to style up abit........she should think a little bit western

07 Oct 2009 19:40

This FSG has very bad skin for a model and beauty queen.

07 Oct 2009 19:54

Oh wonderful addicts! You rock people,the whole lot of u. lol @TKSM going all Liz on us.format nogal!u r mad wana irritate u with my nite shift "format".

07 Oct 2009 20:07

the idiotz are rehearsing their 2010 anthem and emma just called Kevin to come rap.  

Emma's voice is not that bad.  Better than Nkenna's

07 Oct 2009 20:07

WSG, i was thinking the same bout FSG's skin,hair and nails.kristal and liz r way better than her in taking care of those depts and they are not Miss what-what.Nakenna is a mess,she needs to get the right braz 4 her vests.i cant stand her black bra straps anymore

07 Oct 2009 20:09

addicts - did you witness the prayer session that was held by naijas?

WSG please rewind :-) Thanks

07 Oct 2009 20:10

What u mean FK?better that Nakenna?is Nakenna a budding musician as well or in general!the track sounds awesome.

07 Oct 2009 20:11

Why is quinn not participating - is he vocally challenged? 

07 Oct 2009 20:12

Lol! u lie?prayer nogal!

07 Oct 2009 20:13

I heard from Oboma that she was praying and singing earlier on. kwa kwa kwa - you have to read those threads.  Those peeps at Oboma are on some level.  I will steal some of it and paste it here

07 Oct 2009 20:15

OCT 7, 2009 5:56 PM | Report as offensive
Eish Gillian, this is wot Nigeria calls entertainment...lets kick this fake rapper priest wannabe out
Vote Hannington

OCT 7, 2009 5:59 PM | Report as offensive
Guys we have to be sooooo grateful that Nkenna lowers her volume when she's praising her Lord - it was bad enough, but hell if sung at her normal volume, it could have been a lot worse. Hal.llelujah!

OCT 7, 2009 6:00 PM | Report as offensive
OMW ... they been screaming like lunatics Kevin and Nkenna
a minute ago
Now the 3 Nigerians upstairs praying and singing

I tell you Africa we got to start evicting 1 Nigerian and its just happens to be Kevin

Otherwise we going to see all 3 in the final ..... nobody wants to nominate them out of fear and they will not nominate each other

Kevin got to go home

07 Oct 2009 20:28

Mmmh...! Emma doesnt like Kristal's bits and pieces she's suggesting about the track.

07 Oct 2009 20:31

and what is wrong with uncle yakaka?  This man likes texting himself - full of kaka

07 Oct 2009 20:32

Lol!thanx boy (yakahaha)is not interested at all in joining the singing.

07 Oct 2009 20:34

Yakob realizes that all he has to do is hang on to Hannington and he'll survive. Thats why he's just sitting there not doing anything for this task.

07 Oct 2009 20:35

Shurrup FK,i dont want him active it doesnt suit him lol!i would have loved to hear his american barratone.

07 Oct 2009 20:38

PS this song sucks...who came up with this tune? 

Mmmmba, Paduuumba.

Just no man.

07 Oct 2009 20:39

Hovi,kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!he's clapping and smiling aint that sumthin?

07 Oct 2009 20:40

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa  - Quinn saying to Kris  "ja ja ja, its okay, English is not your mother tongue"

07 Oct 2009 20:42

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!u r too hard to please!KeLvin repping eeuyuw!

07 Oct 2009 20:43

Ja cinga - what's up with Emma not taking Kris's suggestions - lol.  Of which she is making sense.  This song says nothing about soccer - just talks about BBA 2010

07 Oct 2009 20:46

Quinn is full of kak man - Leentjie was trying to make a suggestion on how to move to a fast tempo and he mumbled "o setlaela man"  you are in idiot

07 Oct 2009 20:47

Big brada,2010,yes we can 2010 badumpa-mpadum!2010 bigbrada.lyrics of the song.

07 Oct 2009 20:50

Emma thinks she owns the task coz of idol's voice.

07 Oct 2009 20:50

<<addicts - did you witness the prayer session that was held by naijas? 
WSG please rewind :-) Thanks>>
@FK: Solly!  Did not watch that, am solving a crime in Las Vegas.  Had enough of the idiotz, and I can't stand the singing.  Will watch when my girl gets some alcohol, I hate seeing her suffering through this sober thing they put her on.

<<Why is quinn not participating - is he vocally challenged?>>
@ Maybe he is above this singing thing? He has quite the arrogant streak, and he is undergoing quite a lot of changes. After he left the diary room today, he called on Geraldine, asking her if she is taking a shower, and if he can join her. 

<<Shurrup FK,i dont want him active it doesnt suit him lol!i would have loved to hear his american barratone.>>
  Why did you have to say that,.. cause I actually went on the crazy trip and imagined him singing in barritone voice, laced with the twang.  Dang! Dang!  
You don't want him moving?  You should see him during the soccer tasks,.. it is a sight.  He is moving like a drunk blind person.

07 Oct 2009 20:51

Eish, my favorites went from Kevin, to Eddie and now to Mzamo. I guess I don't care anymore who leaves or stays. They all suck.

07 Oct 2009 20:53

Quinn wont pull that bully isht with the real men.Leentjie is everyone's target and he strikes back.what do Zim coloureds speak?

07 Oct 2009 20:57

Yep, the Kelvin's rapping is irritating not only us, according to the O-peeps (FK's favorite new place) the SA Queen said that he can't stand Kelvin's rapping.

07 Oct 2009 21:03

O-peeps (FK's favorite new place) 

Do you blame me - I did cry out for help - withdrawal symptoms - want to quit bba4 but can't.  I find myself all over the sites with bba4 on.

But I must say, noone recaps like you guys - you are brilliant.  Hence I am asking you to rewind the prayer session and give it to us in a manner that only tvsa addicts understands - format and al

07 Oct 2009 21:06

@FK:  All over the place?  The net?  Ah, but only Sego read the article on my blog!!  

I also pop over to Obamo now and then,... but I am too scared of those peeps, they are scary, hectic.

07 Oct 2009 21:10

what blog ?- please give me the address.

You guys make me do that.  I get frustrated during the day when there are no updates - eish this addiction

07 Oct 2009 21:12

If you think Quinn is arrogant now, just wait until he gets out of the house and into the public again...the guy's gonna be an instant celebrity among the black community, and it'll go to his head.


07 Oct 2009 21:15

@FK:  Google : WhiteSockGirl, Splintered Life blogspot, Big Brother Africa Revolution.

Are they still singing?

07 Oct 2009 21:19

Ta - no, they are talking hair now.

07 Oct 2009 21:23

Granadilla says she wears size 8 shoes. Damn thats huge for a woman. It'll take me 6 hours to give her a foot massage.

07 Oct 2009 21:39

hey - WSG - interesting -very interesting - how often do you post articles?  I think I have found myself another addiction after BBA4 before American idols.

I just finished reading your BBA addiction.  You are good - I think it is time you quit your day job and go work with Cassandra NOT

07 Oct 2009 21:42

Liz was also with the nigerians praying....that was this kristal is saying that she won't speak to itai if he didn't save more ipdates from me during the day...format???????? I blog from my phone son ja!

07 Oct 2009 21:44

Kristal is a pro at this BBA game. Now she's badmouthing Yakob to the Gidiots.

07 Oct 2009 21:45

@FK: Used to post three, four times a week,.. before Big Brother Africa.  Now,  I am neglecting my blog, ..,  actually feel bad about  neglecting it as it was just becoming popular with international bloggers. 

But dang, addiction to BBA is a problem. 

Cnga is here!  She can't sing here anymore,... the volume is too high!!

07 Oct 2009 21:53

Piz - don't be like that man - must I suffer now because of the format?  I did say that I don't care about the format - i just want updates.  Ok ke, please pm me the updates.  Thanking you in advance.

Were you seriously writing today?

07 Oct 2009 21:54

@cngle, kristal speaks shona

07 Oct 2009 22:02

The girls are reminiscing about their week in the palace together. Even Mzamo is there. They're saying the miss the food, no greed, the alcohol.

Kristal says "But it's like people went mad the minute they say peepee"

07 Oct 2009 22:11

Bathong Kristal and Q...mtjo I heard Q saying English is not Kristal's home language......did Ms high-class really say she's tired of Kevin's rapping? Tjo I thought she loved 9ija boyz

07 Oct 2009 22:17

did Ms high-class really say she's tired of Kevin's rapping? Tjo I thought she loved 9ija boyz

@no, it was not Liz, it was Quinn, who is now finding his inner arrogance..

08 Oct 2009 15:06

TKSM: I am still trhe headmistress... Okay! lol!

12 Oct 2009 08:56

@Lady D and TKSM, now understand they leave in pairs, this pairs thing is just nonsense!

12 Oct 2009 08:58

@Lady D and TKSM, now I understand they leave in pairs, this pairs thing is just nonsense!

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